89-Year-Old Vet and Preschooler Reunite
An unlikely friendship that went from their backyards to viral now starts a new chapter. Watch WWII veteran Erling Kindem reunite with his 3-year-old best buddy Emmett Rychner at his new home.
An unlikely friendship that went from their backyards to viral now starts a new chapter. Watch WWII veteran Erling Kindem reunite with his 3-year-old best buddy Emmett Rychner at his new home.
September 19, 2014 @ 12:59 pm
This is such a heartwarming story. Was so happy to see that Mr. Kindem and cute Emmett and his family stay in touch. Nice to see a follow-up to the first story and hope we see further updates on this lovely friendship. What BFF’s! Just touched my heart.