Scotland’s Oldest Woman Shares Her Secret to Living Longer
Aberdeen pensioner Jessie Gallan, thought to be Scotland’s oldest woman after celebrating her 108th birthday on January 2, has a bowl of porridge every day.
Aberdeen pensioner Jessie Gallan, thought to be Scotland’s oldest woman after celebrating her 108th birthday on January 2, has a bowl of porridge every day.
October 15, 2016 @ 1:16 pm
Jessie, it has been nearly 2 years ago when I noted your age. I hope you are still with us, but if you are not, I know you are in Heaven, and no doubt you are with God. You are a Blessing from God up above, and there is no doubt, you have all of God’s love.
An admiral, and give you my love.
January 27, 2015 @ 11:39 pm
Jessie you are a very special person. God Bless You! My grandmother’s name was Jessie 🙂