Life is a Miracle
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Life is a miracle
don’t let it slip away,
Open your heart to others
give of yourself each day.
See the beauty in everyone
regardless of where they’ve been,
Some have a difficult journey
and really need a friend.
Share your gifts and talents
listen with your heart.
Do the things you dream about
but don’t have time to start.
Pick a bouquet of flowers
show someone that you care,
Be gracious and forgiving
life is never fair.
Hold on to your courage
you may need it down the road,
We all have a cross to bear
it could be a heavy load.
If you practice all these things
no matter where you roam,
You may find both sun and rain
but you’ll never feel alone!
© Author Unknown
Music © Bernd Krueger
October 19, 2013 @ 8:14 am
Warm hugs to Father,Dr J and the Moon
Just read an old time favourite-
An old man told his grandson, “There is a battle between two wolves inside all of us. One is Evil (it is anger, jealousy, greed and resentment), and the other wolf is Good (it is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and compassion).” The boy asked, “Which wolf wins?” And the old man quietly replied, “The one you feed”.
I believe it’s an old Native American story that was passed down from generation to generation, and I hope it continues to reach people’s hearts all over the world. Namaste.
– Buddhist Boot Camp
March 28, 2013 @ 11:00 am
P.S. Thank you Dentalbils for your compliment… GOD BLESS…
March 28, 2013 @ 10:58 am
“Be gracious and forgiving, life is never fair.” That line alone is comforting to me… Forgiveness is sometimes
hard to do, but doable and you feel happier after doing this. “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” So true… so true…
March 31, 2012 @ 10:24 am
That was beautifully written. You sound like a very talented lady. Let us all be impeccable with our word. Let us not forget how powerful our words can be. Perhaps God was trying to teach both you and your friend that very lesson. Because God sees ALL, and Kindness is the most important thing in the world. Let us rise above, and forgive.
March 31, 2012 @ 9:55 am
That is beautifully written. It is very true. sometimes people don’t realize how powerful words can be until it is too late…. Never underestimate the power of the ‘WORD’. Yes, God wants us all to forgive each other and to be kind in speech and writings….
March 31, 2012 @ 3:00 am
There isn’t nothing in this world better than a real true friend and l am grateful for the few l have, and this is a very true and inspiring poem , Thank You , nethugs.
March 31, 2012 @ 2:41 am
There are so many people in the world that need a friend. Are we so wrapped up in our own personal lives that we don’t see those people that need a friend, just someone to talk to, to listen, to be there in their time of need? God has given each of us the opportunity each day to reach out to someone, and each day I try to follow my goal of making one person smile a day, or reach out and touch someone, in some way, shape or form. There are many lonely people in the world, and if you just stop and look around, what a difference we could make to them…think about it and take action. You’ll feel better inside of yourself. Beautiful poem, inspirational words.
November 4, 2011 @ 3:24 pm
A good advice/inspiration
July 18, 2011 @ 4:41 pm
Life is beautiful miracle we have to see and appreciate! Dry land everywhere or green meadow of mountains or fertile ground with colourful flowers or crops of rich harvest, all are our Earth we live in and is indeed a miracle to enjoy forever!
July 18, 2011 @ 12:27 pm
The life GOD has given each one of us is truly a miracle, if follow the great teachings HE has given to us. The poem was truly beautiful and we need to take it to heart, as it is full of grand guidance for GOD’S children.
April 11, 2011 @ 6:51 pm
it is beautifull like the others…very true…there iks nothing like a true friend…
November 15, 2010 @ 11:34 am
Very interesting and good poem
October 8, 2010 @ 4:29 am
Life is truly a miracle!!!!!!!
October 7, 2010 @ 9:20 am
October 7, 2010 @ 4:02 am
Every Day is Thanksgiving. Thank God for the miracle of Life and live it the best way you can.
October 7, 2010 @ 2:13 am
Thanks Anyuta for that wonderful story about the little girl. It brought back sweet memories of time gone……….
October 6, 2010 @ 10:18 am
Thank you for sharing about the little girl and mother running in the rain. As I sit here with tears in my eyes, I am reminded just how good God is. My husband and myself have been through the rain financially but you know there is always a rainbow. No matter how bad it gets, God is always there to pick us up. I love this poem, it truly has a message in it. I try to lift up people if I see they are not feeling well or they just need a kind work. You don’t know what that person is going through and I know how it feels. So say something nice to someone or just smile. It makes a difference.
June 15, 2010 @ 2:02 pm
i loved this page,,and i injoyed the pictures.
June 15, 2010 @ 10:28 am
it is really such a beautiful poem! and give us such great encouragement! very enjoy it again!
June 15, 2010 @ 8:08 am
True words as Life is a miracle indeed. I’ve just gone through sun and rain and these words seem to be made for me. Thank you Lord for being so good to me!
June 15, 2010 @ 8:00 am
June 15, 2010 @ 7:50 am
It is a miracle life on Earth is! For all woes there are solutions! Both good and bad are there and sufferings and joy also come one after the other to make life a complete one and a miracle!
January 28, 2010 @ 12:40 pm
This is so beautiful and meaningful. Love it.
January 25, 2010 @ 8:55 am
Thanx to the writer for this beautiful art of work that’s so inspiring.
January 25, 2010 @ 8:26 am
Life is truelly a miracle, what a beautiful message. Thanks
January 25, 2010 @ 12:33 am
It says very well about life ! and how we shall see it , feel it,,, and to live on it! and to love life!
very thoughtful words and heartfelt sighs! very enjoy it!
January 24, 2010 @ 4:22 pm
Your comment and explanation was very sweet . I wish you and your loved one lots of happiness.
Blessings Elizabeth W.
January 24, 2010 @ 3:52 am
This is a beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing it with me…
January 23, 2010 @ 2:32 am
thanks for another stuff, a heart opening to everyone. we should not forget to do good things to others. Life is good and thanks God for that.
October 29, 2009 @ 12:03 pm
Thank GOD for the miracle of life. Just try to lead it the best you can man.
October 2, 2009 @ 3:12 am
Indisputably, life is a miracle. Loved ones turn against you, trusted ones deceive you, hardwork will not count as much as psychophancy, etc…
September 29, 2009 @ 3:24 am
To you my friend, God is so good to be kind and faithful. Let’s make it holy in his name. Praise be to God in all his creatures heaven and earth.
September 28, 2009 @ 12:42 pm
Life is a miracle ! Sleeping and waking up daily is a miraculous package from GOD. I just want to thank you LORD for the miracle of daily living with friends, colleagues, family and love ones to share each day with; not to talk of your provisions; the free gift of air to breath, ray of sunshine, rain to grow the farm produce, beautiful flowing rivers and the nature all around to compliment ! What a wonder work of GOD. Thanks for this beautiful e-card to remind me of the awesomeness power of my Creator and Source; the GOD ALMIGHTY
September 28, 2009 @ 1:10 am
I am so sorry to hear about Brenda’s mother!I truly believe these ecards become more beautiful each day, thank you for sending them to me. After I send this I will pray for Brenda and her family.
September 27, 2009 @ 5:41 pm
This is a beautiful poem. I will pass it on to all of my friends. Life is a Miracle any way you see it.
September 27, 2009 @ 4:13 pm
Thank you my friend for your inspirated and meaningful message…
September 26, 2009 @ 7:12 pm
Life is a miracle and short. Do what you can do to make someones life a little brighter
September 26, 2009 @ 3:46 pm
Life is indeed a miracle, a precious gift from God to be spent as He directs. He forgave us, so we ought to forgive one another. God is good, and life in Him is life abundant, precious and meaningful.
September 26, 2009 @ 11:25 am
She always has a remark…That really makes me feel bad
I try to rise above it…But it truly makes me sad
My husband says to forget it..Forget it…it’ll go away
But next day its still the same…Week after week, day to day
Then something happened to her…She seemed very very sad
She said she was truly sick And the prognosis was bad
My heart went swiftly to her…I prayed that she would be well
She and I get along now…Give LOVE…you never can tell
Kind thoughts replaced the bad ones..Words of LOVE I now gather
Written by Elizabeth M. Wright Love ya…
September 26, 2009 @ 9:24 am
Oh so Beautiful!….the pictures, the music and the beautiful words!….thank you for letting me be apart of such a wonderful message of “GOD”…God Bless all of you!…Bev.
September 26, 2009 @ 1:39 am
this is beautifull card with marvelous words and music of love and thinkings
thank you so much ..blessing for all
September 26, 2009 @ 12:21 am
This is nice and it came at time of need.Thanks for your wonderful work.
September 26, 2009 @ 12:20 am
This is nice and it came at of need.Thanks for your wonderful work.
September 26, 2009 @ 12:03 am
July 24, 2009 @ 2:43 am
wow wht a wonderful poem……it dweels my heart
July 16, 2009 @ 7:15 am
What a great and wonderful message!!! I love it and it made me cry because GOD is so good.
May 29, 2009 @ 6:01 am
I thought this was such a beautiful, message. Life is such a miracle, with all it’s ups, and downs. Life for me, is a gift from God. He gave it, and He can take it away.
I am so blessed, to be amongst the land, of the living. Each day, I want it to be of something that I have learned, loved, lived, and was happy.
I also, want to let you know, that you are appreciated. You are best friend to me.
I hope, you had a wonderful day.
May 29, 2009 @ 2:19 am
May 26, 2009 @ 12:05 am
Love You
May 25, 2009 @ 1:38 am
Life is really a miracle, because you know non deserves it but it is only by the Grace of God.thank you for the inspiring message. God Bless you.
May 22, 2009 @ 9:40 pm
Thank you for this beautiful and inspiring card. God is so good and he supplies us with all we need, including the mountains, hills, seas, rivers, forests, friends and most of all he gave us our brother, Jesus, and I am so thankful to Jesus for dying on the cross just for “our sins” to be forgiven. We are so lucky and so loved by our Father above. God Bless You All — “Follow me for I am the light.”
May 22, 2009 @ 8:44 pm
i really like this poem, soo wise.
Thank you.
May 22, 2009 @ 6:56 pm
May 22, 2009 @ 10:20 am
thankyou lord for my life which is soprecious and beautiful.
May 22, 2009 @ 8:38 am
life is a miracle and life is beautiful if only you can follow the footstep of our lord Jesus Christ.He has given us aboundant life through is death on the cross.He gave us joy, peace,love and everything that pertain to life and godliness.I LOVE YOU LORD .
May 22, 2009 @ 5:49 am
waw!this is AMAZING and PLAESANT and heart TOUCHING!!
May 22, 2009 @ 2:08 am
Yes, life is a miracle and we need to live each day humbly before God. And if possible, live for others too. Because we never know who is in need of our love, kindness, and a word of incouragement.
May 21, 2009 @ 10:54 pm
thank you lord for loving me i am a sinner and i am not deserving of your love thank you for a every minute im alive you are my lord of lords and king of kings in jesus name i love you lord
May 21, 2009 @ 10:50 pm
Every day that you get older, you start to realize that GOD is more in control of your life than you ever figured. The more you let him have that control, the better you feel. If HE is in charge, what can go wrong. Rev. Bernie & Terry
May 21, 2009 @ 9:58 pm
thank you for sending me such a nice message….
May 21, 2009 @ 6:06 pm
Life is a Miracle a Beautiful Gift from God.
He Gave his best for us when we were and are so unworthey.
Each breath, each morning we get up, the sun, the beauty of
nature . He freely went to Calvery and took our place.
He is waiting for us to accept him as Lord and Saviour of our lives.
May 21, 2009 @ 2:45 pm
is really nice,i like it
May 21, 2009 @ 1:46 pm
HELLO just want to thank you for this beautiful card
May 21, 2009 @ 1:35 pm
Yes, life is a miracle and we must to enjoy every moment
with the same intensity.
May 21, 2009 @ 12:54 pm
this is to my friends at chief seattle club: I hold you dear in my memory and i pray i’ll see you again, i have a dream to be with my aunty in Idaho and her siblings in the surroundin area, my dad loves her so much and all our relations,near and far,they are in our prayers always,let them know we know you and you took care of our needs and fullfillment,my prayers are always with you in Seattle,Washington and Tacoma as well, All my love and prayers to the person who submitted the poem.
Love Valerie V.Paul
May 21, 2009 @ 12:14 pm
hello there!
just want to thank you for all the stuffs being sent to me. Sending it to others makes me connected with them though they are from a distant shore. More power… thanks.
May 21, 2009 @ 11:22 am
This card is more than beautiful and inspiring, pls keep the good work on and remain bless
May 21, 2009 @ 11:02 am
This is so very true. Quite inspiring.
May 21, 2009 @ 10:07 am
That was not suppose to be my reply. This layout is new. I was thinking this was for that special of person, of mine. Oh well, now you get to read, what I think about this card, and also about him. I so enjoyed this one.
May 21, 2009 @ 9:58 am
I thought this was such a beautiful, message. Life is such a miracle, with all it’s ups, and downs. Life for me, is a gift from God. He gave it, and He can take it away.
I am so blessed, to be amongst the land, of the living. Each day, I want it to be of something that I have learned, loved, lived, and was happy.
I also, want to let you know, that you are appreciated. You are so special to me.
I hope, you had a wonderful day.
Keep looking up!!oooooxxxx
May 21, 2009 @ 9:55 am
This was AWESOME !!!
May 21, 2009 @ 9:55 am
This was just AWESOME !!!!