A Christmas Message for a Friend

You know dear friend –
life is sometimes strange,
forming a friendship bond,
that will never ever change.

Remembering all the wonderful things –
this past year we have shared,
leaning on each other,
as we did this past year.

Sharing all our feelings –
both bad and good,
knowing that we were there,
for each other as best we could.

Never did I doubt –
that you were a special friend,
someone so very trusting,
and someone I could confide in.

Someone who seemed –
to always take the time,
to show me how to love,
and especially, how to be so kind.

Now the spirit of the Christmas –
is growing more and more each day,
and the bond we made as friends,
is certainly here to stay.

I wish you so many good things –
for this Christmas time to come,
knowing that in my heart,
all the good for me you have done.

My thoughts continue to allow me –
for this much I do know,
I thank God for each blessing,
as our friendship continues to grow.

Written & Submitted By:
The NetHugs Family

Music © Author Unknown