That was truly a very beautiful song and it touched my heart and uplifted my spirit to a higher ground. . Elizabeth you are so completely right in what you mentuoned in your comment. That is the way that GODS children need to strive to do every day and follow in OUR SAVIOR’S Footsteps for sure. May GODS Angels continue to watch over your family and you forever, is my prayer.
I know in this world there are so many sad and hurtful things going on and if I could I would do something
about it, But in the meantime, I will try to spread joy and laughter around where I can and think
positive thoughts and kindness acts of love… I need the LORDS help and He does bless me to do these
things… He has given me the encouragement to help when I can and share laughter also…
Thank you LORD for your love… Your child, Elizabeth Wright…
How did you know that I needed this NetHugs email today??? Thank you GOD for all of your blessings and ones
yet to come… I truly LOVE you GOD and am eternally greatful to be priviliged to do so…
What a beautiful uplifting message for all of GODS children Kim dear I certainly will put you and your husband on my prayer list, as that is what OUR HEAVELY FATHET wants us to do. Pray for one another. Everyday with GOD is certainly important and something we need to strive and reach out for each day. Love and GODs Blessings, To all of My Brothers and Sisters in CHRIST May GODS Angels continue to watch over all of you forever, is my prayer.
I need a lot of Prayer for myself & my husband. Yes we have GOD in our life. But God said when 2 or
More come together in Prayer God will answer.
This song is so beautiful what a pick me up . And the verse perfect luv it .. makes you realize how much you have to be grateful for . Stops you feeling sorry for itself .
After a day of not feeling well and a restless night this beautiful poem and music blessed my heart this morning. It seems as if this was written just for me today.Thanks for blessing me today. Jane
April 25, 2018 @ 1:08 am
Beautiful and calming. Sent it to my sister to enjoy too.
March 5, 2018 @ 5:22 pm
Absolutely beautiful. I’ve already listened to it 2 times and know that I will several more times today.
March 5, 2018 @ 12:09 pm
Beautiful, so touching,
January 19, 2016 @ 3:48 pm
That was truly a very beautiful song and it touched my heart and uplifted my spirit to a higher ground. . Elizabeth you are so completely right in what you mentuoned in your comment. That is the way that GODS children need to strive to do every day and follow in OUR SAVIOR’S Footsteps for sure. May GODS Angels continue to watch over your family and you forever, is my prayer.
January 19, 2016 @ 2:58 pm
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful song & video.
January 19, 2016 @ 11:33 am
I know in this world there are so many sad and hurtful things going on and if I could I would do something
about it, But in the meantime, I will try to spread joy and laughter around where I can and think
positive thoughts and kindness acts of love… I need the LORDS help and He does bless me to do these
things… He has given me the encouragement to help when I can and share laughter also…
Thank you LORD for your love… Your child, Elizabeth Wright…
November 30, 2015 @ 2:32 pm
How did you know that I needed this NetHugs email today??? Thank you GOD for all of your blessings and ones
yet to come… I truly LOVE you GOD and am eternally greatful to be priviliged to do so…
May 30, 2014 @ 11:34 am
What a beautiful uplifting message for all of GODS children Kim dear I certainly will put you and your husband on my prayer list, as that is what OUR HEAVELY FATHET wants us to do. Pray for one another. Everyday with GOD is certainly important and something we need to strive and reach out for each day. Love and GODs Blessings, To all of My Brothers and Sisters in CHRIST May GODS Angels continue to watch over all of you forever, is my prayer.
May 30, 2014 @ 12:04 am
wonderful words and music! soothing to the soul. GOD BLESS YOU!
May 29, 2014 @ 9:17 pm
I need a lot of Prayer for myself & my husband. Yes we have GOD in our life. But God said when 2 or
More come together in Prayer God will answer.
May 29, 2014 @ 12:20 pm
This song is so beautiful what a pick me up . And the verse perfect luv it .. makes you realize how much you have to be grateful for . Stops you feeling sorry for itself .
May 29, 2014 @ 9:56 am
After a day of not feeling well and a restless night this beautiful poem and music blessed my heart this morning. It seems as if this was written just for me today.Thanks for blessing me today. Jane