I always said I Love you to my family, friends, animals and of course to GOD, JESUS and the Holy Spirit… I truly meant and mean it… GOD BLESS YOU ALL and know
that you are loved and never alone…
I have a question i’m not too good at writing or at typing, so I was wondering if these things are in poem form because my boy is in prison and I like to copy and paste and send them to him there. he reads them to the other guys in his cell
Life is very important…we have to celebrate life…all the time…
And I’m telling you…everething I lost once…I have multiply…noe…with all the friend I got…from God
It is so important… It lingers in the air and warms the heart… Even if the person does not say it back to you, SAY IT ANYWAY… I even say it to my animals… even they understand it… By the way, I LOVE YOU too, and most of all I LOVE GOD, JESUS CHRIST AND THEIR HOLY SPIRIT…
I lost my husband many years ago and my mother last year and many special friends through the years! Sometimes it is when you lose them that you begin to appreciate their value that you took for granted. This special reminder is just what we all need to remember from now on…to be a “Keeper”.
Yes….I myself admitted how hard to loose someone you love. I lost my Mam when I was only 18….those years that I feel I needed her most as a young adult. Then God gave me a husband…..we exchange our marriage vow with all our love but after 15 months the Lord took him. I felt I was alone at that time but God indeed is gracious and His mercy never faileth. He molded me and teach me to be strong by trusting in Him rather than trusting myself for without Him I cannot stand any test in life. My God is my strength and shield in time of troubles. He is my Rock and my Salvation.
Sorry Janet, I know what it means to loose someone you love especially to an accident. Five years ago, I lost my dear son too. It was so painful, and the bitter lesson I learned; we never learn to be keepers till we loose that which is dear. May God help us all to remember at least to be reminded.
Sometimes we think we have everything…but we have nothing…
Other time…even the children and grandchildren we have don’t see us with the years…we have God…and He is everything we need…
February 14, 2018 @ 3:15 pm
love all my family,
April 21, 2015 @ 12:22 pm
Oh I just love your web it is so awesome thank you for putting this on so everybody can love it to xoxo
April 20, 2015 @ 10:02 am
I always said I Love you to my family, friends, animals and of course to GOD, JESUS and the Holy Spirit… I truly meant and mean it… GOD BLESS YOU ALL and know
that you are loved and never alone…
February 7, 2012 @ 9:23 pm
I have a question i’m not too good at writing or at typing, so I was wondering if these things are in poem form because my boy is in prison and I like to copy and paste and send them to him there. he reads them to the other guys in his cell
February 5, 2012 @ 2:57 am
The love we share is so precious and rare…and if we can stamp in an endless keeper…let’s do it…
September 19, 2011 @ 11:17 am
Waste not, want not~in everything.
September 19, 2011 @ 6:22 am
Life is very important…we have to celebrate life…all the time…
And I’m telling you…everething I lost once…I have multiply…noe…with all the friend I got…from God
September 18, 2011 @ 6:54 pm
Lovely music and the words are meaningful indeed. I enjoy listening to all those religious and spiritual videos…keep up the good work and thank you…..
June 9, 2011 @ 11:57 am
I love the poems, the sentiments but the music is sometimes too, too much. Blaring, coarse! Use the symphonic pieces, they are so much better.
March 5, 2011 @ 10:59 am
It is so important… It lingers in the air and warms the heart… Even if the person does not say it back to you, SAY IT ANYWAY… I even say it to my animals… even they understand it… By the way, I LOVE YOU too, and most of all I LOVE GOD, JESUS CHRIST AND THEIR HOLY SPIRIT…
March 5, 2011 @ 8:51 am
I lost my husband many years ago and my mother last year and many special friends through the years! Sometimes it is when you lose them that you begin to appreciate their value that you took for granted. This special reminder is just what we all need to remember from now on…to be a “Keeper”.
November 18, 2010 @ 5:04 am
Yes….I myself admitted how hard to loose someone you love. I lost my Mam when I was only 18….those years that I feel I needed her most as a young adult. Then God gave me a husband…..we exchange our marriage vow with all our love but after 15 months the Lord took him. I felt I was alone at that time but God indeed is gracious and His mercy never faileth. He molded me and teach me to be strong by trusting in Him rather than trusting myself for without Him I cannot stand any test in life. My God is my strength and shield in time of troubles. He is my Rock and my Salvation.
August 29, 2010 @ 4:53 pm
Sorry Janet, I know what it means to loose someone you love especially to an accident. Five years ago, I lost my dear son too. It was so painful, and the bitter lesson I learned; we never learn to be keepers till we loose that which is dear. May God help us all to remember at least to be reminded.
August 28, 2010 @ 8:24 am
“A KEEPER”, means a lots to, glad I got to read it. Draws me even closer to my loved ones. I keep my loved ones closer than ever.
August 27, 2010 @ 8:04 am
YOU will be kept in my heart forever. in fact, you still are.
August 26, 2010 @ 4:23 pm
Sometimes we think we have everything…but we have nothing…
Other time…even the children and grandchildren we have don’t see us with the years…we have God…and He is everything we need…
August 26, 2010 @ 4:22 pm
Yes so true-I lost my husband to a tragic accident & I can never get him back – so I am holding on to what I have left- my keepers!! beautiful verse—
August 26, 2010 @ 9:29 am
Thanks for the Beautiful Reminder.
[al·ex·an·der] – defender, helper of men or one who turns away evil.
August 24, 2010 @ 12:07 pm
The picture of the Grand Canyon is exquisite and the other one’s you have pretty much come in 2nd!