A Winter’s Sunrise
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”https://nethugs.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/A-Winters-Sunrise.swf” width=”700″ height=”600″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”https://nethugs.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/A-Winters-Sunrise.swf” width=”700″ height=”600″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]
February 1, 2012 @ 2:25 am
It is realy a big pleasure to tallking with you, dear Sheilla…you are so open and siccere in everything you do and tell us…thank you.
February 1, 2012 @ 12:02 am
Dear Rodica, thank you for your lovely message. A sunrise or sunset can be awe inspiring! There is so much that we see that is inspirational and provided free by nature. One of my favorites since childhood has been looking at the full moon. Another event I looked forward to over the years, while I was living in the northeast, was listening to sound of the spring peepers and, later in late summer, the Katydids in the evening. (We don’t have them in Texas.) Living near the shore, I always enjoyed the sound of the waves lapping on the shore and the call of seagulls overhead. Where I grew up in the northeast I enjoyed watching the snow fall and noticing the quiet hush of sound as the blanket of snow covered the yards, streets, houses and cars. I always marveled at the magic that was created by an ice storm. Our yard was transformed into an ice world with twinkling ice crystals and icicles everywhere I looked. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. In the spring, I enjoyed collecting wildflowers and gathering dark cherries that had fallen to ground from the big cherry tree in our front yard. My mother would bake a cherry pie! In the fall my mother and I collected green apples for her special apple pie and applesauce. There was so much to appreciate and enjoy while growing up. Those were the days I loved the best. It was the depression, we were poor but had so much to enrich our spirits.
January 30, 2012 @ 6:28 pm
We love Daniel’s singing…see him on PBS.
Thank you for sharing this with us. J&J
January 27, 2012 @ 10:23 am
I realy want to see with you…a winter’s sunrise, my friend…
I see every morning this wonderful picture of colours…
I like to know you as a friend…and talk about us more…know each-other better.
January 27, 2012 @ 9:58 am
It’s morning here and I’ve been awake since 5:00 but I didn’t see the sunrise. My apartment faces northeast! As you can probably imagine how pleased I was when I viewed this video – it brings back happy memories from the past. Every bedroom I had growing up had an east facing window. After I married, every house we lived in (with 2 exceptions) had an east facing window. (My apartment has one advantage, every evening I can watch the sunset behind the trees.)