Dear Lola,
I am well aware of what it is like to be alone on a Mother’s Day. The pain in our heart, is more than others could ever bear and that is because we have Jesus with us at all time. Read footprints in the sand, where it states, that when we feel the Lord has left us, it is the very time when we see no footprints in the sand, it is because Jesus is lifting us up in his arms and is helping us endure the pain.
You are never alone. Today I have one daughter, who finally came around, when she realized how one evil soul took control of her mind, and manipulated her with numerous lies over years of putting me down.
I pray for the other daughter, to realize that what she has done to me will one day come to haunt her, if
if she does not confess her sins to the Lord and learn to honor thy Mother as well, who turned on me in order to obtain money from her stepfather.
Happy Mother’s Day Lola, and all other Mother’s around the world.
Now through prayer, my one daughter, is with me and I now see the Love that she always had for me,
before an evil soul took control of her mind.
I have 2 children left with me. My eldest son left me bec he’d rather be with the girl w/ 2 kids and whom he thought he loves than be with his family. He has cast me out of his life already… more so bec of the girl’s manipulations… he has already blocked me and other members of his family for this girl… i would say the woman manipulated my son to close his doors for us and now he does not want anything fr me anymore… i say karma will come at a later time but i guess his child if ever he will have one will also do the same thing with him… mark my words…
Thank you Erna for your kind words. Life is short, love can be shorter. I don’t want anyone crying over me when I pass on to the other side. I want to feel loved and respected and never forgotten now while I can appreciate it. God blessed you with a beautiful gift on Mother’s Day, how precious is that?? Then celebrating Thanksgiving and thanking God for your other son. You my dear friend are truly blessed by God. My intentions are to leave my home, go to a park, take a walk, bring a book, read in my car until dark and go home and go to bed. That will be my celebration of Mother’s Day. Karma comes around and when my son realizes too late what he lost when I pass this life I don’t want him shedding any tears. He has been my life adopted from the hospital at birth. I love him with every ounce of my being and he only lives a few blocks away. He was suppose to be here for Easter with six other people…they all bailed out on me at the last minute. The table was beautifully set, I was just getting started to make dinner, when the calls came through. I was devastated. The food is still in the freezer and will stay there until I can give it to someone in need. I’ve had two knee replacements, was in pain and this celebration meant so much to me, as I had been bed ridden for two years. All last year I was alone on every holiday, no visitors, no calls, and worse no food. I live on saltine crackers, ginger ale, water and gatorade with pain killers. Two days after Easter the police found me on the kitchen floor through my med alert button that I happened to push in time before I was unconscious. My son only learned about this two days ago,asked why I didn’t call…no comment. Anyway, have a beautiful Mother’s Day, I’m certain you will. God Bless you and thank you for writing. It made my day. It’s 2:29 a.m. Tuesday morning, the pain is keeping me up, just keep me in your prayers.
Happy Mother’s Day to you Angel and Lola and may your families call you on our special day. I remember 37 years ago that I had my son and got to bring him home on Mother’s Day that year. That was the best Mother’s day present. My youngest son was born on Thanksgiving of 1989.
Elizabeth thank you. My dear friend I’m always alone, sick most of the time. The last time I was outside was on April 11th. In pain 99% of the time, take pain killers and just sleep the day and night away. I know God is in the house with me, just wish He would give me strength to get up, go out and enjoy life. Everyone has crosses to bear. This past Easter I was looking forward to making dinner for six guests. At the last minute they all bailed on me. The table was beautifully set, thank God I was just getting started in preparing dinner, when the calls and excuses came through. I spent over $100.00 plus in food which I could have used to pay a few bills. The food is still in the freezer and I haven’t heard from any of them since. I ate saltines and Ginger ale on Easter and slept the day away. My heart isn’t into anymore holidays….last year before my knee replacements I spent every holiday alone, no decorations, no company nothing. I won’t go through that anymore. It’s just me and God with my animals now. Thank you for your support Elizabeth, it means a lot for a stranger to reach out. Have a beautiful Mother’s Day!!
My heart goes out to all who will be alone or whose children have forgotten them. I will be alone also but not for the same reason. I live 1700 miles away from my kids and grandkids. I know my daughter loves me. She proves it all the time. I am truly blessed.
No one is ever truly alone. Jesus is there with them. Happy Mother’s Day everyone!
This is so true but so SAD. I visit & volunteer at a nursing home that my husband was
in. So MANY have family but they don’t take the time to come visit or spend time with
loved ones/family/friends. If you have parents be very lucky and count each day as
a blessing because none of us know what tomorrow will bring.
Thank Elizabeth Wright for your greetings to us mothers. Last year my son and girlfriend came over and said we would have a barbecue. They waited for me to give them the money even though they had it. They never came until 8:30 p.m.when I was getting ready for bed. I dread this Mother’s Day, I won’t be home in case they show up. I’ll just sit in the car in a park somewhere until it’s time to go to bed again.
My children never forgot Mother’s Day for me… I am blessed…
If I were there visiting someone, I would include her in my visit… How sad that many children
do not remember their mothers on this special day… GOD BLESS all of you mothers…
August 19, 2014 @ 12:08 pm
I’ve been loniokg for a post like this forever (and a day)
May 6, 2014 @ 2:53 pm
Dear Lola,
I am well aware of what it is like to be alone on a Mother’s Day. The pain in our heart, is more than others could ever bear and that is because we have Jesus with us at all time. Read footprints in the sand, where it states, that when we feel the Lord has left us, it is the very time when we see no footprints in the sand, it is because Jesus is lifting us up in his arms and is helping us endure the pain.
You are never alone. Today I have one daughter, who finally came around, when she realized how one evil soul took control of her mind, and manipulated her with numerous lies over years of putting me down.
I pray for the other daughter, to realize that what she has done to me will one day come to haunt her, if
if she does not confess her sins to the Lord and learn to honor thy Mother as well, who turned on me in order to obtain money from her stepfather.
Happy Mother’s Day Lola, and all other Mother’s around the world.
Now through prayer, my one daughter, is with me and I now see the Love that she always had for me,
before an evil soul took control of her mind.
May 6, 2014 @ 12:33 pm
I have 2 children left with me. My eldest son left me bec he’d rather be with the girl w/ 2 kids and whom he thought he loves than be with his family. He has cast me out of his life already… more so bec of the girl’s manipulations… he has already blocked me and other members of his family for this girl… i would say the woman manipulated my son to close his doors for us and now he does not want anything fr me anymore… i say karma will come at a later time but i guess his child if ever he will have one will also do the same thing with him… mark my words…
May 6, 2014 @ 2:30 am
Thank you Erna for your kind words. Life is short, love can be shorter. I don’t want anyone crying over me when I pass on to the other side. I want to feel loved and respected and never forgotten now while I can appreciate it. God blessed you with a beautiful gift on Mother’s Day, how precious is that?? Then celebrating Thanksgiving and thanking God for your other son. You my dear friend are truly blessed by God. My intentions are to leave my home, go to a park, take a walk, bring a book, read in my car until dark and go home and go to bed. That will be my celebration of Mother’s Day. Karma comes around and when my son realizes too late what he lost when I pass this life I don’t want him shedding any tears. He has been my life adopted from the hospital at birth. I love him with every ounce of my being and he only lives a few blocks away. He was suppose to be here for Easter with six other people…they all bailed out on me at the last minute. The table was beautifully set, I was just getting started to make dinner, when the calls came through. I was devastated. The food is still in the freezer and will stay there until I can give it to someone in need. I’ve had two knee replacements, was in pain and this celebration meant so much to me, as I had been bed ridden for two years. All last year I was alone on every holiday, no visitors, no calls, and worse no food. I live on saltine crackers, ginger ale, water and gatorade with pain killers. Two days after Easter the police found me on the kitchen floor through my med alert button that I happened to push in time before I was unconscious. My son only learned about this two days ago,asked why I didn’t call…no comment. Anyway, have a beautiful Mother’s Day, I’m certain you will. God Bless you and thank you for writing. It made my day. It’s 2:29 a.m. Tuesday morning, the pain is keeping me up, just keep me in your prayers.
May 6, 2014 @ 2:14 am
Happy Mother’s Day to you Angel and Lola and may your families call you on our special day. I remember 37 years ago that I had my son and got to bring him home on Mother’s Day that year. That was the best Mother’s day present. My youngest son was born on Thanksgiving of 1989.
May 6, 2014 @ 2:05 am
Elizabeth thank you. My dear friend I’m always alone, sick most of the time. The last time I was outside was on April 11th. In pain 99% of the time, take pain killers and just sleep the day and night away. I know God is in the house with me, just wish He would give me strength to get up, go out and enjoy life. Everyone has crosses to bear. This past Easter I was looking forward to making dinner for six guests. At the last minute they all bailed on me. The table was beautifully set, thank God I was just getting started in preparing dinner, when the calls and excuses came through. I spent over $100.00 plus in food which I could have used to pay a few bills. The food is still in the freezer and I haven’t heard from any of them since. I ate saltines and Ginger ale on Easter and slept the day away. My heart isn’t into anymore holidays….last year before my knee replacements I spent every holiday alone, no decorations, no company nothing. I won’t go through that anymore. It’s just me and God with my animals now. Thank you for your support Elizabeth, it means a lot for a stranger to reach out. Have a beautiful Mother’s Day!!
May 6, 2014 @ 2:04 am
My heart goes out to all who will be alone or whose children have forgotten them. I will be alone also but not for the same reason. I live 1700 miles away from my kids and grandkids. I know my daughter loves me. She proves it all the time. I am truly blessed.
No one is ever truly alone. Jesus is there with them. Happy Mother’s Day everyone!
May 5, 2014 @ 8:20 pm
LOLA… I will be with you in thought and spirit as well as our LORD… You will never be alone…
May 5, 2014 @ 7:03 pm
To those that I sent this to please read all the way to the end. It more or looks like it stops at the beginning. Thought provoking.
May 5, 2014 @ 6:36 pm
This is so true but so SAD. I visit & volunteer at a nursing home that my husband was
in. So MANY have family but they don’t take the time to come visit or spend time with
loved ones/family/friends. If you have parents be very lucky and count each day as
a blessing because none of us know what tomorrow will bring.
May 5, 2014 @ 6:10 pm
Thank Elizabeth Wright for your greetings to us mothers. Last year my son and girlfriend came over and said we would have a barbecue. They waited for me to give them the money even though they had it. They never came until 8:30 p.m.when I was getting ready for bed. I dread this Mother’s Day, I won’t be home in case they show up. I’ll just sit in the car in a park somewhere until it’s time to go to bed again.
May 5, 2014 @ 2:33 pm
My children never forgot Mother’s Day for me… I am blessed…
If I were there visiting someone, I would include her in my visit… How sad that many children
do not remember their mothers on this special day… GOD BLESS all of you mothers…