An Epiphany
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If you have enjoyed this video, please consider donating to Steve’s work at OpenMyEyesLord.
July 11, 2014 @ 6:40 pm
Bless your dear sweet heart Anita. May God and His Son always surround you and may you always feel their presence! 🙂 Hugs ~ Chee 🙂
July 11, 2014 @ 12:53 pm
Chee Chee and Braveheart I appreciate your loving kindness and agree with everything you both just said in your comments. I feel very blessed that I found OUR SAVIOR in my teens, so was able to walk with HIM through many troubled times and have truly felt the HOLY SPIRIT in myheart.
July 11, 2014 @ 12:41 pm
Amen Anita and Braveheart! We are never alone! Jesus is always with us! He dwells within my heart every single day! I hope you both have a beautiful and blessed day! 🙂 Hugs ~ Chee Chee Martin 🙂
July 10, 2014 @ 8:44 pm
Happiness is about appreciation in all things. For all the good things that are in our lives that people take for granted. Inspire others and you shall be inspired. We all have something to share and give to the world. God in his infinite glory will help change your life if you don’t work against him. He will give you answers to the things that are most troubling and relieve your soul. It is like finding a treasure you have had all along. The holy spirit lives with in each and everyone of us.
July 10, 2014 @ 8:28 pm
Chee Chee that was truly a very uplifting message. We are never along when we learn to walk close with OUR SAVIOR each day. Braveheart that is truly a beautiful comment you left for all of us to enjoy and I certainly agree with you completely. May GODS angels continue to bless all of my Brothers and Sisters in CHRIST forever, is my prayer.
June 3, 2014 @ 10:35 am
So glad you liked my poem/video Braveheart. And what you stated is so true. No one is ever really alone. They may think they are but if they look within they will find what they are searching for ~ our Father and our Savior! Always there to help us and guide us. We just have to be aware! Hope you have a glorious and beautiful today and in the days to follow! Hugs ~ Chee 🙂
June 2, 2014 @ 10:55 pm
I love this. When one opens their heart to the Holy spirit and truly believes, everything changes. It is divine. So many old acquaintances of mine suffered loneliness, did not have faith.They turned in the wrong direction, with the wrong people and just kept losing faith and hope until no one could ever reach them. One girl asked me what my recipe for happiness was and how do I do it. Well, with love in everything. Never expect anything from anyone, the ones who love you will show their true feelings in time. When we age we don’t have the popularity or energy level to keep up with others. It is saddening, but we must stay close to God and in so many ways blessing abound. I think in my life I was never able to depend on anyone, I became very self sufficient, so kindnesses and love really stood out. Some people are very indulged and expect a great deal from others. Later when they have not treated those wonderful kindnesses with respect and have taken them for granted they are left alone,because life is only about them.
June 2, 2014 @ 6:25 pm
Awwwwwwww, thank you Jane for your words of wisdom. I remember when I wrote this. I couldn’t sleep one night and was sitting out in our four seasons room in Ohio in the dark. The Lord whispered for me to get paper and pen, which I did. In the dark mind you I wrote this poem. Obviously it was meant for someone to see and read. Once I finished it, I was able to go back to bed and sleep. The next day I read what I wrote. My penmanship was pretty bad since I couldn’t see what I was writing. 🙂 But, I did what the Lord wanted me to do! 🙂 Hope you’re having a beautiful day as evening is start to set upon us. Hugs ~ Chee 🙂
June 2, 2014 @ 2:25 pm
This sad but beautiful write touched my heart. It happens to many when they get older and even to the young if they don’t have people around them who care and share with them. Each of may at any given moment may feel those thought but we need to change the direction of our thinking to more positive memories and actions of the past which confirmed our worth and dwell more on that. God bless you for sharing this to make us think of those who live alone and be more perceptive of their needs. 🙂 Jane
September 15, 2012 @ 7:51 am
Don’t give up sweetie. Contact another Catholic church. Just because your mother church had an indescrestion doesn’t mean other Catholic churches will do the same. There are good people out there willing to help. Ask our Savior each day to lead you to these people. I don’t know if God is testing you or not but you should never give up. Like I said, He has plans for you so keep Him strong in your heart. In the meantime I will keep you in my prayers. Hugs ~ Chee 🙂
September 14, 2012 @ 6:31 pm
Chee, I’ve contacted several Churches. Long story short, I’m Roman Catholic. I left my mother church because the Pastor broke the confidential information three times to the Choir Director, choir and other members of the church. Church #2, a Methodist Church that my deceased husband attended for 50 yrs with his first wife told me that he wasn’t going to ask anyone to come to my home to help me or see me to give me help since I wasn’t a member of his church. Church #3 where my second husband and I got married won’t return any of the calls from the hospital, me, or anyone. I’ve given up on contacting Churches. My Lord is with me here at my home and I pray to Him everyday for guidance. But the Lord must be awful busy or testing my faith, because so far no positive signs have come through these last few months. Just keep praying for me Chee Chee, that I receive a sign. I need Him so much right now.
Love, peace, & joy,
September 14, 2012 @ 6:19 pm
It doesn’t matter that you’re a complete stranger ~ you reached out and I answered. Again, I am so sorry you’ve been through so much and looks like you might have to go through it again. God gives us each obstacles we need to surmount ~ some people’s obstacles seem like mountains. But, He also gave us the fortitude to conquer each and every obstacle and the determination to proceed forward. As long as we keep Him in our heart, He will always be there as our guide. Take one day at a time sweetie. Do you have a church close by? If so, contact them and see if anyone in the parish could help you on those days it seems so difficult. I will absolutely keep you in my prayers and I will also ask the Good Lord to guide the surgeons hands. Keep your faith and know God has plans for you. Hugs ~ Chee
September 14, 2012 @ 5:11 pm
Chee Chee, I can’t believe that you wrote to me, a complete stranger. You made me cry in your e-mail, I’m deeply touched by your words and will cherish them in my heart. Thank you so much, but please never stop praying for me, this I need more than anything….actually, I need you to pray for the surgeons, surgery, and so much more. I can’t find any nurses for after my surgery, and when I come home the house will be empty except for my service dogs and two cats. I don’t know how I’ll be able to take care of them and myself. I’m in such dire straits that I’m waiting for a sign from God. Praying every minute of every day. And I have to suffer with the pain every minute of every day until December maybe January until my medicare comes through and pays the bills. I’ve applied for food stamps but not certain if I’ll be eligible. I was in the hospital last December 15th through January 9th,, through the holidays in isolation with black mold poisoning and a kidney stone operation. Alone then, alone now. It’s a long story Chee Chee, but if it weren’t for my animals I wouldn’t have the strength to go on. I have to live for them. Sad isn’t it when you are always there for everyone, and when you’re in need where are those people for you? I asked so many neighbors and those that I had helped so many times, just to run to Burger King to get me a sandwich last year as I was on heavy pain killers and other meds for detoxification from the black mold poisoning, and they all had lame excuses. For weeks I lived only on water and gatorade, I had no food in the house, was bed ridden and couldn’t get any help whatsoever. Ended up loosing 22 lbs, and rushed back to the hospital with dehydration, very low potassium, excruciating pain and in and out of consciousness. I don’t want to go there again Chee Chee, I just really didn’t expect to hear from you and your beautiful, uplifting e-mail. Thank you so much you are a wonderful, loving, caring person,
Love, peace & joy,
September 14, 2012 @ 3:48 pm
So sorry to hear all that you are going through Lola. I do hope you know and realize that Jesus is with you every step of your journey. He will never leave your side. I wrote this poem a couple of weeks after my mother passed away. I couldn’t sleep one night and was sitting out in our 4 seasons room. I felt His presence and He urged me to write that poem. Afterwards, it felt like a huge burden had been lifted from me. I don’t know what all you are going through and what type of surgery you’re suppose to have. But know this, I will keep you in my prayers. Just ask our Savior to give you strength to see you through each day. And never forget that you are loved. You will be in my thoughts and prayers sweetie. You hang in there. Hugs ~ Chee Chee Martin
September 14, 2012 @ 2:56 pm
Chee Chee, I always read and admire your works. They are all so inspirational. I’m going through a grave crises right now, and I believe that God made me read this today. He’s trying to give me a sign through you that everything is going to be okay. I’m so lost and alone and up for major surgery. I’ve met some wonderful people on here that are very supportive and caring to my needs. I wanted to give up so many times, do something unthinkable to myself, but with the support of posters on here, I’m hanging on. With your poem and words that have touched my heart especially at this time, I’ll try to hang on just a little bit longer. When alone with Jesus, please whisper my name to Him. Thank you for writing this. I needed to read this today especially, a bad day of pain and suffering is surrounding every ounce of my body, and the surgery has to wait until at least December 1st when my medicare comes through. I hope I can hold out that long. So much to do before I go to the hospital, but don’t have the strength. Keep up your wonderful works Chee Chee.
April 15, 2012 @ 4:00 pm
Glad I made you happy sweetie! 🙂 Happy Belated Easter to you too! Continue to shine in God’s light! Hugs ~ Chee Chee Martin 🙂
April 15, 2012 @ 11:50 am
You don’t know what happy made me by your commment…today in a great day for me and all Ortodox Christianity…
Thank you!
Happy Easter!
April 15, 2012 @ 10:14 am
Unfortunately that is true. So many people leave this earth without telling people they love them or how they feel. That’s why it is so important to let your loved ones know you love them by telling them. Speak the words. You have a beautiful day Rodica. Hugs ~ Chee Chee Martin 🙂
April 12, 2012 @ 10:42 am
Things rest unsaid…and undone…
August 29, 2011 @ 3:25 pm
Instead of us exchanging e-mails this way, here is my e-mail address ~ E-mail me now and I will answer what you posted. Okay? Hugs ~ Chee 🙂
August 29, 2011 @ 3:18 pm
I realy…don’t know and I don’t think…Steve is the same with Scott…
Steve loves very much Denise…and I know both of them…there-are very good in written…poems.
I don’t know very much about Scott…only…at the time (2005)…his soul needed SOME HELP…
August 29, 2011 @ 2:54 pm
I didn’t know that you live in Europe ~ Romania. Steve and I are very good friends. 🙂 I make videos for his site and help him as much as I can. We’ve known each other for several years. 🙂 We’ve written several poems together. I’m glad to hear that our collaboration on “Illusion” touched you. It’s always nice to hear that anything we write reaches out and touches someone. I’ll have to mention to Steve that you and I have been exchanging e-mails. 🙂 Hugs ~ Chee 🙂
August 29, 2011 @ 2:39 pm
My dear friend…I have to tell you, something I thought… you know already…
I live in Europe…to be more exact…in Romania.
I receive your beautiful poems…and of course, from other people with huge christian talent(Steven A.Polite)…from Scott (from Senditout ant NetHugs).
I know him since 2005…and I use to write…to help him… as a very special friend, he became to me…
When I red “Ilusion”…was like sent this poem for me…Don’t ask why…Just I felt this…
I am glad you answered to me…
August 29, 2011 @ 1:15 pm
If you’re referring to your last posting here, yes I did see it. A lot of the videos used here are from the site I mentioned. Skip also creates beautiful videos ~ he’s the webmaster of NetHugs. It looks like Irene has done some significant damage. I hope you and yours were safe from her wrath. Hugs ~ Chee
August 29, 2011 @ 8:21 am
I hope you recived the last message from me…
I’ll look on he site you told me…
I hope the Irene -huricane will not do … very much damages…
August 25, 2011 @ 1:21 pm
Complex is not a word I would use to describe me! 🙂 I’m just very laid back. Yeah, if you will notice on the credits page it will say a Chee Chee Martin Flash Video. And the site “OpenMyEyesLord” is where most of the videos are posted. 🙂 Hugs ~ Chee 🙂
August 25, 2011 @ 1:12 pm
You are realy very complex person…I didn’t know the presentation…of the poems…is a part of your creativity too…
August 25, 2011 @ 8:12 am
Awwww, thank you sweetie! Glad you enjoy the poems. I haven’t been writing too much lately! Been busy doing videos! 🙂 Hugs ~ Chee 🙂
August 25, 2011 @ 5:45 am
I love your poems…and I am sure one day I can share with you …all the feelings I have when I am listening…yours good thouthts…
August 24, 2011 @ 7:22 am
Sometimes I get so busy I don’t get a chance to respond to the comments. Just glad to see that people are enjoying the videos and the poetry! 🙂 Hope you have a beautiful day! Hugs ~ Chee 🙂
August 24, 2011 @ 7:18 am
You are the only one…”Star”…which…take the time to answer…
Thank you!
August 23, 2011 @ 8:37 am
Glad to hear everything has been resolved and you are so welcomed! Hugs ~ Chee 🙂
August 23, 2011 @ 4:21 am
I am found of…this: “amen to that sweetie”…yes, my situation has been resolved…thanks to God Almighty…
but, I am teling you: in any situation I can be…I am not afraid…I know and I feel Jesus is always with me…
Also, I thank you, my dear friend Chee Chee, you gave me a name for a very good friend…I admire so much…
August 22, 2011 @ 11:56 am
You’re absolutely right sweetie! 🙂 We have to have faith and embrace Him! Hugs ~ Chee 🙂
August 22, 2011 @ 9:56 am
Christ always answers our prayers when we put our faith in him.
August 22, 2011 @ 9:39 am
Amen to that sweetie! Hope your situation has been resolved. Always turn to our Lord and He will see you through! Hugs ~ Chee 🙂
August 22, 2011 @ 5:36 am
I know what that feelings are teling…I felt myself …the static of a situation I am involve…
But with faith…everything is possible…
After rain…always the Sun is risen…………………………………………………………………………..
August 22, 2011 @ 5:18 am
You are so welcome sweetie! I’m glad you enjoyed my poem and video! 🙂 Hugs ~ Chee 🙂
August 22, 2011 @ 5:09 am
The words, the pictures, the music are all so mesmerizing… it brings a feeling of peace,
like no other that I’ve seen.
Thank you for a great gift.
August 6, 2011 @ 6:50 pm
Chee Chee, at times I feel the very same way. This poem touched my heart and I know I am not alone in my questioning of my life but eventually it find God is with me all the time…even in my questioning and my doubt God never leaves me out. Thanks for this beautiful video. Jane
July 27, 2011 @ 10:39 am
That means to be like you, my Lord, the essence from inside…
July 26, 2011 @ 5:40 am
Help me to be…me…!
That is the essence…
July 25, 2011 @ 11:56 pm
This was one of the most beautiful readings I have ever read. Many times at night when all is sleeping and I am awake these thoughts have raced in my mind and heart. I love Jesus with all my heart and soul!!! I know he has saved me and made me whole without him where would we all be???
July 25, 2011 @ 6:14 pm
Thank you for sharing this, beautifully written and presented.
God Bless you all
July 25, 2011 @ 3:47 pm
Chee Chee That certainly fits my life of 89 years. I taken steps to claim JESUS CHRIST as my SAVIOR in my teenage years. HE has shared HIS love throughout my life and has helped helped me grow spiritually and to reach out to others. By witnessing for GOD and HIS SON I received great comfort in my life. Nearly every word of that poem had deep meaning for me and pray all of GOD’S children that receive this will be lifted up to higher places
July 25, 2011 @ 2:20 pm
Sweetie, this poem is not about me. The Lord whispered it to me four years ago. Obviously He wanted me to write it so that person would have his/her eyes opened to the fact that He is always there for them. Just thought I would let you know. Hugs ~ Chee Chee Martin
July 25, 2011 @ 1:54 pm
Christ never deserts you, perhaps you are not looking closely enough in the ones who truly love you. We are never alone.