Beautiful Spring
Spring is here. This video showcases nature’s most beautiful season where the cycle of life renews itself. The music and scenery is awe-inspiring. Enjoy!
Spring is here. This video showcases nature’s most beautiful season where the cycle of life renews itself. The music and scenery is awe-inspiring. Enjoy!
April 10, 2014 @ 12:48 pm
What a beautiful video for us to enjoy and the music was delightful. Those photos of the wonderful flowers and birds singing lifted me up to a peaceful place and I am thankful to OUR HEAVENLY FATHER for all of these lovely things HE created for all of GODS children to enjoy. Yes Spring certainly is a beautiful time of year for all of us to enjoy..
April 9, 2014 @ 9:38 pm
SPRING is a beautiful time of the year. This video and music and the wonderful pictures
shows the beauty of the earth and new season.
April 9, 2014 @ 8:58 pm
Spring !!! This is where I go running out into my yard to see what is coming up first … This year it was the myrtle and then the dandelions, then the new blades of grass…. Oh what a beautiful awakening GOD has given us… Even the birds singing sound different… Aren’t you glad to see it again ??? I am.
Come, join me in discovering a new season…. GOD BLESS…
April 9, 2014 @ 5:45 pm
Thank you for the presentation of wonderful places here on God’s Planet as only he can inspire those among us to forward such wonderful scenery. grandpa gordo