I appreciate this time just like I did the first time. May GODS Angels continue to watch over all of you throughout this coming year and forever, I my prayer.
Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child
(Text Version)
Magical , wondrous, in all she could see..
The lights as they twinkled on
Her first Christmas tree..
She giggled and stared with delight as it glistened..
She giggled and clapped, as we stood there and listened..
She marveled with squeals at the sight that she saw ..
The Christmas Tree was huge, in fact, it was quite tall ..
She walked to the table where the Navity was displayed..
She smiled at Baby Jesus
in the manger where he laid..
Grampa held her close in his arms as he showed her each sight..
Of the candles, the ornaments, the gifts, oh so bright!
Her eyes were so big as
They darted around…
At the sparkle, the glitter,
the musical sounds..
There is nothing as magical and wondrous to see ..
Than the delight of this child on her first Christmas Eve ..
Aren’t we all like her, aren’t we just small..
Aren’t we just wee things, when it is time to ” deck the halls”..
So go ahead .. I dare you , act like you are small ..
Bring back that child within you,
Just have a ball..
” Christmas is for children'” ..
We have all heard it said..
That excitement we feel on Christmas Eve..
Before we went to bed..
Oh night of wonder, we watch and we pray..
If just one night we could be children
as well as Christmas Day ..
Patsy, this is just adorable !! So very well-written and full of nostalgia for many people !! You are such a wonderful writer, and we are blessed here at NetHugs to have had you join us !! God bless you and may you have a very Merry Christmas, my friend !!
Very nice indeed…and inspired to put this…as a poem for Christmas…
You are right…on Christmas all of us we have to act like children…and I like to be one of them
I enjoy every moment …most of the time…special on Christmas time..as a child…
I like to play, to give and to receive …to share my feelings…
I Love this it is so good and so true, Christmas is so much fun through the eyes of a child! I love this Awesome Ecard and I know so many will love it also!
God Bless You Eva
December 16, 2017 @ 3:15 pm
this is so beautiful, Chlidern see things different thru thier eyes, when they are growing up,
December 4, 2016 @ 2:05 pm
these are so beautiful i just love them and enjoy to share with my friends on facebook
December 12, 2014 @ 8:34 pm
I appreciate this time just like I did the first time. May GODS Angels continue to watch over all of you throughout this coming year and forever, I my prayer.
December 11, 2013 @ 4:32 pm
Claudia, the animated version is at the very top of this page in case you missed it. 🙂
December 11, 2013 @ 8:20 am
This is Christmas!!!! Where is the music and photos?!!!!
December 11, 2013 @ 12:13 am
Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child
(Text Version)
Magical , wondrous, in all she could see..
The lights as they twinkled on
Her first Christmas tree..
She giggled and stared with delight as it glistened..
She giggled and clapped, as we stood there and listened..
She marveled with squeals at the sight that she saw ..
The Christmas Tree was huge, in fact, it was quite tall ..
She walked to the table where the Navity was displayed..
She smiled at Baby Jesus
in the manger where he laid..
Grampa held her close in his arms as he showed her each sight..
Of the candles, the ornaments, the gifts, oh so bright!
Her eyes were so big as
They darted around…
At the sparkle, the glitter,
the musical sounds..
There is nothing as magical and wondrous to see ..
Than the delight of this child on her first Christmas Eve ..
Aren’t we all like her, aren’t we just small..
Aren’t we just wee things, when it is time to ” deck the halls”..
So go ahead .. I dare you , act like you are small ..
Bring back that child within you,
Just have a ball..
” Christmas is for children'” ..
We have all heard it said..
That excitement we feel on Christmas Eve..
Before we went to bed..
Oh night of wonder, we watch and we pray..
If just one night we could be children
as well as Christmas Day ..
Merry Christmas !!
With Love..
Written & Submitted by:
Patsy McNutt Morgan
December 19, 2011 @ 2:56 am
Patsy, this is just adorable !! So very well-written and full of nostalgia for many people !! You are such a wonderful writer, and we are blessed here at NetHugs to have had you join us !! God bless you and may you have a very Merry Christmas, my friend !!
Linda Vale Martin
December 19, 2011 @ 1:31 am
joyeux noël à tout le monde!!!!!!!!!!
December 17, 2011 @ 5:01 pm
Beautiful!it brought us back to our feelings as a child.Merry Christmas!
December 17, 2011 @ 2:17 pm
Very nice indeed…and inspired to put this…as a poem for Christmas…
You are right…on Christmas all of us we have to act like children…and I like to be one of them
I enjoy every moment …most of the time…special on Christmas time..as a child…
I like to play, to give and to receive …to share my feelings…
December 17, 2011 @ 12:22 pm
December 17, 2011 @ 9:25 am
Loved it as much reading the second time! I wish they would have put it to music and picture! Well deserving of it! Congrats on a beautiful poem!
December 17, 2011 @ 8:22 am
Makes me cry !! Thank you !! This has made my Christmas complete to have this one poem put as an ecard
December 16, 2011 @ 11:48 am
I Love this it is so good and so true, Christmas is so much fun through the eyes of a child! I love this Awesome Ecard and I know so many will love it also!
God Bless You Eva