Dear Future Mom
15 People with down syndrome respond to a worried mother that had just found out she is going to give birth to an affected child. The message is both comforting and inspiring.
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October 12, 2014 @ 2:14 am
To the new dear mom. I don’t have anyone with downs syndrome, but if I did it wouldn’t make me love them any less. God in Heaven gave you someone special to raise and love. God is depending on you as your BEAUTIFUL CHILD is depending on you. Do you know why? Because you are a special lady my dear new mom. Everything about you is special!!! And God only gives gifts to those that He loves most. Your child your special child is His gift to you. Afraid? You need not be afraid. What you have to fear my dear if you never had the chance to raise a child, any child, downs syndrome or otherwise. Every child needs and wants love. Heck, I’m not a child, but I still need and want to be loved. I live alone, twice widowed, and would give anything to have a child in my life that I could love and have love returned to me. From my two marriages, I have two step-children and an adopted child, my second marriage I have three step-children. And although we are only blocks away, I never see them since their father’s died. I tried telling them so many times how much I love and miss them, it doesn’t matter. They’re too busy, have their own lives, and the list of excuses is endless. I envy you having a brand new angel coming into your life. Downs Syndrome or not, you have a gift from God to love and cherish. And silently in the background I will pray and love your family from afar. Good luck to you, and keep on loving!!! For love is too precious to take it for granted.
October 11, 2014 @ 8:00 pm
Very well done !!! It should give lots of comfort and ideas to the new MOM.
Love the child with everything you have and do to make his / her life easier.
Congratulations in advance.
March 19, 2014 @ 3:58 am
March 19, 2014 @ 2:52 am
God bless all moms and kids and protect them with Universal light and love. They are such blessings in our lives
March 18, 2014 @ 11:17 pm
Dear Future Mom. If your child is born with Down’s Syndrome, you will soon find out what a wonderful gift you have been given. I have a sister who was born with Downs. She is so very precious to me, she was taught to read, to do a lot of things that others do. To me she had more common sense than alot of people. My parents worked with her, she knew she was loved and she blossomed into a beautiful young lady. To me she is a very,very special lady. Give our child your love from the start, and very soon, she / he will know you are he/hisr Mama and her/his love for you will grow and when you see that smile, your heart will melt,and you will fall in love. Do not ever think that God gave you a burden. He gave you a wonderful gift. Teach,teach,love. God Bless you all.
March 18, 2014 @ 10:43 pm
If God gave this to you, he know that you can handle it.
March 18, 2014 @ 10:41 pm
Don’t worry mom. God got your back and you got our prayers.
March 18, 2014 @ 4:48 pm
GOD BLESS THEM ALL…and their families that love them too…
When I meet a down syndrome person, they always have a beautiful
smile for me and I for them… Dear future mom whether you know it
or not, GOD knows what he is doing… Give your sweet baby a hug
and a kiss from me… You too are special…
March 18, 2014 @ 12:57 pm
Beautiful!!!! Love my Matty to Infinity and Beyond!!!
March 18, 2014 @ 9:34 am
Dear Future Mom:
Be not afraid that you are blessed with a down syndrome child. Every child is a gift from God. This child that you are about to have, raise, and be blessed with, will love you unconditionally. Your child will be different, but not anymore so then any other child. Children that are born healthy dear mother, can grow up and cause you more grief and heartache then a child with down syndrome. Children that are healthy, look up to their peers (and 90% of the time get into trouble with their peers.) A down syndrome child, looks up to you as their peers and (90% of the time look to you for nothing more then love and respect.) They are a gift from God, put on this earth to bring you the love, respect and joy that you deserve. You don’t always receive that from a healthy child. One day the healthy child will leave you and may never come back to visit, call, or be with you when you need them. A down syndrome child if they leave you to live on their own will come back, never forget you, never forget to visit, never forget to call, and never let you down when you need them. LOVE YOUR CHILD WITH EVERY OUNCE OF YOUR BEING MOM!!!! BE GRATEFUL THAT GOD BLESSED YOU WITH THIS SPECIAL CHILD, BECAUSE REMEMBER GOD SEES YOU AS BEING SPECIAL AND ABLE TO TAKE ON THE CHALLENGE, OTHERWISE YOU NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN SELECTED BY GOD TO HAVE THIS SPECIAL BABY. Not everyone is blessed to have children, and it wouldn’t surprise me that those that don’t have children would be grateful if they were blessed to have a down syndrome child to love and to love in return. I’m so happy for you. Please be happy that you are “the chosen Mother” from God above.