When you are feeling weary –
down and out and feeling blue,
when your world starts to fall apart –
and you don’t know what to do.
When you think you’re life is over –
and have no reason at all to live –
put yourself into my presence –
and my love to you, I will give.
When your tears feel so heavy –
and you want to set yourself free,
reach out your hand and I will take it –
and pull yourself unto Me.
When you feel so heavy burdened –
afraid that you are much too weak,
and all alone in this big world –
that’s when you are most in need of Me.
When your heart feels so very empty –
and you can not find a friend around,
remember that I am with you –
and that I am always heaven found.
Remember that you are special –
that’s how I planned for it to be,
because my child, you were made –
in the image and likeness of Me.
Don’t look so hard to try and find Me –
I’m closer than you may know,
I’m knocking on your door right now,
Just open it and my love will show.
No, my child, life isn’t perfect –
that’s because sin interfered,
but I will save you from all danger,
and take away all your dreaded fears.
When you feel all tired and worn –
your eyes tear up and you can’t see,
just rest yourself in my presence,
for My love is for all eternity!
Written & Submitted By:
© Deacon Steve A. Politte
Music © Margi Harrell
August 22, 2013 @ 8:58 pm
This is a very inspiring message and something all of GODS children need to remember. When we strive to walk with HIM daily will fill our life with peace and eternity is their for each one of us.
January 28, 2013 @ 11:23 am
Eternity in God’s love is joy!
August 3, 2012 @ 10:24 am
Our loving, unchangeable and ever present,
Holy Spirit, will be our life long companion………
August 2, 2012 @ 6:48 pm
Words so beautiful, so true, and so heartfelt.
One only has to believe.
August 2, 2012 @ 4:52 pm
When the room is empty
Everyone has gone away
I feel GOD’s presence near
He is with me…all the way.
Elizabeth W.
August 2, 2012 @ 6:56 am
Thank you Jesus for your everlasting love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 29, 2010 @ 4:24 pm
December 20, 2009 @ 7:25 pm
when l was so lonely, and l prayed Father in heaven, l have so much love in my heart and soul to share, an then came you michael, l thank God for you, for now l can give it all to you, my love,waiting patiencely for you to come home from Iraq knowing our father in heaven is a loving God that he will bring you home to me, loving you and missing you and thinking of you allways, yours forever, Pam
December 9, 2009 @ 3:41 am
Thank you Father for being here for all of us, we could not endure the pain we’ve been through without you, thank you in Jesus name, Amen,Amen
November 3, 2009 @ 1:46 am
Dearest Vicky writing about her brother, I will pray for him and you dear sister. I have been there with a husband and mother and mother-in-law having cancer. God’s glory will shine through all this. My husband stayed in remission for ten years through God’s grace and at least one of my daughters got to have her daddy walk her down the aisle. I will be forever grateful to my Lord Jesus Christ for his sacrifice on Calvary ! Thank you to the writer of these wonderful words, God truly works through you !
October 27, 2009 @ 5:52 am
Thank you for this poem. I am blessed once again it shows the awesomeness of GOD. HE is love HIMSELF we have no excuse whatsoever to give GOD thank you LORD for your love and faithfullness.
October 26, 2009 @ 2:34 am
That came at just the time I needed it.
October 22, 2009 @ 11:21 am
Thank u Jesus for ur love to me. I love u so much.
October 22, 2009 @ 8:31 am
Gods love is the best, the love that never fails.
October 21, 2009 @ 7:07 pm
Yeahhhh Ruth!!! Go for it girl…Believe in GOD even when no one else does…We know
that He is with us always… Praise be to GOD!!!
October 21, 2009 @ 4:59 pm
My cousin sent it to me. that is so true. god is right at our hand. the kingdom, we tend to forget the lord is right at us. we tend to not trust him as we should expecially when we are going thru trials. I was hurt on July the 2nd. and I was like down till Oct. 2nd. I prayed prayed and prayed. it seem as tho my prayers we going to the ceiling. Well, when I really turned it over to Jesus, he came in the room and got me up off that bed. the devil told me that I would never walk again. other’s critized me. I lost all my faith, then I begin to realize that I must have faith to get off of this bed, then I begin to beleiving, what god said in his word. I got up off that bed been walking ever since.
October 21, 2009 @ 3:51 pm
Vicky…a prayer has been sent out to you and yours permanently for all time. When you open the day tomorrow, may you feel GOD’s presence and a bright new sunny day for you and yours and know that you are TRULY LOVED eternally.
When I am down and I go to bed, I rest my head on my pillow and know that the pillow is the shoulder of JESUS and He is comforting me. GOD bless you and anyone who is in need of GOD’s love and comfort.
October 21, 2009 @ 11:09 am
Dearest Vicky:
I am in your shoes. I lost my beloved of 35 years. His last year was terrible so I was so happy to have him go to his Lord and Master. I still miss him terribly though. It is not an easy road but with God’s help I am slowly moving on. It’s been almost 4 years now but feels like yesterday. Keep the faith dear woman of God ! He will see us both through.
October 21, 2009 @ 10:27 am
If you knew who’s walking beside you,you would never belive in fail.
October 21, 2009 @ 10:17 am
God is our reason…to be…and to go in eternity…
God bless you!
September 29, 2009 @ 8:05 pm
I think the same way someone else said, I’m sitting here just listening to the music, the poem was so very true and so very beautiful, what more can you say, “Except that makes my day” “God Be With You All!” “FRom The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints”
August 25, 2009 @ 5:56 am
Who else can we turn to, where can we go for peace In this world of pains and sorrow? GOD IS LOVE & HIS LOVE IS ETERNAL.
August 19, 2009 @ 4:21 pm
I am back with good news in so many respects ……….. PTL …… My brother was able to take his chemo treatment that was scheduled for today …..that was good ……. they didn’t say anything about the spot on the lung ……. so that was good …….. the spots still on the liver have enlarged some not much so that
again is good ………. the DNA testing shows he is not eligible for the experimental drug for his colorectal cancer . So now the Drs will have to study hard which/what chemo mixture of drugs are they going to try next …….. My brother and his wife just found this ALL out and have not had the time to decide what they feel they should do ……so PRAYER is still needed and WISDOM for both the Oncologist and my brother …….. I know GOD is ABLE . NOTHING IS TOO
HARD FOR GOD …….. Until we meet again keep praying for my other mentioned
prayer need as well . Thank you Saints of GOD ……..
August 18, 2009 @ 2:15 pm
Thank you Saints for all your kind words and especially your PRAYERS concerning my brother ………… and the LOVE of GOD from ALL of you ……
And as if that is not enough , I lost a husband in 2001 w/massive heart attack . We had an 18yo in his last yr of school w/only 45 days before his Sr Graduation . A 21 yo just married in Oct 2001 . We found out in Feb. 2001 we were going to be grandparents for the first time in Aug ’01 so excited . You see my God allowed my husband to go to Him in our bed while both of us were asleep only for me to awaken to him entering into the LORD . No pain , no suffering they said just at home with His creator . But then the days ahead for us here ? Our 18yo graduated went off to college 3hrs away . So 3 men in my life left me in diff. ways in less than a yr …….. I found out what being a Survior is all about from the aspect of relying totally upon JESUS and HIS INSPIRED WORD ……
I meant a beautiful man and remarried in April 2004 . We celebrated 5yr .
This same man has just said that HE IS NOT IN LOVE WITH ME and has begun to
move out .2 Wammies looking me in the face , huh ? Again and Again I will put my trust in the LORD for my brother and the lost of a husband to DIVORCE . He does not WANT to go to counseling so he has said , and with that you have no choice but to leave it in God’s hands and PRAY for strength to guide you through with HIS love from above ………..This is the 2nd x around for hearing this from my husband . He told me this same thing in O3 before we were married . He has a Spirit of DEEP DEPRESSION and I work ALL day and he spends his time in the bed …… not taking medications , not eating , not drinking fluids . The adversary has him bound tight . God can unloose those chains and I will keep praying for him even though he will not be here …….. Paul said , sometimes it is a hindrance to be married …..I am going to set my husband FREE to be and do as he wants ………. ” For me and my house I will serve the Lord ”
So SAINTS of GOD , PRAYER WARRIORS , and BODY of BELIEVERS please lift another PRAYER NEED TO JESUS along with the one for my brother …..
I will return here tomorrow to let you know the results …….
You might like to visit his website , he is an reknown artist . Visit him @ click on gallery and you can see what I
mean by the God given talent he has had since birth to paint and teach the Word .
With the Strength of JESUS ,
August 17, 2009 @ 11:39 am
such a beautiful
August 17, 2009 @ 8:16 am
Vicky my prayers are with you & brother. This poem is what I needed to read.
My daughter was tragically taken away from us 4 years ago,and yesterday was a bad day for me.So you see how this poem touched me.I pray for blessings for all my brothers & sisters in Christ. God bless you.
August 17, 2009 @ 6:33 am
This is so very true. There have been times when I was at my wits end and I looked up to heaven and began to pray and God answers my prayer’s without him I don’t know what I would do!
August 16, 2009 @ 9:58 pm
But? What is this thing called love? Hmmmmmmmmmmm! Is it a word? Or is it somthi’n U show? I would like 2 know as I nevr say that, but do things 4 people kind things as gifts or. Hmmmmmmmm! may B good deedz 4 others even people I don’t know. Is that close? Hmmmmmm! Let me know some1.
August 16, 2009 @ 9:53 pm
4Vicky, Hmmmmmmmm! My prayrs R also wit U+yourbro.+ the rets of your family, Kukpee in my language is the creator. Family is actually 1 of the laws of our people,most important culuture is another.2bhumble. the4th I’ll let U know a not her time. “PROMISE” the next time I C U on this cite. O.K? anyhow hugz 4U aswell soundz like U need them evry1 needz ahug now+then Hmmmm! don’t4get2. hug yourself2. U have 2 do that once in awhile Kukpee look after U 4evr+all ways this way, that way+ “ALWAYS”.
August 16, 2009 @ 9:46 pm
For some reason these days I seldom come here as I shoudl. I am so sorry about your twin brother Vicky. I too live in Missouri, Old Mines in fact, south of St. Louis. We also have this poem in video format at our video website, the link following. Will keep all in our prayers and post this request to our prayer page. Now I see I have more reason to come here everyday. God bless you all in your prayers and needs. Feel fee to email me.
August 16, 2009 @ 5:25 pm
OMG !!!!!!!!!!!! This is soooooo ANNOINTED and I can’t stop feeling the love of OUR LORD just sitting in the presence of the music alone …. but then the wonderful comforting words that HE has sent to us through this poet ….. This
poet is very loved by his Lord ….. Thank you Deacon Steve wherever you may be for your obedience in writting and sharing with ALL . I live in midwest MO and I visit this site daily . You see I have a twin brother taking chemo and has now for almost 2 yrs . He goes Wed. Aug.19 for chemo and to find out the DNA test
results to see if he is eligible for an experimental drug for colo rectal cancer . He has had ALL the radiation and of course surgeries that he can ever have . It has matetized to his lung so I am requesting PRAYER for him from the SAINTS of GOD . I am claiming and holding to GOD’s ANNOINTED WORD : FEAR NOT , TRUST IN THE LORD ( that is a command for us from the Lord ) My brother is saved , born again , has held the compacity of evangelist , and teacher . We came into this world together he is only 5 min. older so he is very much a part of me . I am grateful to the Lord for sparing him through radiation , surgeries and chemo . and allowing him to witness the entire time to a BIG medical group in KC , MO .
God’s timing is perfect . I don’t know what tomorrow holds but I know WHO holds tomorrow and for me that is enough . Thank you Saints of GOD , Prayer Warriors and the whole Body of Christ for lifting this prayer need to God . May you be bless back 100 fold ………
August 16, 2009 @ 5:17 pm
August 16, 2009 @ 3:52 pm
This sure is a wonderful inspirational piece. A cool soudtrack or lyric to go along with it could heighten the positive effect(s) on whomsoever the words will minister to.
August 16, 2009 @ 3:47 pm
Thanks Lou – The words blessed my heart.
August 16, 2009 @ 2:44 pm
I am sending this to my son whom I feel he needs reassurance
August 16, 2009 @ 2:10 pm
Very comforting and reasuring God Bless.
August 16, 2009 @ 1:29 pm
Beautifull,GOD BLESS YOU
August 16, 2009 @ 1:11 pm
Beautiful–I want my sister to see this. She is in constant need of prayer.
August 16, 2009 @ 11:52 am
How lovely, thank you Deacon Steve. Joey
August 16, 2009 @ 10:31 am
Where, for the best, we can seek for help and guide…?
I cannot say better and with more eloquence as you already said in your poem…God is always … and for ever … our everlasting hope.
He will never change … because He is from eternity and only with Him will find the eternity…