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January 24, 2019 @ 2:03 pm
with God in your heart and you belive in him, he is with us always
May 2, 2016 @ 1:29 pm
I feel JESUS with me no matter where I go… He is always watching and encouraging me… What a
wonderful feeling this is…
August 10, 2013 @ 3:40 pm
This certainly touched my heart, as it how GOD has helped me feel for many long years. In fact for 76 years I have strived to walk the path with GOD and felt HIS closeness for the peace that I have found in my life.
February 25, 2012 @ 1:54 pm
God is always by myside
February 24, 2012 @ 2:46 am
whose rodica?
February 24, 2012 @ 2:42 am
With God beside us…we never be afraid…
Lord is our power and He is always straight and good…