Family Life (1949)
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May 31, 2019 @ 5:26 pm
I was 6 in Jan 1949. Today I’m 76. America was recovering from WWII. Families were as whole as they could be. I entered 1st grade in a country school that had taught hundreds of students from oil worker families whose fathers worked the rigs in the largest oil field in the world during WWII. It was #3 on the Japanese list of things to destroy inside the borders of the USA. By 1948 the new oil fields were claiming our workers and the families were loading their shotgun houses onto railroad cars or big trucks and moving to the next job site. By 1955 these precursor to the mobile homes of today were all gone and my class had gone from 74 children to 13. Families and friends were interrupted and newness was the norm. Church meetings, revivals, pot luck suppers, basketball games, and VERY formal dances were the social highlights. Gardens for vegetables and cattle, pigs, sheep and chickens were for meat. Coke started being sold in bottles. Bottles were recycled and used until they chipped or broke. The glass was melted down, remolded and used for bottles again. THAT my friends, was true recycling. Plastic was cheap. Wood was expensive, but metal? Metal could be reshaped into anything you needed. Gasoline was 2 cents a gallon. Wow.
May 26, 2019 @ 12:31 pm
The year I was born. To little t o remember these such a difference world back then. Family did each together and Sunday’s was such a special time together for meals. Wish those days would return in many ways, but each generations will have their own making of memories.