In this time of crisis throughout the world, it is nice to find something uplifting to listen to. At 82 I am dating myself but I am happy and in a safe place and luckier than many and appreciate each and every day.
I remember both of these so well. I guess that tells my age. I am not saying that was the good old days but I am saying those were the days when our country had the best music and and movie stars were real heroes and not stuck up give me what’s mind slobs. I love both of these giants and also for THE NET HUGS site. I look forward to it every day. Thanks again to all.
Mr. Dennis, you voiced my sentiments exactly! And Nat King Cole was a treasure, Grace Kelly, a classic beauty and we had “real” heroes – these heroes were not today’s “movie stars”, the arrogant and overpaid football, basketball players, etc. (There are many who are good people!) They were real, honest everyday people. And, of course, we DID have the best music. Still do when we listen to the likes of Cole and so many others of that time. We all had problems, but looking at today, we had a wonderful time in which to grow up in. And for all our veterans everywhere… are heroes to me.
Grace Kelly was absolutely a Beautiful Woman , Nat King Cole singing fascination made the video awesome what a beautiful voice Mr. Cole was given from God… WOW !
Net Hugs is one of the best site’s anyone could ever add or watch on their computer
Thank You for sharing Net Hugs with me ..
May 4, 2020 @ 6:33 pm
These old songs bring back precious memories for me that I’ll cherish forever!!
May 4, 2020 @ 5:44 am
Beauty in both forms, Nat and Grace…..Glorious..
May 4, 2020 @ 5:47 am
Lily….Your words echo those of many of us I’m certain….We were very fortunate….xx
April 15, 2020 @ 2:12 pm
In this time of crisis throughout the world, it is nice to find something uplifting to listen to. At 82 I am dating myself but I am happy and in a safe place and luckier than many and appreciate each and every day.
April 15, 2020 @ 12:23 pm
I remember both of these so well. I guess that tells my age. I am not saying that was the good old days but I am saying those were the days when our country had the best music and and movie stars were real heroes and not stuck up give me what’s mind slobs. I love both of these giants and also for THE NET HUGS site. I look forward to it every day. Thanks again to all.
April 15, 2020 @ 1:35 pm
Mr. Dennis, you voiced my sentiments exactly! And Nat King Cole was a treasure, Grace Kelly, a classic beauty and we had “real” heroes – these heroes were not today’s “movie stars”, the arrogant and overpaid football, basketball players, etc. (There are many who are good people!) They were real, honest everyday people. And, of course, we DID have the best music. Still do when we listen to the likes of Cole and so many others of that time. We all had problems, but looking at today, we had a wonderful time in which to grow up in. And for all our veterans everywhere… are heroes to me.
April 15, 2020 @ 12:06 pm
Grace Kelly was absolutely a Beautiful Woman , Nat King Cole singing fascination made the video awesome what a beautiful voice Mr. Cole was given from God… WOW !
Net Hugs is one of the best site’s anyone could ever add or watch on their computer
Thank You for sharing Net Hugs with me ..