Friends are very specialpeoplewho accept
each other with unconditional caring. They
Recognize each other’s talents and faults, and
acknowledge them without judgment.
They are Incapable of turning away when times
are tough and life’s problems seem hard to bear.
Instead, they Encourage each other so they can
enjoy the good times and find strength to endure the
bad times. They’re Never afraid to say what
they feel and can be honest without causing
hurt or pain. They can Depend on each other
because they have the kind of trust
that allows them to Share the best and
worst of their lives with laughter and without fear.
Andrea Hines
You are one of these special people,
and I’m glad to have you as my friend.
Music © Author Unknown
October 2, 2011 @ 7:49 am
Ed, Thank You so true. Best Buddies.
June 22, 2011 @ 1:40 am
missing out some friends, but i know that they will be here for me when i need them. family and relatives can also be the greatest friends any time you need them to console you when youre down. so love them!
June 21, 2011 @ 12:09 pm
I love you my only Friend , Jesus
June 21, 2011 @ 9:08 am
Blessings to you… Elizabeth W.
June 21, 2011 @ 4:41 am
I am happy with it myself. Thank You Lord God.
June 21, 2011 @ 4:03 am
I am very happy to read this massage because this is the true meaning of friendship..
June 20, 2011 @ 10:28 pm
I use these quite often.
June 20, 2011 @ 8:37 pm
June 20, 2011 @ 4:14 pm
Friends are indeed special people, reliable and dependable! They with you on all best and worst times in life!
March 17, 2011 @ 7:31 pm
Very true and lovely sentiments.
October 19, 2010 @ 9:56 am
Just did
October 19, 2010 @ 9:56 am
Just finished your E Mail and enjoyed all of them. Len
April 20, 2010 @ 12:54 pm
friends are not the ones we laugh and smile with but the ones who always remain you that will always be the sun after the rain and God still sit on the thorn.
April 20, 2010 @ 11:27 am
April 16, 2010 @ 11:32 am
my second comment to you; always keep in touch, enjoy your weekend…..
April 16, 2010 @ 11:31 am
Is so lovely to receive this, you are a great friend
April 13, 2010 @ 2:16 am
I still love you sincerely and seriously my Sweet Spottee. I do not know why you are given a very important place in my heart as my true friend, though you behave funnily sometimes.
April 12, 2010 @ 8:45 pm
Obrigada, eu amo meus amigos , e posso dizer com todo meu coração, que tenho , muitos e muitos amigos de verdade, que também me amam, e querem me ver Feliz. Então eu acredito nas pessoas e gosto de fazer amigos , eu agradeço a Deus por ter “Amigos Verdadeiros” e ter você me me enviou esse lindo poema . Eu te amo Também , mesmo que eu ainda não tenha certeza de quem é Você , beijo.
April 12, 2010 @ 11:49 am
There is no friend like Jesus, He is the only true friend one can have.
April 12, 2010 @ 10:32 am
I think it is hard to find a god frend whos really take care of you,and what ever
hapends still is a god frend!But we have all a really GOD FREND, if we Let Him in
to the hart!And Hes Name is JESUS! HE really is ALL we NEED!
April 12, 2010 @ 9:19 am
We are truly blessed when we have friends like that. I have several and I cherish them . True friends are really hard to find the ones that last through it all and are there to cheer you on ,cry with you , and give you a hug when you need it, but most of all to PRAY with you and for you during all the times of life.
April 12, 2010 @ 8:02 am
yeah..this is agreat card.
To all my friends who have been there for me,i wana say i love you unconditionally and i’ll love for ever.
Perry T
April 12, 2010 @ 7:13 am
wow!!!!!! its beautiful……………………………..
April 12, 2010 @ 4:12 am
Very nice poem…and very nice friendship!
April 12, 2010 @ 1:12 am
“I thank God especially for all my family and friends!!”
April 11, 2010 @ 11:59 pm
A friend in need, is a friend indeed. What a friend we have in JESUS!!!!
April 11, 2010 @ 11:57 pm
yes..u r right…this is for “Don”.God knows how people r lucky to get all in the world ,even if they get by cheating others.Wish u may have a freind”forever”.It is not like trusting or a bond..but freindship is also just like a occurs n stay for a long time to not get fade.But when selfishness involves then ..nothing remains except scars n wounds in heart.Well…people take a chance to meet new people also…depends who r they? n what ..if they r real? or not?
April 11, 2010 @ 11:23 pm
Good,honest,loyal and trustworthy friends are hard to find anymore these days unless you,ve known someone for 5yrs or more .People are somewhat affraid of meeting new one,s unless a bond of trust has been astablished………therefor where you would have to know someone for 5yrs or more,sadly to say that there are family members who can,t be trusted but thats another issue.Friends must build a kin bond and have known for two or more yrs before they can be trusted by anyone. I do know this………if you,ve known someone for 30yrs and has done you no wrong…………thats a friend for life.
April 11, 2010 @ 9:11 pm
I have such friends, and could not survive with out them, just hope I am that kind of friend to them as well. so very true….
April 11, 2010 @ 8:56 pm
every one who is on this thank you for sharing your love god bless you all
April 11, 2010 @ 8:51 pm
precious these are and wise……
April 11, 2010 @ 8:50 pm
these are the kinds of things that make my day worthwhile………ch
January 11, 2010 @ 9:04 am
Good friends scarce to find.
January 11, 2010 @ 6:23 am
wherefore art thou?
January 6, 2010 @ 9:23 am
I love it and how fortunate to have a sincere frined nowadays
September 8, 2009 @ 2:21 pm
September 8, 2009 @ 5:33 am
thanx for being my true friend i really apreciate it very rock the world my dearest friend.
September 6, 2009 @ 2:40 pm
Thank you m friend. You are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 4, 2009 @ 9:56 pm
Looking forward to Thursday. Thank you for making me feel like a special friend. I am so blessed to have you for my friend.
September 3, 2009 @ 5:56 am
great inspiration….it’s conforting men
September 2, 2009 @ 6:43 pm
Great, Big thank you for this inspirational card i love it and pls, do remember my birthday next month 25th.
September 2, 2009 @ 3:22 pm
Thank you for your frienship!
September 2, 2009 @ 10:19 am
Very Nice Friend card…
September 2, 2009 @ 9:49 am
beautiful card..very sweet
September 2, 2009 @ 9:40 am
Friendship is a two way traffic……………………
September 2, 2009 @ 9:34 am
This is soul inspiring,thanks for being my friend