Friends Forever
You brighten my day
Help me choose the right way
You are my friend
You lend me your hand
Help me understand
You are my friend
And when my skys
Are cloudy and grey
You know
just what to say
‘Cause we’re friends
Friends Forever
And we’re singing along
yes we’re friends, friends
and we’ll stay together
I know that’s how we belong
You’re there in good times and bad
When I’m happy or sad
You are my friend
I depend upon you
And I’ll be there for you too
You are my friend
And when the years
someday make us part
you’ll stay
within my heart
‘Cause we’re friends, friends forever
And we’re signing along
Yes we’re friends, friends
And we’ll stay together
I know that’s how we belong
There are no words I can say
To you for thanks I should pay
For being my FRIEND
Written By: © Author Unknown
Music: ‘In My Dreams’ © Bruce DeBoer
August 12, 2012 @ 9:22 pm
Friends forever was my hope for the future before I married. Sadly, the person I married didn’t like my friends enough to want to socialize with them! Consequently, as the years passed, we began to lose touch.
After I was divorced, my new independent life style changed my outlook on life. I became much more open minded. However, my friend and her husband haven’t changed; she and her husband live in the past and still share the same likes, dislikes and prejudices they shared when they first met in 1954.
I never knew how they felt about my husband until last year. I made a phone call to find out how things were going. During our conversation, my old friend told me that she and her husband never liked my husband. (I’ve seen this before. Married couples usually share their likes and dislikes! They prefer to socialize with a couple they both like.) I’m reminded me of an old song that was popular when I married, “Wedding Bells are Breaking Up that Old Gang of Mine.” Once I was married, I didn’t hear from my old friends often. During the first year of my marriage, I received several dinner invitations which I had to decline because my husband wasn’t interested in visiting with them. As the years passed, the only people we entertained, aside from family, were his friends.
August 11, 2012 @ 1:42 pm
Our Friendship is sealed with the Word of God and is Indestructible.
April 29, 2009 @ 11:14 pm
Dear Brethren in Christ,
Warmest greetings to all of your there in the precious name of our lord Jesus Christ.
I deem it a privilege to write this letter to introduce myself and our pioneering gospel work among the un reached Hindus.
I have been an evangelist for 5 years and handling N.T church truth in this populous nation of 900 million Hindus.
There is so much opposition from various denominations and persecutions from Hindus. Yet we rejoice to proclaim the gospel and especially the truth concerning the N.T church many are responding.
Positively and we need one to support us. We really need your prayers and support to reach the lost and perishing that’s the reason we all prayerfully considered writing to you to invite you to join hands with us in spreading his word.
Please feel free to ask us any information you need to consider the possibilities of supporting our work here.
We are interested to know about you kindly write to us at your earliest convenience and let us know more about you your congregation and gospel work.
Our prayers are always with you please to remember us in your prayers
Once I was meditating God’s word that time God spoke with me through his words. James 1:27 “ Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world”.
On that day I prayed to God, God inspired me to do his work among the orphans and widows. Then I decided to work among that orphan. Then I started mission school among the poor and tribal people.
I started mission school among poor densely populated minority neighborhood. The school imparts education for poor and illiterate children between the ages of Five to Sixteen. The main aim of the School to grow up the Children in Jesus Christ, spread education, health and awareness among the community. Every day I start the school with Prayer and meditating God’s word. At present there are 50 children in our school, They are all poor and tribal children. They don’t get enough food to fill their hungry stomachs. They don’t have proper clothes to wear. They are suffering from hungry.
Here our school children are all belong to poor families and daily labours. If they don’t go one day to work, then whole family should spend that day without food. Some are working in the stone mines and some are sellers of toys, plastic things, pins, threads, etc. .. Some times mother should carry her infants on her back . and carry the basket of toys, plastic things on her head and sell that things in the streets. They are suffering from many kinds of deficiency diseases. They don’t have enough money to buy medicines. Everyday I visit 2-5 houses for preaching the word of God. I would be the one of most blessed person, Even if God allows me to die for them. If anybody thinks that I am begging. Yes, I am begging. I am so happy to beg any one for the sake of this poor children. I am not at all a shaming to beg for the sake of this poor children. In the name of God I am ready to do anything for that children.
I am doing part time job, Through that I am only able to meet their some needs. But I want that they must get enough food to eat ,proper clothes to wear.
I am praying to God and trying to get some help and support. I am strongly believing that God would help this poor and needy children.
So, Dear brothers& sisters ,My dear fathers & mothers, Please pray for these orphan children. I need your valuable and miraculous prayers. I am strongly believing that God is going to do great miracles among these orphan children. The great revival is going to happen. I want to grow that children in Jesus Christ, I want to make that children to live or die for Christ. These children are going to become great servants of God.
Brother, here I have a great burden to serve the orphan and widows and seek to save the souls for Christ. Now we are preaching the Bible truths.
Our prayers are always with you please to remember us in your prayers more information in the next letter.
Greetings to all the elders and saints there,
Look forward to hear from you soon.
Thanking you Yours in His Love and Precious task
April 14, 2009 @ 8:15 am
I love your sms you give the heart to continue with my friendship
keep up my dear friends.
April 10, 2009 @ 10:53 am
love friends forever always!
April 9, 2009 @ 12:35 am
very nice poem. i really liked this poem.
its very touchable poem for friendship.
i am really happy to read this poem.
April 8, 2009 @ 6:56 am
I pledge to always be a faithful friend. I believe in love.
April 7, 2009 @ 12:18 am
Still a good friend.
April 5, 2009 @ 4:39 pm
this is a very sweet poem thank u