This is very true. In the valleys we experience many things that us grow and then we reach the mountain tops. In my life and sure many you been through rough times, but the saying goes ” Out a tradegy always comes some good, because that is the way GOD wants us to feel and be blessed in many ways.
Anita I am so happy to hear your testimony. If only I could write my story how the LORD saved me, after I graduated in High School, a time in which I won’t forget while my mother was on her death bed God bestowed upon me His mercy and grace. For 2 long years my Mom prayed for my salvation and God answered her prayer. Salvation is of LORD, only, in His appointed time. Please don’t give up to pray for your grandson and in due season God will show you He will answer your prayer. I’ll be praying for your grandson too. My God is my Savior, my friend my comforter. May God bless us both!!!
Betty thank you for your very strong comments about GOD in your life. I know how you feel life is shorter than we think sometime. I feel so blessed that I found JESUS as my SAVIUOR when I was fiifteen years of age and GOD has watched over me and helped me grow each day in HIS way of life. The story you told about the young man not wanting to take time to know GOD’S way of life happens to so many people. I have a grandson that is 29 years of age, that I have witnessed to many times over the years, but he is still holding on to the ways of the world, my prayer is that he will awaken to GOD’S way while there is still time.
I hope you’ll find happiness and peace!! when talking about death….age doesn’t count at all….death has no respect of age…young and old both will expect it anytime of a day. I had known an engineer very young at the age of 22 when a pastor dealt when him about the Bible he got mad and said i am very young to be serious about it …. i still have enough time for it maybe when i become successful someday then I’ll try to give time for God.Oh what a sad story ….after a week he met an accident and died on the spot. Sometime we say we don’t have time for God …what if God have no time for us? we must be happy …. when God give us another day to live. Death is just a hearbeat away. Praying for you.
eveyone saids take your time..buit if i was 30 or 50….i can say take my my age ..there is not much time and who to say how much we all have…that is why i say all i want is peace of mind…i need some happiness..and at this point i dont care where i find it.. i saw to many friends dying..and they are all around me…that did nothing with there life,,,i dont want to be in postion..waiting for it to come to is what you make of it..
you are right mii…the past is past…and never to return…that’s why i learn to live one day at a time…by faith!! for sure without God i can do nothing, i have nothing, and i am nothing. future may not come….life is so short ….let’s give our best to God every moment of a day… we can only find real peace by fully trusting in Him….A PEACE that the WORLD cannot give…only God can.. though we have all things in this world (material things) yet without God there will be no peace but absolutely fear comes within. That’s why the Bible says what can it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lost his own soul,,,what can he give in exchange of his soul. I thank God’s amazing grace!!! thank you mii and God bless!!
i let GOD make all my plans.and makes it …in my favor….betty i know that yesterday is gone.and never to return..i live moment to moment…and i leave the rest to GOD…im not looking for the future …because deep down i have to make my own life..until the day i find peace of mind…then i can relax..
Yesterday!!!! (a nice song)…. yesterday is already past…today is what God wants us to do what He wants us to be….tomorrow we really don’t know what it brings but what we know God has planned it all.
This is a beautiful card!! i love them all and they do make me feel so much better when there is something troubling me. I know the ones I send them too are so happy to get them. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Sharon
Please let my comments be known public. I do want everybody to KNOW that you cards are AWESOME and so wonderful. They really NEED to KNOW this. Thank-you
Give it Time
Loved this one,truer words were never spoken.When going thru the senior years of our lives we must
adjust to the why’s and the what’s and we have to”move on”no matter what blocks our path.
Prayer conquers all!
My dear friend…it seems we know, already, very well each other…and now you are so closed to the reality…
I am not complaing, never, and for nothing…and yes, you are right…all the burden, all the difficulties I pass…make me so strong…and I believe nothing ever can disturb me in my way…
Yes…every one is a blessing in disguise…
Thank you!
June 11, 2018 @ 9:56 am
How very beautiful and true. Sometimes we do not recognise the blessings we have just been given!!
God bless all who read it slowly, and digest it!!
May 23, 2018 @ 11:52 am
God bless
May 23, 2018 @ 5:00 am
Hello Anet can we link up?…here is my email
May 23, 2018 @ 4:58 am
Hy Anet…..that’s a true talk. God bless you
April 24, 2013 @ 8:46 pm
This is very true. In the valleys we experience many things that us grow and then we reach the mountain tops. In my life and sure many you been through rough times, but the saying goes ” Out a tradegy always comes some good, because that is the way GOD wants us to feel and be blessed in many ways.
October 4, 2012 @ 2:42 am
In time…everything is finding his resolution, his verisimilitude and verity…
Thank you!
May 1, 2012 @ 1:45 am
The true lover is the one who on your final day opens a thousand doors. Rumi
April 30, 2012 @ 2:00 am
Every time we have to solve…something with…thorns…but the real love must be… beware…of any interrogation…
November 30, 2011 @ 1:50 am
Yes, I have to solve a torny problem….
August 7, 2011 @ 1:12 am
Anita I am so happy to hear your testimony. If only I could write my story how the LORD saved me, after I graduated in High School, a time in which I won’t forget while my mother was on her death bed God bestowed upon me His mercy and grace. For 2 long years my Mom prayed for my salvation and God answered her prayer. Salvation is of LORD, only, in His appointed time. Please don’t give up to pray for your grandson and in due season God will show you He will answer your prayer. I’ll be praying for your grandson too. My God is my Savior, my friend my comforter. May God bless us both!!!
August 6, 2011 @ 3:46 pm
Betty thank you for your very strong comments about GOD in your life. I know how you feel life is shorter than we think sometime. I feel so blessed that I found JESUS as my SAVIUOR when I was fiifteen years of age and GOD has watched over me and helped me grow each day in HIS way of life. The story you told about the young man not wanting to take time to know GOD’S way of life happens to so many people. I have a grandson that is 29 years of age, that I have witnessed to many times over the years, but he is still holding on to the ways of the world, my prayer is that he will awaken to GOD’S way while there is still time.
May 5, 2011 @ 12:02 am
I hope you’ll find happiness and peace!! when talking about death….age doesn’t count at all….death has no respect of age…young and old both will expect it anytime of a day. I had known an engineer very young at the age of 22 when a pastor dealt when him about the Bible he got mad and said i am very young to be serious about it …. i still have enough time for it maybe when i become successful someday then I’ll try to give time for God.Oh what a sad story ….after a week he met an accident and died on the spot. Sometime we say we don’t have time for God …what if God have no time for us? we must be happy …. when God give us another day to live. Death is just a hearbeat away. Praying for you.
May 4, 2011 @ 7:08 am
eveyone saids take your time..buit if i was 30 or 50….i can say take my my age ..there is not much time and who to say how much we all have…that is why i say all i want is peace of mind…i need some happiness..and at this point i dont care where i find it.. i saw to many friends dying..and they are all around me…that did nothing with there life,,,i dont want to be in postion..waiting for it to come to is what you make of it..
May 4, 2011 @ 2:22 am
you are right mii…the past is past…and never to return…that’s why i learn to live one day at a time…by faith!! for sure without God i can do nothing, i have nothing, and i am nothing. future may not come….life is so short ….let’s give our best to God every moment of a day… we can only find real peace by fully trusting in Him….A PEACE that the WORLD cannot give…only God can.. though we have all things in this world (material things) yet without God there will be no peace but absolutely fear comes within. That’s why the Bible says what can it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lost his own soul,,,what can he give in exchange of his soul. I thank God’s amazing grace!!! thank you mii and God bless!!
May 2, 2011 @ 9:48 am
i let GOD make all my plans.and makes it …in my favor….betty i know that yesterday is gone.and never to return..i live moment to moment…and i leave the rest to GOD…im not looking for the future …because deep down i have to make my own life..until the day i find peace of mind…then i can relax..
May 2, 2011 @ 7:54 am
Yesterday!!!! (a nice song)…. yesterday is already past…today is what God wants us to do what He wants us to be….tomorrow we really don’t know what it brings but what we know God has planned it all.
May 1, 2011 @ 6:00 pm
i try not to make anything get to me…i make it role of my back…i dont like to hurt anyone feeling and i mean everyone…
December 29, 2010 @ 10:47 pm
This is a beautiful card!! i love them all and they do make me feel so much better when there is something troubling me. I know the ones I send them too are so happy to get them. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Sharon
December 29, 2010 @ 9:05 am
Please let my comments be known public. I do want everybody to KNOW that you cards are AWESOME and so wonderful. They really NEED to KNOW this. Thank-you
October 29, 2010 @ 9:43 am
It does………..u feel a kind of heaviness yet it lifts.
October 14, 2010 @ 6:54 am
Give it Time
Loved this one,truer words were never spoken.When going thru the senior years of our lives we must
adjust to the why’s and the what’s and we have to”move on”no matter what blocks our path.
Prayer conquers all!
October 13, 2010 @ 11:20 am
Your words were a blessing to me, as I was
trying to grasp the loneliness I was feeling.
Thank you.
October 13, 2010 @ 11:14 am
My dear friend…it seems we know, already, very well each other…and now you are so closed to the reality…
I am not complaing, never, and for nothing…and yes, you are right…all the burden, all the difficulties I pass…make me so strong…and I believe nothing ever can disturb me in my way…
Yes…every one is a blessing in disguise…
Thank you!
October 13, 2010 @ 8:51 am
I love it so much. It’s encouraging. This has made me to be strong again.
God bless you.