We never know how our LORD works,but today,this was for me and my daughter.I have lost both my sons now needlessly,and my beautiful gaughter,LISA LYNN,has lost her only two brothers.It wouldn’t be so bad,except that they both were so very special.Anyone who met them,loved them.And thank GOD,”my youngest kid”Lisa Lynn is one of those people too.Now that I said that,I’m scared.I wish I had never said it,but GOD knows a mother can only take so much loss,otherwise they will just go insane.
I really appreciate every person that contributed towards the formulation of God loves me Slides. This is an encouraging moment to very one. Thank you so much.
You were there with me,
with your genle touch on my shoulder,
Giving me strength to go on,
Through life’s trials and tribulations…..
May God be Glorified…..
We give thanks to God for each day is God’s day. Thanksgiving prayers and you are always in my prayers. I’m sending you this wonderful card with hugs. God presence is near and may you feel Him close to you always. I love you!
Sometimes when I am feeling down and I go to bed, I lay my head on my pillow and snuggle into it as if I were
putting my head on my LORD’S shoulder… and then I feel peace… Thank you LORD…
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
what in the world would we do without friends? this ecard was so wonderful to read and allow each word to fill my heart with God’s peace and comfort. Thank you for sharing. Love you and keep you in my prayers.
August 31, 2015 @ 11:45 am
How Beautiful. As a Christian I know God Loves Me This I Know For The Bible Tells Me So.
February 21, 2015 @ 4:27 pm
How could we possibly forget that at a time when our world is in such shape
January 7, 2015 @ 10:23 am
we never forget it : God loves us
September 6, 2013 @ 6:49 pm
We never know how our LORD works,but today,this was for me and my daughter.I have lost both my sons now needlessly,and my beautiful gaughter,LISA LYNN,has lost her only two brothers.It wouldn’t be so bad,except that they both were so very special.Anyone who met them,loved them.And thank GOD,”my youngest kid”Lisa Lynn is one of those people too.Now that I said that,I’m scared.I wish I had never said it,but GOD knows a mother can only take so much loss,otherwise they will just go insane.
January 3, 2013 @ 10:02 pm
what the heck are you doing?
January 3, 2013 @ 10:17 am
It is so true and real this great love we have from our God…that nothing compare with this…
February 13, 2012 @ 7:39 am
I really appreciate every person that contributed towards the formulation of God loves me Slides. This is an encouraging moment to very one. Thank you so much.
February 13, 2012 @ 6:13 am
February 11, 2012 @ 11:24 am
It is very relieving…to have always a support …present in ours lives.
God bless every one!
June 14, 2011 @ 5:29 pm
June 14, 2011 @ 12:17 pm
To God be all the glory
May 1, 2011 @ 5:16 pm
i love you and i will always be there for you…but please..dont let life get you.down BECAUSE GOD LOVES YOU..AND WILL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU…
March 12, 2011 @ 6:15 am
Yes, my Savior loves me…as He loves you and every other one…human
March 10, 2011 @ 11:42 pm
You were there with me,
with your genle touch on my shoulder,
Giving me strength to go on,
Through life’s trials and tribulations…..
May God be Glorified…..
February 20, 2011 @ 7:58 am
We give thanks to God for each day is God’s day. Thanksgiving prayers and you are always in my prayers. I’m sending you this wonderful card with hugs. God presence is near and may you feel Him close to you always. I love you!
November 22, 2010 @ 10:07 pm
Sometimes when I am feeling down and I go to bed, I lay my head on my pillow and snuggle into it as if I were
putting my head on my LORD’S shoulder… and then I feel peace… Thank you LORD…
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
September 24, 2010 @ 3:03 pm
The everlasting love of GOD – His love is immeasurable!!!!
September 8, 2010 @ 8:01 pm
My Best friend Ben is a great guy he was talking to me on the phone he,s a sweet guy he,s a sweetheart
September 6, 2010 @ 4:44 pm
“God Loves Me,” and you said it so beautifully.
Wonderful words of praise.
September 4, 2010 @ 12:21 pm
what in the world would we do without friends? this ecard was so wonderful to read and allow each word to fill my heart with God’s peace and comfort. Thank you for sharing. Love you and keep you in my prayers.
September 4, 2010 @ 7:04 am
September 4, 2010 @ 7:03 am
Beyond of any doubt…God loves me and us…
He is only one Who can be tusted witout reserves…
Thank you God!
September 3, 2010 @ 10:54 pm
thank you Lord:-) for loving me inspite of my sins
September 3, 2010 @ 4:22 pm
Beautiful card