God Will Make A Way – Don Moen
“God Will Make A Way” sung by Don Moen. What did you think? Please tell us in the comment section below and remember to sign up for our free newsletter.
“God Will Make A Way” sung by Don Moen. What did you think? Please tell us in the comment section below and remember to sign up for our free newsletter.
November 3, 2021 @ 1:26 am
Yes He will find a way. We just have to be open and listen. He is there.
November 18, 2018 @ 4:01 pm
I look for a song, which will touch my friend, who is enduring untold pain and agony, Oh please Jesus let Your Presence be felt in the heart and soul of my sweet precious friend whom I love oh, so very much. Father I know You will be her guide and comfort, with love and strength, You Will make a way. Amen.. Betty, I love you and Bill so much, honey, so sorry for the delay, so sorry I let you down when you needed me.the most to pray. I was praying for you, as my most valued friend and warrior.I thanked Father for your friendship, I missed out the battle of demons, you have been enduring..O, honey, God knows and I am confident that He will comfort you, protect and carry you through. I love you like a sister, a golden one, always a beacon of light for Jesus. Forgive my delay. Love,
October 26, 2018 @ 9:34 am