This is the second time I received a loving blessing from this message. When I look back to when I accepted JESUS CHRIST into my heart I was only 15 years of age and now I am 94 years of age and been blessed with HIS Grace for many years. May GODS Angels continue to watch over all of you forever, is my prayer.
Dear Sister Rachel: This is the first time I have received this beautiful message of GRACE and it certainly is sufficient for all of GODS children. Your message was vey deep and I could certainly feel your sorrow. Yes. as Sister Elizabeth said we have all lost loved and miss them, but what a blessing it is to know that they are in HEAVEN with OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. It has a been blessing to me being able to email back and forth with you for nearly a year and it will continue . May GODS Angels continue to watch over you forever, is my prayer. Your Sister in CHRIST Anita
Rachel Dayhuff…I am enclosing you in my arms with a hug of grace…I too have suffered in the loss of my loved ones who are now in..
Heaven with our loving GOD. GOD BLESS YOU…
Elizabeth W.
Always believe in Christ Jesus, especially when we walk in the unknown, and are faced with countless people who are filled with negativity.
God is love and love is to be godly.
Angel hugs & Angel kisses
I really needed that message tonight.Sometimes I feel so bad for all the weeping and mourning I am doing,that maybe I’m not even fit for his love.I know that both my sons are now in heaven.I am happy about that,and believe me when I say I feel no hatred to the persons who caused their deaths.I truly love MY FATHER,and I myself can hardly wait to look upon the face of OUR LORD and SAVIOR,JESUS CHRIST.I don’t understand why I am grieving so badly.Of course David,my oldest was only 32 years old,that was Dec.11,1994.I was much younger.I could walk,go to the cemetary anytime,but now,Derek,my baby was 48 years old.I can’t walk,I can’t go to the cemetary when I want.I feel there are about 3 people that really understand.Forgive me,I don’t mean to complain,I know there are people all over the world that you might say have to live in hell on Earth.GOD help me,I don’t even know what to say.GOD BLESS THOSE WHO HAVE SENT MESSAGES TO ME.I love all people,especially my brothers & sisters in CHRIST
October 12, 2018 @ 11:31 am
Absolutely Beautiful
October 23, 2017 @ 3:50 pm
keep them coming
March 14, 2016 @ 8:32 pm
And tho it makes Him sad to see the way we live, He’ll always say I FORGIVE…
March 14, 2016 @ 8:26 pm
This is the second time I received a loving blessing from this message. When I look back to when I accepted JESUS CHRIST into my heart I was only 15 years of age and now I am 94 years of age and been blessed with HIS Grace for many years. May GODS Angels continue to watch over all of you forever, is my prayer.
March 14, 2016 @ 5:38 pm
I just love Net please keep them coming.
December 1, 2014 @ 8:41 pm
Dear Sister Rachel: This is the first time I have received this beautiful message of GRACE and it certainly is sufficient for all of GODS children. Your message was vey deep and I could certainly feel your sorrow. Yes. as Sister Elizabeth said we have all lost loved and miss them, but what a blessing it is to know that they are in HEAVEN with OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. It has a been blessing to me being able to email back and forth with you for nearly a year and it will continue . May GODS Angels continue to watch over you forever, is my prayer. Your Sister in CHRIST Anita
November 29, 2014 @ 1:21 pm
Rachel Dayhuff…I am enclosing you in my arms with a hug of grace…I too have suffered in the loss of my loved ones who are now in..
Heaven with our loving GOD. GOD BLESS YOU…
Elizabeth W.
November 8, 2014 @ 7:38 pm
My FATHER in heaven must surely have known the depth of my pain today_That is why I received this lovely message.
October 13, 2014 @ 8:00 am
Always believe in Christ Jesus, especially when we walk in the unknown, and are faced with countless people who are filled with negativity.
God is love and love is to be godly.
Angel hugs & Angel kisses
September 11, 2013 @ 10:46 pm
I really needed that message tonight.Sometimes I feel so bad for all the weeping and mourning I am doing,that maybe I’m not even fit for his love.I know that both my sons are now in heaven.I am happy about that,and believe me when I say I feel no hatred to the persons who caused their deaths.I truly love MY FATHER,and I myself can hardly wait to look upon the face of OUR LORD and SAVIOR,JESUS CHRIST.I don’t understand why I am grieving so badly.Of course David,my oldest was only 32 years old,that was Dec.11,1994.I was much younger.I could walk,go to the cemetary anytime,but now,Derek,my baby was 48 years old.I can’t walk,I can’t go to the cemetary when I want.I feel there are about 3 people that really understand.Forgive me,I don’t mean to complain,I know there are people all over the world that you might say have to live in hell on Earth.GOD help me,I don’t even know what to say.GOD BLESS THOSE WHO HAVE SENT MESSAGES TO ME.I love all people,especially my brothers & sisters in CHRIST
July 10, 2013 @ 4:40 am
Amen! Truly God’s grace is sufficient and His love is unmeasurable. I thank God for His Saving Grace.