Grandpa, Tell Me about the Good Old Days
“A heart warming song for those who year for the good old days. My children had such a grandpa, who lived on a farm sort of like the one in this video. God bless and enjoy.” –Steve Politte. What did you think of this of this song about the good old days? Please tell us in the comment section below and remember to sign up for our free newsletter.
May 18, 2024 @ 7:39 pm
I have their CD’s. Love their music. Saw the Judd’s in concert. Fantastic
May 16, 2024 @ 12:24 am
Loved this song when first hearing years ago, love it still. One of the Bird’s best.
September 24, 2022 @ 1:11 pm
I loved the song brought back great memories
November 23, 2021 @ 11:05 am
my favorite song reminds me of my grandpa, the good ole days,
October 14, 2023 @ 5:28 pm
That is the way it was back then the elderlies would tell you good ole days for sure
November 21, 2021 @ 11:14 pm
So so sorry to have passed through the Good Old Days to this more challenging days. Those old days really were GOOD OLD DAYS. I am a bit sorry I did not fully recognize those sweet, beautiful, wonderful days back then but now they are in my mind daily. Great great message. Net Hugs wins!!
November 15, 2020 @ 12:34 pm
Yes, there were so many “good old days.” And you, Steve and your kids were indeed Blessed! Unfortunately today, too many people are bent on causing chaos – many times they don’t even have a reason. Just something to do. Very sad. Where and when will that end? Thanks, Steve.
October 25, 2019 @ 10:20 pm
I could almost cry for the way time has changed. I miss the good old days.
July 20, 2019 @ 1:50 pm
love this has so much meaning to me about my grandpa
January 5, 2019 @ 11:02 am
The Good Ole days reminds me of growing up with my grnadpa, miss them much, so many times i wished i could turn back the clock, like things use to be,
December 1, 2018 @ 9:53 pm
I love the way that the “Good Old Days” were when everyone was close to God and their word along with a handshake meant something special. People told the truth, did not steal when they entered someones home as a guest, and people could be trusted. What is happening to the world now? Is all hope lost?
November 29, 2018 @ 7:59 pm
One of the very best songs by the Judds. As one gentleman said, give me just one week to go back! I did not know my grandparents, but I remember growing up in a large family……many great memories. Thanks, Steve!
November 29, 2018 @ 6:42 pm
They really were the ‘good old days’. As kids we didn’t realize how lucky we were, doing fun things, going to Sunday school, family picnics, 10 cent movies on Saturday and a milkshake for a quarter. Kids now are so sheltered and protected and dependent on their TV and cell phone, a lot of the fun things we did are taboo. \\we can’t go back, but we can have fond memories!!
February 22, 2018 @ 6:44 pm
So many good memories and words whatever happened to the wonderful ways of the past. Life could be difficult but families saw things through.
February 21, 2018 @ 2:31 pm
I had a aunt and uncle who were farmers. Brings back so many great memories. the harvest when a long table of men would be there at lunch time and my aunt would have a lot of food for them. Then back to the harvest for the men.
February 21, 2018 @ 9:01 am
really good memories, why cant this world be like it was back then when growing up,
February 16, 2017 @ 1:15 am
Love the song. Love the message. I am surrounded by a group of people who still experience the good ol’ days but we are painfully aware of the present day. Makes the “Good ol’ Days” even more precious.
November 23, 2016 @ 1:57 pm
this song bring back so many thought and how things have changed in this world
October 13, 2016 @ 9:58 am
We saw them in person singing this song.beautiful words. Sometimes wish we could have some of those good old days
January 25, 2016 @ 9:17 am
Families really bow their heads to pray Daddies really never go away Woah, oh, grandpa, tell me ’bout the good old days
May 2, 2015 @ 1:18 pm
We were so lucky to have grown up in the times the Judds mentioned in their song.
Miss the days, and also the Judds.
December 17, 2014 @ 1:53 pm
Love this song, ththe words are so true,about the Good Ole Days, which are very missed
October 24, 2014 @ 12:20 pm
If only I could go back to the good old days for a week,I would relive the memories that should never be forgotten.
How simple and wonderfull life was that we should remember as a Blessing in life.
October 7, 2014 @ 7:55 pm
Wish those days where here now. Familes stood together. Love the old day’s miss them.
March 12, 2014 @ 10:12 am
The opening painting floored me as that is a picture I have in my home. Well I have others that were featured also in this segment. Loved the portfolio of so many of Robert Duncan’s paintings. Song so fitted his material. The one with the little girl riding the milk cows is in my mom’s nursing home room. Reminder of her younger days where she had to ride them out of sloughs to get them home.
March 11, 2014 @ 9:58 am
Love this song by The Judds. Growing up and learning on my grandparents
farm and neighbors it was such fun. The pictures on this video with the
music was PERFECT.