How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100?
What happens when you give a homeless person a $100 on the street? What happens next will surprise you.
What did you think of this act of kindness? Please tell us in the comment seciton below.
What happens when you give a homeless person a $100 on the street? What happens next will surprise you.
What did you think of this act of kindness? Please tell us in the comment seciton below.
January 11, 2016 @ 7:43 pm
The news media can’t make their big money on covering acts of kindness, and climb to the top. Have you ever seen one try? No they like upheavals, and love to keep fears on the upscale of humanity. The heart felled kindness is what we should see on the news, but what we see are only the despairing situations we live in. I personally don’t watch the news anymore. I can’t live in fear it keeps me in. Stories like yours makes me feel happy, in what my simple life I live. GOD has blessed me and my family with food to eat and roofs over our heads, and for that I am very thankfully blessed. My family helps each other in many ways, but there are many who are helpless, hopeless without families or help. Don’t get me wrong, there are many bad, and many users in our society, who would shoot you for what you might have, just for a drug fix. It filled my heart to see this man share what little he had, whith those he didn’t even know. If we would strive to find, and help, I’m sure there are many good out there that would be gratefully helped. Really makes you think about your life, and theirs.
January 31, 2015 @ 10:48 am
God bless those who give and not worry about receiving.
Why doesn’t the news media cover these stories???
December 29, 2014 @ 3:56 pm
Another amazing reminder that we are not to
judge others.
December 28, 2014 @ 7:12 pm
This homeless man who did not have much shared what he got, not knowing when he would have money again. These are the kind of stories we need to hear, not all the killing and robbing. God bless this man and the young man who gave him the money
December 28, 2014 @ 3:02 am
I was really inspired by the generosity of Josh and the homeless man to whom he gave the money, and that the homeless man did not just think of himself and helped others in need.
December 27, 2014 @ 10:46 pm
There many people living in the street, not by choice. Therefor you can see how this person showed GODS love towards those also in need. As he continues to bless others blessings will come to him.
December 27, 2014 @ 9:25 pm
I have always had a feeling, wish, hope that what I give them, they put it to good use. Haven’t had time to follow them around. I leave it up to the younger people. Bottom line is “Let’s give them what we can afford because you never know when you will be in dire need of someone else help” GOD BLESS.
December 27, 2014 @ 7:04 pm
Excellent story, it is great to help others.
That is the true spirit.
December 27, 2014 @ 6:03 pm
I am so inspired by this story. Thanks to whoever is responsible for doing this.