Miss Colorado – I’m Just A Nurse
Miss America 2016 – While other contestants sang, danced or played instruments for the talent competition on the second night of preliminaries in Atlantic City, Kelley Johnson, Miss Colorado, delivered a unique monologue about experience as a nurse.
December 18, 2015 @ 6:23 am
Many times, I have felt the touch and heard the voices of nurses bringing me back to consciousness. Most I have never met again, but I knew they were all Kelley Johnsons; beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside! The monologue was creative and very appropriately brought credit to her profession. The short talk said volumes about her character and practical skills. I can tell you that her noble profession brought me out of the darkness of Vietnam to an environment of compassion and recovery. I give thanks for people of her calling.
October 31, 2015 @ 2:29 pm
What a true American Role Model!
Could her parents be more proud of her? Wow
Love the statement about CARING. Also “People in a hospital are not just a room number or a diagnosis, they are a person.” WOW this woman GETS IT!
September 17, 2015 @ 11:37 am
How wonderful. Miss Colorado should have won. May God watch over her and wrap his arms around her forever.
And Joe you still are Joe. And God Loves You and Blesses you always. Thank You for bringing this to me.