Net Hugs: The English language cannot express how much I have appreciate this site, nor all the Blessings I have received while listening to the hymns, reading the inspirational poetry and looking at the beautiful animated pictures. I have been on your web site many, many hours, enjoying your beautiful arrangements, with the uplifting melodies.
My ‘Picture of God’s Love to Me,’ is my husband Russell, We live in a little town named Bedford, nestled by the water’s edge, not far from Halifax, Nova Scotia, in Atlantic Canada. We will be celebrating our 60th Anniversary on June 4. 2021.
Since Feb, 7 of 2013, I have been totally bedridden, after being coerst into taking a medication which proved to be extremely detrimental to me. It has been a long, long road, with no light at the end of the tunnel.
Our Faith and Our Trust in Our Heavenly Father, is all that has kept us going through the years.
Thank You for helping to make my life so much brighter.
I was nine years old when I first heard the story of Jesus and His Love for Me. Every day I Pray for the soon return of Our Saviour. I am tired of this ol’ world, I really would like to go home.
May God Bless You, (Who ever you are? — Where ever you are?) as You continue to share the Love of Jesus
with others, via the internet. Cheerio for now. Just Me, JeanE
October 1, 2020 @ 12:11 pm
Net Hugs: The English language cannot express how much I have appreciate this site, nor all the Blessings I have received while listening to the hymns, reading the inspirational poetry and looking at the beautiful animated pictures. I have been on your web site many, many hours, enjoying your beautiful arrangements, with the uplifting melodies.
My ‘Picture of God’s Love to Me,’ is my husband Russell, We live in a little town named Bedford, nestled by the water’s edge, not far from Halifax, Nova Scotia, in Atlantic Canada. We will be celebrating our 60th Anniversary on June 4. 2021.
Since Feb, 7 of 2013, I have been totally bedridden, after being coerst into taking a medication which proved to be extremely detrimental to me. It has been a long, long road, with no light at the end of the tunnel.
Our Faith and Our Trust in Our Heavenly Father, is all that has kept us going through the years.
Thank You for helping to make my life so much brighter.
I was nine years old when I first heard the story of Jesus and His Love for Me. Every day I Pray for the soon return of Our Saviour. I am tired of this ol’ world, I really would like to go home.
May God Bless You, (Who ever you are? — Where ever you are?) as You continue to share the Love of Jesus
with others, via the internet. Cheerio for now. Just Me, JeanE
September 19, 2020 @ 8:51 pm
I find peace listening to this again. Viewing such tiny, beautiful creatures…..magnificent!
August 22, 2019 @ 11:38 am
August 17, 2019 @ 6:36 am
You are right, Rolando. Listen each day – makes all the difference on how my day starts.
August 15, 2019 @ 5:56 pm
Absolutely beautiful…we need to listen to this each and every morning before our day gets underway!!!