Mary… I don’t know if I got the message in your short story, but think that Tara meant, not
yesterday, not tomorrow, but today (Now.) Is that what it is ??? Please reply… Thank You,
Elizabeth W.
Zen Master Blumise On A Whacking Spree
Written by Anmol Mehta
There was chaos at No Wind Monastery. The monks were running scared and the cause of their fear was none other than the head abbot, Zen Master Blumise. They all knew that the only monk who could help them in such desperate times was senior monk Tara, and the monks were running around frantically trying to find her.
Finally, a group located her sitting by the river enjoying the late afternoon sun.
“What’s all this ruckus about?” she asked, rather alarmed at seeing a gang of anxious monks approaching her. “And why is one side of each of your faces red?” she continued, noticing the glowing redness on the left cheek of every monk.
“Master Blumise has lost his marbles,” replied Chin. “He is running around the monastery asking everyone what time is it? And as soon as you tell him the time, he gives you one tight slap and moves on to the next victim. In fact, he has slapped monk Gzan twice today already, see both his cheeks are red!” Chin exclaimed, while pointing out Gzan’s very red face.
“The old bugger is still pretty strong,” muttered Gzan.
Just then a very irritated Master Blumise burst onto the scene.
“Tara!” he yelled, “What time is it?”
Tara looked up calmly, smiled and said, “The time is now, Master,” and that was the end of that. Master Blumise bowed deeply to his beloved student and left the now awakened congregation of monks to reflect on this right answer.
I love receiving these inspiring messages and would love to share them with friends, however, when I press the submit button the URL site is not found. I am wondering what I’m doing wrong or how I can overcome this problem. Thanks.
With tears of gratitude my LORD, thank you for this warm email… I felt myself dancing to the music in my mind… thank you again and again LORD…
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
today, i was just so bless to come acros with this beautiful card, God knows im down this time and want me to read this. thank you Lord, your always there for me to uplift my soul.
I Love You Lord with all my have been there to pick me up these last 3 years, as I watched my beloved Husband, Tommy, of 54 years pass into your loving arms. It has been devastating to me to watch him suffer from his cancer which had taken over his body. Now I must learn to live without My Love, its been so difficult….but you have always been there beside me to love me and carry me through. You have blessed me with 4 wonderful children, who loved their Dad so much, and have been so loving, patient and kind to me, I could not have managed without them. I see them often as they all live close to me.
Lord, You are a loving God, and I know My Tommy is with you, and is very happy and free of pain, for that I am grateful. I am happy to know that someday I will see You, Lord , along with my Tommy.
These beautiful videos and music are so helpful, Please continue them as others will be helped also. Thank You.
What a beautiful message, with peaceful pics, and soothing music.
I was thinking of someone special as I read your words, and
it brought a tear to my eyes. Thanks for sharing this.
How often I feel GOD’s presence… and I am thankful for Him to be with me when I
need Him the most.
When I was very sick for five days in a row, I felt His presence beside me all the time,
even when everyone went on with their “life” without me. Whether in my car, at
night in my home, at church at the market, etc. He is always there. Thank you
wonderful GOD for being my dear, true friend also. I appreciate it very much.
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
As I sat thinking about my misspent life, I came across your beautiful
ecard. It reminded me of the many years of disrespect I had for my Dad,
my Mother, and my Sister. I could sense that they forgave me, and that
they were saying these words to me. The music and the scenery added
a soothing touch.
July 12, 2019 @ 9:18 am
Just made me choke up, such beautiful words!!
April 13, 2014 @ 7:53 pm
Mary… I don’t know if I got the message in your short story, but think that Tara meant, not
yesterday, not tomorrow, but today (Now.) Is that what it is ??? Please reply… Thank You,
Elizabeth W.
February 5, 2013 @ 1:48 pm
Zen Master Blumise On A Whacking Spree
Written by Anmol Mehta
There was chaos at No Wind Monastery. The monks were running scared and the cause of their fear was none other than the head abbot, Zen Master Blumise. They all knew that the only monk who could help them in such desperate times was senior monk Tara, and the monks were running around frantically trying to find her.
Finally, a group located her sitting by the river enjoying the late afternoon sun.
“What’s all this ruckus about?” she asked, rather alarmed at seeing a gang of anxious monks approaching her. “And why is one side of each of your faces red?” she continued, noticing the glowing redness on the left cheek of every monk.
“Master Blumise has lost his marbles,” replied Chin. “He is running around the monastery asking everyone what time is it? And as soon as you tell him the time, he gives you one tight slap and moves on to the next victim. In fact, he has slapped monk Gzan twice today already, see both his cheeks are red!” Chin exclaimed, while pointing out Gzan’s very red face.
“The old bugger is still pretty strong,” muttered Gzan.
Just then a very irritated Master Blumise burst onto the scene.
“Tara!” he yelled, “What time is it?”
Tara looked up calmly, smiled and said, “The time is now, Master,” and that was the end of that. Master Blumise bowed deeply to his beloved student and left the now awakened congregation of monks to reflect on this right answer.
July 28, 2012 @ 12:31 pm
In the morning light…or in the stillness of an evening…I’ll find always my support and strange…because God is there…and near…
March 2, 2012 @ 8:18 am
March 1, 2012 @ 5:45 pm
This is a wonderful card created and written with in wonderful words, filled with love. Lord God we thank you and my Angel thank you, I love you!
October 11, 2011 @ 8:53 am
I love receiving these inspiring messages and would love to share them with friends, however, when I press the submit button the URL site is not found. I am wondering what I’m doing wrong or how I can overcome this problem. Thanks.
October 10, 2011 @ 4:30 pm
Nature is created to inspire, encourage and show us the way out of our difficulties ever!
March 26, 2011 @ 1:40 pm
Our Friendship is sealed with the Word of God.
Everyday is Thanksgiving day.
God is beyond our comprehension.
March 26, 2011 @ 12:29 pm
Words mixed with the real pure faith ,can and will move mountains,
or any other problems we are faced with..
February 13, 2011 @ 9:59 pm
This is so beautiful. I want to hold it in my heart. I love it.
February 12, 2011 @ 10:04 am
Thank you so much sis…and thank you dear Lord.
February 11, 2011 @ 10:09 am
With tears of gratitude my LORD, thank you for this warm email… I felt myself dancing to the music in my mind… thank you again and again LORD…
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
October 28, 2010 @ 11:27 am
Nice dear
August 21, 2010 @ 9:28 am
today, i was just so bless to come acros with this beautiful card, God knows im down this time and want me to read this. thank you Lord, your always there for me to uplift my soul.
August 7, 2010 @ 3:14 pm
I Love You Lord with all my have been there to pick me up these last 3 years, as I watched my beloved Husband, Tommy, of 54 years pass into your loving arms. It has been devastating to me to watch him suffer from his cancer which had taken over his body. Now I must learn to live without My Love, its been so difficult….but you have always been there beside me to love me and carry me through. You have blessed me with 4 wonderful children, who loved their Dad so much, and have been so loving, patient and kind to me, I could not have managed without them. I see them often as they all live close to me.
Lord, You are a loving God, and I know My Tommy is with you, and is very happy and free of pain, for that I am grateful. I am happy to know that someday I will see You, Lord , along with my Tommy.
These beautiful videos and music are so helpful, Please continue them as others will be helped also. Thank You.
June 15, 2010 @ 8:09 am
What beautiful cards,to send to love ones. thank you.
June 15, 2010 @ 7:40 am
June 8, 2010 @ 5:57 pm
Just had an inner peace upon reading this …..
June 6, 2010 @ 6:43 pm
This a very peaceful site and a card that has it all.
June 6, 2010 @ 5:05 pm
What a beautiful message, with peaceful pics, and soothing music.
I was thinking of someone special as I read your words, and
it brought a tear to my eyes. Thanks for sharing this.
June 5, 2010 @ 9:32 pm
45 YRS of marriage
we are sooo blessed
June 4, 2010 @ 5:43 pm
God is everywhere and i feel him there.This is so true.
June 4, 2010 @ 2:17 pm
Very true! Everything makes us happy…is very special to us…
we just have to enjoy… the pappiness is around us because God is everywhere…
June 3, 2010 @ 5:18 pm
How often I feel GOD’s presence… and I am thankful for Him to be with me when I
need Him the most.
When I was very sick for five days in a row, I felt His presence beside me all the time,
even when everyone went on with their “life” without me. Whether in my car, at
night in my home, at church at the market, etc. He is always there. Thank you
wonderful GOD for being my dear, true friend also. I appreciate it very much.
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
June 3, 2010 @ 4:29 pm
it is so beautiful!
specially when read it with music and images! it really brings warmth and strength to our hearts!
June 3, 2010 @ 1:00 pm
As I sat thinking about my misspent life, I came across your beautiful
ecard. It reminded me of the many years of disrespect I had for my Dad,
my Mother, and my Sister. I could sense that they forgave me, and that
they were saying these words to me. The music and the scenery added
a soothing touch.
June 3, 2010 @ 10:14 am
Very Nice!
June 3, 2010 @ 5:21 am
Whao!!! this is lovely.