Life is a good journey if you have someone to share it with. It’s nice to share anything with that special person and they’re path is going in the same direction too. I hope to share mine with the right man some day and to share everything with the man. Your journey can be anything you want it, share it with that person, going down the road, walking on a path or the highest mountain you may want to climb someday.
Enjoy your journey while you are still young, b/c you may not have another chance.
Thanks for all the wonderful inspirational messages each day.
They start my day with Joy! I’m glad to be alive knowing the–
Lord is there wathcing over me.
I feel I had been through all these journeys and thanks God I made it till now. Everything in here are so inspirational and helped me when I am lonely and dispair.
Life Is A Journey
These words are so encouraging leaving my eyes a little misty.
I’m on my way,not knowing what’s ahead of me as our lives are
already planned out for us by someone bigger than all of us.
God Bless the author may he/she find their way to happiness
and forever love.
This was very inspiring and helps us appreciate the beautiful things that GOD created for all of us to enjoy. This is what is neede each day, so we strive to walk with GOD daily.
I feel very uplifted and very tHe recently turned back GODhankful for this very inspiring message. I have a great-nephew in prison and I write to him weekly, so this gave me many chosen words of advice to write to him. We all need guidance and it truly helps to feel their are loved ones there for you. Thanks over and over for the beautiful messages I receive everyday from nethugs inspirational say for the LOVE HE shows each one of HIS children. Praise the LORD each day is very important for all of us. Love and GODS Blessings, Anita
This is life as it was, as it is, and how it will be in the future..Thank God for the hope at the end of the road, if we keep the faith, and don’t take the senseless detours..Keep your eyes on the road, and your hand on the throttle, and with God as our conducter, how can we miss the goal?..”Life is like a mountain railroad”..
I agree with this poem and believe that, life is a very long journey in which so many difficulties are involved.According to Matthew 10:16-20,” I am sending you like lambs into a pack of wolves. so be as wise as snakes and as innocent as doves.17,watch out for people who will take you to court and have you beaten in their meeting places.19, but when someone arrests you, don’t worry about what you will say or how you will say it.”
To conclude, i do believe that life is a journey and it will only end when Jesus comes.
This poem sounds so very much like my life’s journey, from the mountian tops to the barren deserts as I deal with sexual abuse as a young child by family. As i grew older, the effects of my abuse start to show it’s effects on my behavior. I turned to being a angry young man using alcohol thenstarted using drugs too. Wasn’t very long before I too became a abuser. I never abused my children because I had more respect for them and I did not want them to hate me like I did my abusers. I did create my own victims. I can’t change that. I can only pray that one day in their hearts they’ll learn to forgive me for the terrible things I have done against them. Thank God my last victim had the courage to speak up against me. In prison I found Jesus, and I keep Jesus in my heart now that I’m back in the mainstream of life. I had leaned to forgive those who abused me freeing my heart from much anger and resentments, making me a much better human being. Now I’ve learned to respect everyone, knowing in my heart I’ll never create another victim. Thank ou Dear Jesus for showing me a better way of life. Now as I travel the highways of life. I’ll walk with Jesus at my side, guiding me along, and there to catch me if I should ever stumble. Thank You Dear Jesus
“WICKED” makes me thinl of sylvestr sing’n that song oh u’ll nevr know where u’r going until U get there+ he’s walk’n atound in circles, Thatz sondz like me lost, my tickr is play’n trickz on me. hopefully I find my way soooooooooooooon! I like this. I know I’m not the only1 lost people go all over try’n 2 find happiness I guesss thatz what it’s called.
life is a train and people r travellars.wishes r compartment and there is no junction for some people n there is a samll station for is a nonstop journey to ride in train n sit in it n u get various creatures too.
It is better to walk further to attain what I want. Life is a journey to the destination we have in our mind! Till then it is better we just keep on walking!
Life is a Journey.
Beautiful and loving words,that sound like such a joy in searching for love and a place in life for happinesss and peace.God bless the writer.
Dear, its a blessing to have journey at the right place and right time together, God is the reason, and I thank God so much, for I have always prayed and you are a blessing to me, more than words can express dear…may our life together forever be a wonderful journey together where our Love takes us higher and higher each day, hugs and kisses!
it is more than beautiful can say… it is as if the beauty of the summer which can not tell which is which have blossom or flowers… everything of it is just so beautiful! the words, the images, the music.. all come together.. very enjoy it!
She always has a remark…That makes me feel bad
I try to rise above it…But it truly makes me sad
My husband says to forget it…Forget it, it’ll go away
But next day it’s still the same…Week after week, day to day
Then something happened to her..She seemed very very sad.
She said she was truly sick…And the prognosis was bad…
My heart went swiftly to her…I prayed that she would be well
She and I get along now…Give LOVE…you never can tell…
Kind thoughts replaced the bad ones…Words of LOVE I now gather…
By Elizabeth M. Wright Thank you GOD…
To whom it may concern: Wow, very inspirational and well very mindblowing with the soundtrack of Fire Walk With Me Soundtrack Music for background emphasis…I felt very stirred in the soul and very thoughtfull of life in general and the people I’ve met in my lifetime.This is a goood time to meditate and reflect on my journey and how these indiviual’s have touched my life and the joy they brought to my life…once in a lifetime I can finally say, Been there done that and no regrets…My dreams are coming to life,my prayers are still been answered…many things to be thankfull for, Just for Today and in the Present.Life is good.May you all receive your blessings in the sands of time and patience…
Life is not always a bed of roses, as the saying goes. It has its ups and downs, hopes and disappointments, love and hate. we should accept life as it is as we cannot change its course which is predetermined. My ‘close’ friend must be knowing all this.
April 5, 2018 @ 2:52 pm
so wonderful and so pretty love this
April 25, 2013 @ 1:27 pm
Lovely words and so meaningful
February 18, 2013 @ 11:46 am
Sweet Dreams
December 8, 2012 @ 4:01 am
Yes, I too, love this poem.
Perhaps one day my journey will take me to where I want to be.
March 6, 2012 @ 5:21 am
I will just keep walking”…too; until I will find the real road in God’s will for tomorrow…
Very, very nice…I love this poem!
October 17, 2011 @ 2:05 am
Life is a good journey if you have someone to share it with. It’s nice to share anything with that special person and they’re path is going in the same direction too. I hope to share mine with the right man some day and to share everything with the man. Your journey can be anything you want it, share it with that person, going down the road, walking on a path or the highest mountain you may want to climb someday.
Enjoy your journey while you are still young, b/c you may not have another chance.
October 15, 2011 @ 5:01 am
What a great fair…in everything tou say…
My path has been chosen too…and I keep walking…
till I find…what I am after…the joy of Heaven!
October 14, 2011 @ 12:36 pm
Thanks for all the wonderful inspirational messages each day.
They start my day with Joy! I’m glad to be alive knowing the–
Lord is there wathcing over me.
September 9, 2011 @ 4:01 pm
This to,was awesome
August 27, 2011 @ 12:25 pm
I feel I had been through all these journeys and thanks God I made it till now. Everything in here are so inspirational and helped me when I am lonely and dispair.
July 1, 2011 @ 3:36 pm
Life Is A Journey
These words are so encouraging leaving my eyes a little misty.
I’m on my way,not knowing what’s ahead of me as our lives are
already planned out for us by someone bigger than all of us.
God Bless the author may he/she find their way to happiness
and forever love.
June 30, 2011 @ 4:56 pm
This was very inspiring and helps us appreciate the beautiful things that GOD created for all of us to enjoy. This is what is neede each day, so we strive to walk with GOD daily.
June 30, 2011 @ 4:52 pm
I feel very uplifted and very tHe recently turned back GODhankful for this very inspiring message. I have a great-nephew in prison and I write to him weekly, so this gave me many chosen words of advice to write to him. We all need guidance and it truly helps to feel their are loved ones there for you. Thanks over and over for the beautiful messages I receive everyday from nethugs inspirational say for the LOVE HE shows each one of HIS children. Praise the LORD each day is very important for all of us. Love and GODS Blessings, Anita
March 9, 2011 @ 11:23 am
Thanks for the inspiring poem. It helps me to walk in a rightful way of my life.
March 8, 2011 @ 8:05 am
this poem really inspires me a lot and gives another chance to be happy in life
thanks a lot to Nethugs team for this great job
March 7, 2011 @ 10:15 pm
This is very nice.
March 6, 2011 @ 8:38 pm
Life is beautiful and Jehovah is always waiting for our return to his you lizy,i always
March 6, 2011 @ 10:52 am
This is life as it was, as it is, and how it will be in the future..Thank God for the hope at the end of the road, if we keep the faith, and don’t take the senseless detours..Keep your eyes on the road, and your hand on the throttle, and with God as our conducter, how can we miss the goal?..”Life is like a mountain railroad”..
March 6, 2011 @ 5:44 am
I agree with this poem and believe that, life is a very long journey in which so many difficulties are involved.According to Matthew 10:16-20,” I am sending you like lambs into a pack of wolves. so be as wise as snakes and as innocent as doves.17,watch out for people who will take you to court and have you beaten in their meeting places.19, but when someone arrests you, don’t worry about what you will say or how you will say it.”
To conclude, i do believe that life is a journey and it will only end when Jesus comes.
February 13, 2011 @ 11:20 am
This poem sounds so very much like my life’s journey, from the mountian tops to the barren deserts as I deal with sexual abuse as a young child by family. As i grew older, the effects of my abuse start to show it’s effects on my behavior. I turned to being a angry young man using alcohol thenstarted using drugs too. Wasn’t very long before I too became a abuser. I never abused my children because I had more respect for them and I did not want them to hate me like I did my abusers. I did create my own victims. I can’t change that. I can only pray that one day in their hearts they’ll learn to forgive me for the terrible things I have done against them. Thank God my last victim had the courage to speak up against me. In prison I found Jesus, and I keep Jesus in my heart now that I’m back in the mainstream of life. I had leaned to forgive those who abused me freeing my heart from much anger and resentments, making me a much better human being. Now I’ve learned to respect everyone, knowing in my heart I’ll never create another victim. Thank ou Dear Jesus for showing me a better way of life. Now as I travel the highways of life. I’ll walk with Jesus at my side, guiding me along, and there to catch me if I should ever stumble. Thank You Dear Jesus
January 26, 2011 @ 10:09 am
October 17, 2010 @ 11:41 am
“WICKED” makes me thinl of sylvestr sing’n that song oh u’ll nevr know where u’r going until U get there+ he’s walk’n atound in circles, Thatz sondz like me lost, my tickr is play’n trickz on me. hopefully I find my way soooooooooooooon! I like this. I know I’m not the only1 lost people go all over try’n 2 find happiness I guesss thatz what it’s called.
October 15, 2010 @ 10:07 am
REMEMBER: Those who live in the Lord, never see each other for the last time.
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
September 25, 2010 @ 9:30 am
life is indead a journey were you miss people you care for.
August 4, 2010 @ 9:10 am
LIFE!!!!! from an ocean of love to a jungle of hate, from gardens of pleasure to a deserts of pain. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 3, 2010 @ 10:49 pm
August 3, 2010 @ 10:49 pm
August 3, 2010 @ 9:56 am
Nice is truelly a journey, nice one. Thanks
July 23, 2010 @ 12:28 pm
life is a train and people r travellars.wishes r compartment and there is no junction for some people n there is a samll station for is a nonstop journey to ride in train n sit in it n u get various creatures too.
July 4, 2010 @ 11:34 pm
Really liked this. Passed on to some precious friends!!
June 12, 2010 @ 3:12 am
Realistic and well-written
June 11, 2010 @ 4:19 pm
It is better to walk further to attain what I want. Life is a journey to the destination we have in our mind! Till then it is better we just keep on walking!
June 11, 2010 @ 10:18 am
Life is a Journey.
Beautiful and loving words,that sound like such a joy in searching for love and a place in life for happinesss and peace.God bless the writer.
May 16, 2010 @ 8:19 pm
you always have things of more
May 16, 2010 @ 8:18 pm
sorry,I have to keep in mind that you don,t have the man,trash is another man,s treasure!carolyn
May 16, 2010 @ 8:16 pm
honey never take anything or anyyone for
May 16, 2010 @ 2:00 pm
dedicated to my dear loving husband of 39 years whom i love now more than ever.i love you more today than yesrday.carolyn
April 11, 2010 @ 4:49 am
Such a beautifully written poem
that surely hits home ? love it~
March 16, 2010 @ 12:56 pm
That was so beautiful like ice cream………………
January 11, 2010 @ 9:18 am
Very realistic and nicely written
January 10, 2010 @ 9:30 pm
cool so meaningful = )
January 10, 2010 @ 5:45 pm
This is so beautiful, it’s just the right thing at the right moment.
Thank you Joyce for sharing this with me.
Peace and blessings.
January 10, 2010 @ 2:16 am
Dear, its a blessing to have journey at the right place and right time together, God is the reason, and I thank God so much, for I have always prayed and you are a blessing to me, more than words can express dear…may our life together forever be a wonderful journey together where our Love takes us higher and higher each day, hugs and kisses!
January 10, 2010 @ 1:42 am
i love dis.. is so cute n it really speaks out!
January 9, 2010 @ 11:45 pm
Same thing happened as in previous comment!!!!!!
January 9, 2010 @ 11:44 pm
I did not get this one….pic came up and music started then stopped……Explanation???
January 9, 2010 @ 8:44 pm
it is more than beautiful can say… it is as if the beauty of the summer which can not tell which is which have blossom or flowers… everything of it is just so beautiful! the words, the images, the music.. all come together.. very enjoy it!
October 1, 2009 @ 10:04 am
Life is really a journing,l miss Richard Ademola Balogun just because of distance.But l believe one day we shall meet again.You are still in my heart.
October 1, 2009 @ 9:59 am
Life is really a journing,l miss Richard Ademola Balogun just because of distance.But l believe one day we shall meet again.You are still in my herat.
September 23, 2009 @ 9:22 am
She always has a remark…That makes me feel bad
I try to rise above it…But it truly makes me sad
My husband says to forget it…Forget it, it’ll go away
But next day it’s still the same…Week after week, day to day
Then something happened to her..She seemed very very sad.
She said she was truly sick…And the prognosis was bad…
My heart went swiftly to her…I prayed that she would be well
She and I get along now…Give LOVE…you never can tell…
Kind thoughts replaced the bad ones…Words of LOVE I now gather…
By Elizabeth M. Wright Thank you GOD…
September 22, 2009 @ 2:48 pm
To whom it may concern: Wow, very inspirational and well very mindblowing with the soundtrack of Fire Walk With Me Soundtrack Music for background emphasis…I felt very stirred in the soul and very thoughtfull of life in general and the people I’ve met in my lifetime.This is a goood time to meditate and reflect on my journey and how these indiviual’s have touched my life and the joy they brought to my life…once in a lifetime I can finally say, Been there done that and no regrets…My dreams are coming to life,my prayers are still been answered…many things to be thankfull for, Just for Today and in the Present.Life is good.May you all receive your blessings in the sands of time and patience…
September 22, 2009 @ 1:24 am
Hello, How are you ?
September 19, 2009 @ 8:54 am
in my journey through life i chose to walk with you because you are a true meaning of you my baby Nyaube
September 18, 2009 @ 5:20 am
It is true it shows what you have been doing during the past.
September 18, 2009 @ 4:40 am
Life is not always a bed of roses, as the saying goes. It has its ups and downs, hopes and disappointments, love and hate. we should accept life as it is as we cannot change its course which is predetermined. My ‘close’ friend must be knowing all this.
September 17, 2009 @ 11:34 pm
nice and a touching card… beautiful imagery…
September 17, 2009 @ 11:13 pm
It is superb, walking on teh said road is a power of will
September 17, 2009 @ 10:58 pm
too blind I lost the one I found my precious angel
September 17, 2009 @ 10:55 pm
I was too blind to see the love that stood in front of me and God took him a year and half ago nevermore for me to hold
September 17, 2009 @ 4:13 pm
So Lovely!I like it!
September 17, 2009 @ 3:35 pm
Very beautiful..and touching..and so true,seems like I’ve been there and still walking the line.