That is a very strong beautiful message thath all of GODS children should follow. May GODs angels continue to watch over all of you forever, is my prayer.
What really matter is to stand up for ours believes in the will of God.
Very nice said:”What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice…”
The most important commandment is “We must love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul…”
The second is equally important:”Love your neighbor as yourself”.
ANET… It is not the end of the world for you…What I think when things go wrong is that I have
learned a lesson in patience and forgiveness… Look to the future, you have friends on NetHug
that you may not see, but know that they are there for you… GOD BLESS
If one day you feel like crying
Call me
I dont promise that I will make you laugh
But I can cry with you
If one day you want to run away
Dont be afraid to call me
I dont promise to ask you to stop
But i can run with you
If one day you dont want to listen to anyone
Call me
I promise to be there for you but
also promise to remain quiet
But if one day you call
And there’s no answer
Come fast to see me
Perhaps I need you…
Centuries ago a great artist was engaged to paint a mural for the cathedral in a Sicilian town. The subject was the life of Christ. For many years the artist labored diligently, and finally the painting was finished except for the two most important figures: the Christ Child and Judas Iscariot. He searched far and wide for suitable models.
One day while walking in the city he came upon some children playing in the street. Among them was a 12-year-old boy whose face stirred the painter’s heart. The artist took the child home with him, and day after day the boy sat patiently until the face of the Christ Child was finished. But the painter still had found no model for the portrait of Judas.
The story of the unfinished masterpiece spread afar, and many men, fancying themselves of wicked countenance, offered to pose for Judas. But in vain the old painter looked for Judas, as he envisioned him-a man warped by life, enfeebled by surrender to greed and lust.
Then one afternoon as he sat in a tavern, a gaunt and tattered figure staggered across the threshold. ‘Wine, wine,’ he begged. The startled painter looked into a face that seemed to bear the marks of every sin of mankind. “Greatly excited, the old painter said, ‘Come with me, and I will give you wine.’
For many days the painter worked feverishly to complete his masterpiece. As the work went on, a change came over the model. A strange tension replaced the stuporous languor, and his bloodshot eyes were fixed with horror on the painted likeness of himself.
One day, perceiving his subject’s agitation, the painter paused in his work. “My son,” he said, “what troubles you so?”
The man buried his face in his hands, sobbing. After a long moment he lifted pleading eyes to the old painter’s face. “Do you not then remember me? Years ago I was your model for the Christ Child.'”
Thank you…from the bottom of my heart…
You know..for how long…I was looking for this book?
A friend of mine gave me to read…but I wanted one for myself…
I know is extraordinaire…
‘It’s the real beginning, the return ti who you are”…
Thank you Anet, thank you Net Hugs…
Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles
By Marianne Williamson
ISBN 0-06-016374-7
The following is what I highlighted during my read of this excellent book — I recommend it on my Top List of Peace resources. My purpose in providing them is to interest you, the reader, and hope that you will obtain and read the complete work. To properly understand the highlights, you need to read the book to put them in the proper context.
I always sensed there was some mysterious cosmic order to things, but I could never figure out how it applied to my own life.
This is A Course in Miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The Course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love; for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance.
…the Course had something very important to teach me. It used traditional Christian terms, but in decidedly non-traditional, nonreligious ways. I was struck, as most people are, by the profound authority of its voice. It answered questions I had begun to think were unanswerable. It talked about God in brilliant psychological terms, challenging my intelligence and never insulting it.
The Course seemed to have a basic message: relax.
… this book suggested that I surrender the fight completely
The Course, a self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy contained in three books, claims no monopoly on God. It is a statement of universal spiritual themes.
There’s only one truth, spoken different ways, and the Course is just one path to it out of many.
A Return to Love is about the practice of love, as strength and not a weakness, as a daily answer to the problems that confront us.
This book is written as a guide to the miraculous application of love as a balm on every bound.
As we begin to understand more deeply why love is such a necessary element in the healing of the world, a shift will occur in how we live our lives within and without.
We were taught a very bad philosophy, a way of looking at the world that contradicts who we are.
We were taught to think thoughts like competition, struggle, sickness, finite resources, limitation, guilt, bad, death, scarcity, and loss.
We were taught that things like grades, being good enough, money, and doing things the right way, are more important than love.
We were taught that we’re separate from other people, that we have to compete to get a head, that we’re not quite good enough the way we are.
We were taught to see the world the way that others had come to see it.
Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here.
The spiritual journey is the relinquishment, or unlearning, of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.
Love is the essential existential fact. It is our ultimate reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in us and others, it the meaning of life.
We came here to co-create with God by extending love.
Love isn’t seen with the physical eyes or heard with the physical ears. The physical senses can’t perceive it; it’s perceived through another kind of vision.
Metaphysicians call it the Third Eye, esoteric Christians call it the vision of the Holy Spirit, and others call it the Higher Self.
…love requires a different kind of “seeing” than we’re used to – a different kind of knowing or thinking.
Love is the intuitive knowledge of our hearts.
Love isn’t material. It’s energy. It’s the feeling in a room, a situation, a person.
It has nothing at all to do with the physical world, but it can be expressed nonetheless.
We experience it as kindness, giving, mercy, compassion, peace, joy, acceptance, non-judgment, joining, and intimacy.
When fear is expressed, we recognize it as anger, abuse, disease, pain, greed, addiction, selfishness, obsession, corruption, violence, and war.
…that’s what a miracle is: a parting of the mists, a shift in perception, a return to love.
Chapter 1
What happened you my generation is that we never grew up.
The problem is we’re terrified.
…in certain areas, we’re paralyzed. We’re not being stopped by something on the outside, but by something on the inside.
We’re just afraid, period. Our fear is free-floating
We’re just disgusted with ourselves, because we think we should be better by now.
…we’re always, even desperately, seeking a way out through growth or through escape.
We begin to realize that we ourselves are somehow the problem, but we don’t know what to do about it.
We’re not powerful enough to overrule ourselves. We sabotage, abort everything: our careers, our relationships, even our children. We drink. We do drugs. We control. We obsess. We co depend. We overeat. We hide. We attack.
The form of the dysfunction is irrelevant. We can find a lot of different ways to express how much we hate ourselves.
Chapter 2
You are in God
1. God is the Rock
· What I learned from A Course in Miracles is that the change we’re really looking for is inside our heads.
· .. Change in life is always going to happen; they part of the human experience. What can change, however, is how we perceive those experiences. And that shift in our perception is the meaning of miracles.
· When the house is built on rock, it means we’re not so vulnerable to life’s passing dramas.
· Our stability rests on something more enduring than the current weather – something permanent and strong. When our house is built on rock, it means we’re depending on God.
· I had never realized that depending on God meant depending on love.
· As I began to study A Course in Miracles, I discovered the following things about God:
– He is the love within us.
– Whether we ‘follow Him’ i.e., think with love, is entirely up to us.
– When we choose to love, or to allow our minds to be one with God, then life is wonderful. When we turn away from love, the pain sets in.
– So when we think God, then life is peaceful. When we think without Him, life is painful. And that’s the mental choice we make, every moment of every day.
2. Love is God
· Love taken seriously is a radical outlook, a major departure from the psychological orientation that rules the world. It is threatening not because it is a small idea, but because it is so terribly huge.
· For many people, God is a frightening idea. Asking God for help doesn’t seem very comforting if we think of Him as something outside of ourselves, or capricious, or judgmental. But God is love and He dwells within us. We were created in His image, or mind, which means that we are extensions of His love, or Sons of God.
· God remains who He is and always will be: He is the energy; the thought of unconditional love. He cannot think with anger or judgment. He is mercy and compassion and total acceptance. We forgot this, and having done so, we have forgotten who we ourselves are.
· I began to realize that taking love seriously would be a complete transformation of my thinking. A Course in Miracles calls itself a mind training in the relinquishment of a thought system based on fear, and the acceptance instead of a thought system based on love.
· Surrender to God means surrender to love.
· The mind that’s separate from God has forgotten how to check in with love before it saunters out into the world. The mind’s function is to experience love.
· To surrender to God means to let go and just love. By affirming that love is our priority in a situation, we actualize the power of God.
· Through a mental decision a conscious recognition of love’s importance and our willingness to experience it we “call on a higher power.”
· Once we get to the point where we realize that God is love, it’s not too difficult to understand that following God just means following the dictates of love.
· The question is no longer “What is God?” The question we ask now is, “What is love?”
· Love is energy.
· Very few people feel enough love in their lives. The world has become a rather loveless place. We can hardly even imagine a world in which all of us were in love all the time, with everyone.
· There would be no war because we wouldn’t fight. There would be no hunger because we would feed each other. There would be no environmental breakdown because would love ourselves, our children and our planet to much to destroy it. There would be no prejudice, oppression, or violence of any kind.
· There would be no sorrow. There would only be peace.
· Most of us are violent people – not necessarily physically, but emotionally. We have been brought up in a world that does not put love first, and where love is absent, fear sets in. Fear is to love as darkness is to light. It’s a terrible absence of what we need in order to survive. Fear is the root of all evil. It’s the problem with the world.
3. Only Love is Real
· So the problem with the world is that we have strayed from God, or wandered away from love. According to A Course in Miracles, this separation from God first happened millions of years ago. But the important revelation, the crux of the Course, is that in reality it never actually happened at all.
· 1. Love is real. It’s an eternal creation and nothing can destroy it.
· 2. Anything that isn’t love is an illusion.
· 3. Remember this, and you’ll be at peace.
· When we think with love, we are literally co-creating with God. And when we’re not thinking with love – since only love is real – then we’re actually not thinking at all. We’re hallucinating. And that’s what this world is: a mass hallucination, where fear seems more real than love. Fear is an illusion. Our craziness, paranoia, anxiety and trauma are literally all imagined.
· The way out of sin or fear is through opening the mind to love. Love casts out fear the way light casts out darkness. The shift from fear to love is miracle.
· …it addresses the real source of our problems, which is always on the level of consciousness.
· Thought is Cause; experience is Effect. If you don’t like the effects in your life, you have to change the nature of thinking.
· Love in your mind produces love in your life. This is the meaning of Heaven.
· Fear in your mind produces fear in your life. This is the meaning of Hell.
· Our worldly problems are actually just symptoms of the real problem, which is always a lack of love.
· The miracle, a shift from fear to love, works o an invisible plane. It transforms the world at the Causal level. Anything else is just a temporary palliative, a fix but not a healing, a treatment of the symptom but not cure.
· To say, “God, please help me,” means, “God, correct my thinking.” “Deliver me from hell,” means, “Deliver me from my insane thoughts.” God Himself will not violate the law of Cause and Effect.
· It is the most basic law of consciousness, and was set up for our protection. As long as we follow the Golden Rule, we are safe.
· …everything was perfect until they began to judge – to keep their hearts open sometimes, but closed at others. “I love you if you do this, but not if you do that.” Closing our hearts destroys our peace. It’s alien to our real nature. It warps us.
· The real Self is the love within us. It’s the “child of God.” The fearful self is an imposter. The return to love is the great cosmic drama, the personal journey from pretence to self, from pain to inner peace.
· Why don’t we just stay in the realm of the answer, rather than always returning to the realm of the problem? Why not seek some level of awareness where we don’t create these problems for ourselves all the time?
· Let’s ask for a new world. Let’s ask for a new life.
· Until that point, I was hiding from my love, and so resisting my own life. The return to love is hardly the end of life’s adventure. It’s the real beginning, the return to who you are.
“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”- Mother Teresa
Subconciously, it feels safer to be physically unattractive.
The guys I come across hit it off with me but I keep my distance.
If I was slim and trim guys will go deewana!
It is better to be fat.
On the other hand it is not healthy to be fat.
Maybe I will try and lose weight but NOT be very slim/pretty.
Just cross your fingers for me Dr J.
I want to make it to go to visit our Beloved Master.
My chest is not coming right totally.
I miss seeing Father soooo much. I feel His presence very often
But not pure enough to see Him within.
I am counting the days…I just wish that I’m fine to visit Father.
Have a fab afternoon. Hugs.
Listening to my small brother sing now.
The Amazing Jaipur Ghazal fundi ‘Ranjit Rajwada Jhi’.
The song ‘chupke chupke raat din asoo bahaana’ is
The one playing now. I don’t know him personally BUT have a bond with this sona.
The other ghazal singers are all great but
Ranjit Rajwada Jhi ‘stands out’!
Listening to my small brother sing now.
The Amazing Jaipur Ghazal fundi ‘Ranjit Rajwada Jhi’.
The song ‘chori chori chupke chupke raat din asoo bahaana’ is
The one playing now. I don’t know him personally BUT have a bond with this sona.
The other ghazal singers are all great but
Ranjit Rajwada Jhi ‘stands out’!
What is the significance of Human Body?
To attain God Realisation/God Realisation and God Realisation
We are NOTHING without HIM.
He is the doer and we are ALL struggling souls.
Everything(what we own/what we owe/all our attachments) belong to Him
And are loaned to us only. So everyone just chill.
Everything is temporary. If things are going well,Enjoy
And if NOT going ok, Smile and just do your best.
Father will do the rest. He is beyond our comprehension.
This is NOT a lecture but a REALITY for us all.
We are all in da same boat and have the same destination/Father.
Smile cos All izz Well with Father in our lives.
Amongst all,we are Blessed!Hugs.
Plump Mary was enjoying her supper today when
Her Mom suddenly told her that she has a surprise for her.
She rushed through her supper just to hear what her Mom has to say.
She got a rude awakening when Mom brings a Health Mag
With a topic entitled ‘Makeovers’. What type of surprise is this ?
Plump Mary just listened to her Mom’s brilliant Makeover Plan for her.
Her Mom said to her that she has limited time to ‘shape up’
And has confidence that Mary will succeed.
This is a life that real matters…a life with Jesus, our God…only Him can help every-one wich believe…
Don’t trust others gods…they can misrepresent the true and the real value…
Bless, every-one…but special they believing in Jesus…The only God and teacher I know…
Days may come and days may go
They never seem the same
Some are bright and sunny
And some are filled with rain.
Whenever life seems unfair
And time you’d like to stop
That’s when you need to think a bit
Be thankful for what you’ve got.
You are so very fortunate
You have loving family and friends
That lift your spirits when needed
As each new day begins
So when your life seems shadowed
Lift your eyes to Heaven and pray
For help in whatever need you have
Let Him touch your heart today.
This is a special greeting
Full of love and prayers too
Because you are a special friend
And because I do love you.
The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.’
Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV)
“Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.”? Ralph Waldo Emerson
Had to tackle one more complicated problem
And Aced it with the help of our Beloved Guru,I know.
Now, I am listening to ‘Guru Meri Pooja’ sung by Shabnam Ghandhi.
I feel so safe just thinking of Him. In no way am I a ‘fundi’
Like the Maha Meditators but I luv my Guru with all my heart.
When we have a loving attitude
Towards others,automatically we have
A loving attitude towards ourselves.
When we love others we live in Love.
When we are good to others, we are
Good to ourselves. Then you are happy with yourself,then U live with yourself.
If you’re angry with Somebody,if you have a spirit of revenge,or malice towards somebody,you can’t live with yourself,you’re unhappy with yourself. (Our Beloved Master)
My sweet friend…you know I have two children…but they are too young to spend an aftenoon with me…only if they need my support to care about my grandchildren…
I am alone now after they are leaving…and I am waiting your news…
I am very pleased to hear about you…
I am all snuggled up in bed watching an old hindi
Movie ‘Dil Aashna Hai’ with my all time favourite Divya
Bharthi Jhi(junior Sri Devi Jhi) with S.R.K. Divya Jhi
Is sooo happy to find her Mom and funny enough
Gets happy when Jitendra Jhi scolds her! She says
She never got scolding anythime(never had family).
Divya and S.R.K were amazing on screen.
I am alone @ home.
Mom is gone shopping with my sister and co.
I will not want to be jumping around in this cold weather!
I have the tv and lots of books/mags to read.
Father loves me so much. He ensured
That I am safe and warm @ home.
We all going out for supper @ relative’s house
So for now I will just enjoy this time alone.
Very touchy and refreshing, it can change a heart of stone. Articles like this should be frequent on the internet because it has the tendency of redeeming souls.
Thank you, you opened up my heart and saw what was in it… These words are so true and the ones
that I try to go by… How did you know???
My late husband Bill said that if I know anyone in trouble, I rush to their side and try to help them…
Isn’t this what JESUS would do??? Yes it is… Thank you LORD for teaching me love and compassion.
Blessings and love to ALL… Elizabeth W.
March 28, 2017 @ 3:58 pm
May 15, 2015 @ 7:49 pm
That is a very strong beautiful message thath all of GODS children should follow. May GODs angels continue to watch over all of you forever, is my prayer.
June 10, 2014 @ 12:00 pm
What really matter is to stand up for ours believes in the will of God.
Very nice said:”What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice…”
The most important commandment is “We must love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul…”
The second is equally important:”Love your neighbor as yourself”.
June 10, 2014 @ 11:02 am
ANET… It is not the end of the world for you…What I think when things go wrong is that I have
learned a lesson in patience and forgiveness… Look to the future, you have friends on NetHug
that you may not see, but know that they are there for you… GOD BLESS
January 27, 2013 @ 12:35 am
I’m crying, i felt hopeless. How can i tell her how she means to me???
January 8, 2013 @ 11:11 am
it has boxes my thought with life
December 8, 2012 @ 4:24 am
I found this to be really inspirational, and ANET I loved your words as well.
November 1, 2012 @ 12:33 pm
Everything went WRONG today
But I guess it’s NOT the end of the World.
November 1, 2012 @ 1:20 am
If one day you feel like crying
Call me
I dont promise that I will make you laugh
But I can cry with you
If one day you want to run away
Dont be afraid to call me
I dont promise to ask you to stop
But i can run with you
If one day you dont want to listen to anyone
Call me
I promise to be there for you but
also promise to remain quiet
But if one day you call
And there’s no answer
Come fast to see me
Perhaps I need you…
October 29, 2012 @ 2:35 pm
The Painter and The Child : Hugh B. Brown
Centuries ago a great artist was engaged to paint a mural for the cathedral in a Sicilian town. The subject was the life of Christ. For many years the artist labored diligently, and finally the painting was finished except for the two most important figures: the Christ Child and Judas Iscariot. He searched far and wide for suitable models.
One day while walking in the city he came upon some children playing in the street. Among them was a 12-year-old boy whose face stirred the painter’s heart. The artist took the child home with him, and day after day the boy sat patiently until the face of the Christ Child was finished. But the painter still had found no model for the portrait of Judas.
The story of the unfinished masterpiece spread afar, and many men, fancying themselves of wicked countenance, offered to pose for Judas. But in vain the old painter looked for Judas, as he envisioned him-a man warped by life, enfeebled by surrender to greed and lust.
Then one afternoon as he sat in a tavern, a gaunt and tattered figure staggered across the threshold. ‘Wine, wine,’ he begged. The startled painter looked into a face that seemed to bear the marks of every sin of mankind. “Greatly excited, the old painter said, ‘Come with me, and I will give you wine.’
For many days the painter worked feverishly to complete his masterpiece. As the work went on, a change came over the model. A strange tension replaced the stuporous languor, and his bloodshot eyes were fixed with horror on the painted likeness of himself.
One day, perceiving his subject’s agitation, the painter paused in his work. “My son,” he said, “what troubles you so?”
The man buried his face in his hands, sobbing. After a long moment he lifted pleading eyes to the old painter’s face. “Do you not then remember me? Years ago I was your model for the Christ Child.'”
October 28, 2012 @ 11:53 am
Thank you…from the bottom of my heart…
You know..for how long…I was looking for this book?
A friend of mine gave me to read…but I wanted one for myself…
I know is extraordinaire…
‘It’s the real beginning, the return ti who you are”…
Thank you Anet, thank you Net Hugs…
October 28, 2012 @ 11:16 am
Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles
By Marianne Williamson
ISBN 0-06-016374-7
The following is what I highlighted during my read of this excellent book — I recommend it on my Top List of Peace resources. My purpose in providing them is to interest you, the reader, and hope that you will obtain and read the complete work. To properly understand the highlights, you need to read the book to put them in the proper context.
I always sensed there was some mysterious cosmic order to things, but I could never figure out how it applied to my own life.
This is A Course in Miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The Course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love; for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance.
…the Course had something very important to teach me. It used traditional Christian terms, but in decidedly non-traditional, nonreligious ways. I was struck, as most people are, by the profound authority of its voice. It answered questions I had begun to think were unanswerable. It talked about God in brilliant psychological terms, challenging my intelligence and never insulting it.
The Course seemed to have a basic message: relax.
… this book suggested that I surrender the fight completely
The Course, a self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy contained in three books, claims no monopoly on God. It is a statement of universal spiritual themes.
There’s only one truth, spoken different ways, and the Course is just one path to it out of many.
A Return to Love is about the practice of love, as strength and not a weakness, as a daily answer to the problems that confront us.
This book is written as a guide to the miraculous application of love as a balm on every bound.
As we begin to understand more deeply why love is such a necessary element in the healing of the world, a shift will occur in how we live our lives within and without.
We were taught a very bad philosophy, a way of looking at the world that contradicts who we are.
We were taught to think thoughts like competition, struggle, sickness, finite resources, limitation, guilt, bad, death, scarcity, and loss.
We were taught that things like grades, being good enough, money, and doing things the right way, are more important than love.
We were taught that we’re separate from other people, that we have to compete to get a head, that we’re not quite good enough the way we are.
We were taught to see the world the way that others had come to see it.
Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here.
The spiritual journey is the relinquishment, or unlearning, of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.
Love is the essential existential fact. It is our ultimate reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in us and others, it the meaning of life.
We came here to co-create with God by extending love.
Love isn’t seen with the physical eyes or heard with the physical ears. The physical senses can’t perceive it; it’s perceived through another kind of vision.
Metaphysicians call it the Third Eye, esoteric Christians call it the vision of the Holy Spirit, and others call it the Higher Self.
…love requires a different kind of “seeing” than we’re used to – a different kind of knowing or thinking.
Love is the intuitive knowledge of our hearts.
Love isn’t material. It’s energy. It’s the feeling in a room, a situation, a person.
It has nothing at all to do with the physical world, but it can be expressed nonetheless.
We experience it as kindness, giving, mercy, compassion, peace, joy, acceptance, non-judgment, joining, and intimacy.
When fear is expressed, we recognize it as anger, abuse, disease, pain, greed, addiction, selfishness, obsession, corruption, violence, and war.
…that’s what a miracle is: a parting of the mists, a shift in perception, a return to love.
Chapter 1
What happened you my generation is that we never grew up.
The problem is we’re terrified.
…in certain areas, we’re paralyzed. We’re not being stopped by something on the outside, but by something on the inside.
We’re just afraid, period. Our fear is free-floating
We’re just disgusted with ourselves, because we think we should be better by now.
…we’re always, even desperately, seeking a way out through growth or through escape.
We begin to realize that we ourselves are somehow the problem, but we don’t know what to do about it.
We’re not powerful enough to overrule ourselves. We sabotage, abort everything: our careers, our relationships, even our children. We drink. We do drugs. We control. We obsess. We co depend. We overeat. We hide. We attack.
The form of the dysfunction is irrelevant. We can find a lot of different ways to express how much we hate ourselves.
Chapter 2
You are in God
1. God is the Rock
· What I learned from A Course in Miracles is that the change we’re really looking for is inside our heads.
· .. Change in life is always going to happen; they part of the human experience. What can change, however, is how we perceive those experiences. And that shift in our perception is the meaning of miracles.
· When the house is built on rock, it means we’re not so vulnerable to life’s passing dramas.
· Our stability rests on something more enduring than the current weather – something permanent and strong. When our house is built on rock, it means we’re depending on God.
· I had never realized that depending on God meant depending on love.
· As I began to study A Course in Miracles, I discovered the following things about God:
– He is the love within us.
– Whether we ‘follow Him’ i.e., think with love, is entirely up to us.
– When we choose to love, or to allow our minds to be one with God, then life is wonderful. When we turn away from love, the pain sets in.
– So when we think God, then life is peaceful. When we think without Him, life is painful. And that’s the mental choice we make, every moment of every day.
2. Love is God
· Love taken seriously is a radical outlook, a major departure from the psychological orientation that rules the world. It is threatening not because it is a small idea, but because it is so terribly huge.
· For many people, God is a frightening idea. Asking God for help doesn’t seem very comforting if we think of Him as something outside of ourselves, or capricious, or judgmental. But God is love and He dwells within us. We were created in His image, or mind, which means that we are extensions of His love, or Sons of God.
· God remains who He is and always will be: He is the energy; the thought of unconditional love. He cannot think with anger or judgment. He is mercy and compassion and total acceptance. We forgot this, and having done so, we have forgotten who we ourselves are.
· I began to realize that taking love seriously would be a complete transformation of my thinking. A Course in Miracles calls itself a mind training in the relinquishment of a thought system based on fear, and the acceptance instead of a thought system based on love.
· Surrender to God means surrender to love.
· The mind that’s separate from God has forgotten how to check in with love before it saunters out into the world. The mind’s function is to experience love.
· To surrender to God means to let go and just love. By affirming that love is our priority in a situation, we actualize the power of God.
· Through a mental decision a conscious recognition of love’s importance and our willingness to experience it we “call on a higher power.”
· Once we get to the point where we realize that God is love, it’s not too difficult to understand that following God just means following the dictates of love.
· The question is no longer “What is God?” The question we ask now is, “What is love?”
· Love is energy.
· Very few people feel enough love in their lives. The world has become a rather loveless place. We can hardly even imagine a world in which all of us were in love all the time, with everyone.
· There would be no war because we wouldn’t fight. There would be no hunger because we would feed each other. There would be no environmental breakdown because would love ourselves, our children and our planet to much to destroy it. There would be no prejudice, oppression, or violence of any kind.
· There would be no sorrow. There would only be peace.
· Most of us are violent people – not necessarily physically, but emotionally. We have been brought up in a world that does not put love first, and where love is absent, fear sets in. Fear is to love as darkness is to light. It’s a terrible absence of what we need in order to survive. Fear is the root of all evil. It’s the problem with the world.
3. Only Love is Real
· So the problem with the world is that we have strayed from God, or wandered away from love. According to A Course in Miracles, this separation from God first happened millions of years ago. But the important revelation, the crux of the Course, is that in reality it never actually happened at all.
· 1. Love is real. It’s an eternal creation and nothing can destroy it.
· 2. Anything that isn’t love is an illusion.
· 3. Remember this, and you’ll be at peace.
· When we think with love, we are literally co-creating with God. And when we’re not thinking with love – since only love is real – then we’re actually not thinking at all. We’re hallucinating. And that’s what this world is: a mass hallucination, where fear seems more real than love. Fear is an illusion. Our craziness, paranoia, anxiety and trauma are literally all imagined.
· The way out of sin or fear is through opening the mind to love. Love casts out fear the way light casts out darkness. The shift from fear to love is miracle.
· …it addresses the real source of our problems, which is always on the level of consciousness.
· Thought is Cause; experience is Effect. If you don’t like the effects in your life, you have to change the nature of thinking.
· Love in your mind produces love in your life. This is the meaning of Heaven.
· Fear in your mind produces fear in your life. This is the meaning of Hell.
· Our worldly problems are actually just symptoms of the real problem, which is always a lack of love.
· The miracle, a shift from fear to love, works o an invisible plane. It transforms the world at the Causal level. Anything else is just a temporary palliative, a fix but not a healing, a treatment of the symptom but not cure.
· To say, “God, please help me,” means, “God, correct my thinking.” “Deliver me from hell,” means, “Deliver me from my insane thoughts.” God Himself will not violate the law of Cause and Effect.
· It is the most basic law of consciousness, and was set up for our protection. As long as we follow the Golden Rule, we are safe.
· …everything was perfect until they began to judge – to keep their hearts open sometimes, but closed at others. “I love you if you do this, but not if you do that.” Closing our hearts destroys our peace. It’s alien to our real nature. It warps us.
· The real Self is the love within us. It’s the “child of God.” The fearful self is an imposter. The return to love is the great cosmic drama, the personal journey from pretence to self, from pain to inner peace.
· Why don’t we just stay in the realm of the answer, rather than always returning to the realm of the problem? Why not seek some level of awareness where we don’t create these problems for ourselves all the time?
· Let’s ask for a new world. Let’s ask for a new life.
· Until that point, I was hiding from my love, and so resisting my own life. The return to love is hardly the end of life’s adventure. It’s the real beginning, the return to who you are.
October 27, 2012 @ 12:17 pm
“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”- Mother Teresa
October 27, 2012 @ 9:53 am
Subconciously, it feels safer to be physically unattractive.
The guys I come across hit it off with me but I keep my distance.
If I was slim and trim guys will go deewana!
It is better to be fat.
On the other hand it is not healthy to be fat.
Maybe I will try and lose weight but NOT be very slim/pretty.
October 27, 2012 @ 7:47 am
Just cross your fingers for me Dr J.
I want to make it to go to visit our Beloved Master.
My chest is not coming right totally.
I miss seeing Father soooo much. I feel His presence very often
But not pure enough to see Him within.
I am counting the days…I just wish that I’m fine to visit Father.
Have a fab afternoon. Hugs.
October 27, 2012 @ 7:18 am
Listening to my small brother sing now.
The Amazing Jaipur Ghazal fundi ‘Ranjit Rajwada Jhi’.
The song ‘chupke chupke raat din asoo bahaana’ is
The one playing now. I don’t know him personally BUT have a bond with this sona.
The other ghazal singers are all great but
Ranjit Rajwada Jhi ‘stands out’!
October 27, 2012 @ 7:18 am
Listening to my small brother sing now.
The Amazing Jaipur Ghazal fundi ‘Ranjit Rajwada Jhi’.
The song ‘chori chori chupke chupke raat din asoo bahaana’ is
The one playing now. I don’t know him personally BUT have a bond with this sona.
The other ghazal singers are all great but
Ranjit Rajwada Jhi ‘stands out’!
October 24, 2012 @ 2:32 am
I am not a Hindu,
Nor a Muslim am I!
I am this body, a play
Of five elements; a drama
Of the spirit dancing
With joy and sorrow.
Kabir Sir
October 24, 2012 @ 2:30 am
What is the significance of Human Body?
To attain God Realisation/God Realisation and God Realisation
We are NOTHING without HIM.
He is the doer and we are ALL struggling souls.
Everything(what we own/what we owe/all our attachments) belong to Him
And are loaned to us only. So everyone just chill.
Everything is temporary. If things are going well,Enjoy
And if NOT going ok, Smile and just do your best.
Father will do the rest. He is beyond our comprehension.
This is NOT a lecture but a REALITY for us all.
We are all in da same boat and have the same destination/Father.
Smile cos All izz Well with Father in our lives.
Amongst all,we are Blessed!Hugs.
October 24, 2012 @ 1:53 am
Plump Mary is taking a customer out for lunch today.
Perhaps Makeover Project can start from tomorrow.
Ice cream will be a treat today as well.
Cross fingers for Plump Mary to succeed in this
Very important Makeover Project!
October 23, 2012 @ 1:32 pm
What is Bollywood about?
What is school about?
Education, Education,Education
What is Mom about?
Another name for God,God and God
Where is Beauty and Haappiness found?
Within, Withn and Within
What is Family about?
Love,Loyalty and Unity
What is the meaning of Maya?
Ilusion,Illusion and Illusion
What is this World about?
A Mirage,Mirage and Mirage
Who is our true friend?
God, God and God.
What should be our first priority?
Our time with God,God and God.
October 23, 2012 @ 1:17 pm
Plump Mary was enjoying her supper today when
Her Mom suddenly told her that she has a surprise for her.
She rushed through her supper just to hear what her Mom has to say.
She got a rude awakening when Mom brings a Health Mag
With a topic entitled ‘Makeovers’. What type of surprise is this ?
Plump Mary just listened to her Mom’s brilliant Makeover Plan for her.
Her Mom said to her that she has limited time to ‘shape up’
And has confidence that Mary will succeed.
Plump Mary has a huge challenge ahead of her.
October 23, 2012 @ 11:35 am
This is a life that real matters…a life with Jesus, our God…only Him can help every-one wich believe…
Don’t trust others gods…they can misrepresent the true and the real value…
Bless, every-one…but special they believing in Jesus…The only God and teacher I know…
October 23, 2012 @ 11:13 am
Days may come and days may go
They never seem the same
Some are bright and sunny
And some are filled with rain.
Whenever life seems unfair
And time you’d like to stop
That’s when you need to think a bit
Be thankful for what you’ve got.
You are so very fortunate
You have loving family and friends
That lift your spirits when needed
As each new day begins
So when your life seems shadowed
Lift your eyes to Heaven and pray
For help in whatever need you have
Let Him touch your heart today.
This is a special greeting
Full of love and prayers too
Because you are a special friend
And because I do love you.
God Bless You !
(Ginny Bryant ©2008-
Ginny’s Gift Of Love)
The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.’
Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV)
“Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.”? Ralph Waldo Emerson
October 23, 2012 @ 7:04 am
Had to tackle one more complicated problem
And Aced it with the help of our Beloved Guru,I know.
Now, I am listening to ‘Guru Meri Pooja’ sung by Shabnam Ghandhi.
I feel so safe just thinking of Him. In no way am I a ‘fundi’
Like the Maha Meditators but I luv my Guru with all my heart.
Amongst all I am most Blessed.
October 22, 2012 @ 1:55 pm
Sweet Dreams. Hugs
October 22, 2012 @ 2:35 am
Love goes beyond any difference…
October 22, 2012 @ 1:55 am
When we have a loving attitude
Towards others,automatically we have
A loving attitude towards ourselves.
When we love others we live in Love.
When we are good to others, we are
Good to ourselves. Then you are happy with yourself,then U live with yourself.
If you’re angry with Somebody,if you have a spirit of revenge,or malice towards somebody,you can’t live with yourself,you’re unhappy with yourself. (Our Beloved Master)
October 21, 2012 @ 7:15 am
@ Suncoast. We will watch ‘English/Vinglish’ @ 14:15.
Have a fab Sunday.Hugs.
October 20, 2012 @ 12:56 pm
My sweet friend…you know I have two children…but they are too young to spend an aftenoon with me…only if they need my support to care about my grandchildren…
I am alone now after they are leaving…and I am waiting your news…
I am very pleased to hear about you…
October 20, 2012 @ 11:28 am
On our way to my cuzzies house-Family get together I suppose.
Have fab evening.Hugs
October 20, 2012 @ 8:42 am
I am all snuggled up in bed watching an old hindi
Movie ‘Dil Aashna Hai’ with my all time favourite Divya
Bharthi Jhi(junior Sri Devi Jhi) with S.R.K. Divya Jhi
Is sooo happy to find her Mom and funny enough
Gets happy when Jitendra Jhi scolds her! She says
She never got scolding anythime(never had family).
Divya and S.R.K were amazing on screen.
I am alone @ home.
Mom is gone shopping with my sister and co.
I will not want to be jumping around in this cold weather!
I have the tv and lots of books/mags to read.
Father loves me so much. He ensured
That I am safe and warm @ home.
We all going out for supper @ relative’s house
So for now I will just enjoy this time alone.
Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day. Hugs.
October 18, 2012 @ 12:12 pm
Very well said…
October 18, 2012 @ 11:40 am
To live a life that matters is to positively impact other peoples’ lives in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
October 18, 2012 @ 11:22 am
‘Our Friendship is sealed with the Word of God and is indestructible’
October 4, 2012 @ 3:50 am
Very touchy and refreshing, it can change a heart of stone. Articles like this should be frequent on the internet because it has the tendency of redeeming souls.
October 2, 2012 @ 12:44 pm
Thank you, you opened up my heart and saw what was in it… These words are so true and the ones
that I try to go by… How did you know???
My late husband Bill said that if I know anyone in trouble, I rush to their side and try to help them…
Isn’t this what JESUS would do??? Yes it is… Thank you LORD for teaching me love and compassion.
Blessings and love to ALL… Elizabeth W.
October 2, 2012 @ 11:23 am
Our friendship is sealed with the Word of God and is indestructible.
October 2, 2012 @ 10:17 am
When I am happy and full of joy…and I can share that feeling with a friend…for me is the life that matters…
Thank you!