Heartwarming Love Letter Returned After 68 Years
In 1946, a young gunner serving overseas in the army pens a letter to a young woman back home he plans on marrying. Fast forward to 2014, and staff at an Adelaide op shop discover the note discovered inside a…
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September 25, 2017 @ 9:34 pm
That was a beautiful message..It is hard not be angry with someone who has hurt you or a family member, that you love so deeply and try to protect them, from hurt and pain.. But to pray for that person.. You are so right.
Thank you for sharing
Carol P
August 3, 2016 @ 12:32 am
My husband and I were married 37 years. We dated over 3 years before we married. He passed away on August 19, 2012. My life has never been the same.
God is with me, so I am not alone. Without God, my life would have ended. Thank you God for Your love for me, and I will always remember my love for the husband you gave me for all our years together. May God forgive my cousin who tried to destroy my memories of my life with my husband after his death. God said to forgive others, or I will not forgive you before my Father, Who is in Heaven. Put your troubles and hurt caused by others, in the Hands of our Lord God Almighty. He will be the Judge of this person and all wrong doer’s. Thank You God for Your Love and Blessings for us all. Amen.
* Mary *
October 15, 2014 @ 9:15 pm
Oh but there are still persons like that my son and his wife have been married 28 years now have children and their love is still so very strong. They will always love one another . Remember in the marriage vows for better or worse, in sickness and in health as long as we shall live till death us do part.
October 15, 2014 @ 9:00 pm
A one man woman, or one woman man love is this kind. They love to grow old and die with person they love. Question is are these kind of love only exists in old days. These days men cannot love only one woman, and also there are many women whom cannot love only one man. Strange ???
October 15, 2014 @ 5:27 pm
Really she had a beautiful loving life.
October 15, 2014 @ 2:17 pm
How Beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes.
October 15, 2014 @ 9:10 am
You are a great Lady who love her husband very dearly. It melt my heart, you are carrying your love letter in your hand bag for 68 years. May you be happy always, long life, May the lord bless you richly.