Dear Erich the was a beautiful tribute to your Father and Mother, as you show what great faithful followers they must be in their lives with OUR SAVIOR. This is certainly a very uplifting prayer and something we need to feel each day with our hearts, so the light of JESUS CHRIST shines out to others.
WOW—- my mom sent this to me as a cheer up with the treatments I am going through… first, my father was an awesome Pianist and he played daily… we had a Conservatory Piano room with five Pianos and a Player Piano… his favorite and mine was the Box Concerto Piano. I always wanted a Full Grand, and nearly bought Baby Grand when Pete and I moved into this house six years ago.
Second, my pop was part owner with two Hot Air Balloons, one very well-known in PA, BRICKER’S FRIES and the other was a private balloon with the VP of Coldwell Banker Brokerage in the 70’s & 80’s which he flew regularly when I was a child and adult.
And third, pop’s pride and joy was raising Sun Flowers.. the taller the better and he raised jumbo called ” G-D-sent JUMBOS ” which the faces on the Sun Flowers could get to be over 2 feet wide in diameter… I have no idea where my mom found this, but BOY did it bring me close to pop again… he has been “gone for 8 years 6.5 months… it is still tough and I believe that HE is helping me FIGHT THIS FIGHT and telling me and G-D above that it IS NOT MY TIME and that I have so much me life to live… I love you mom and pop and everyone who is supporting me through this- I could not do this without any of your support!
I know this was for me & it came from the FATHER,himself.I still cannot get over the sudden loss of my 2nd & last son,Derek.It was so hard to lose David(MURDERED)on his way to bible study in 1994.But now my last & only son,DEREK,was taken from me May 20th, of 13.You might say ity was murder too,he was a Psycologist in Traverse City,Mi.Was hit by a woman,as he was pulling his daughter in a tag-a-long.Thank GOD she wasn’t hurt,but he began having seizures=May 20,2013-had 3 grand-mals-the last one took my baby from me.
June 3, 2018 @ 6:30 pm
absolutely wonderful.
May 30, 2018 @ 1:52 pm
a wonderful prayer for everyday
March 24, 2015 @ 10:37 am
A beautiful prayer to aspire to each day.
February 20, 2015 @ 5:19 pm
Beautiful prayer to recite daily!!
June 10, 2014 @ 10:31 am
AMEN AND AMEN… A beautiful prayer for morning, noon and night… GOD BLESS..
November 23, 2013 @ 3:32 pm
Dear Erich the was a beautiful tribute to your Father and Mother, as you show what great faithful followers they must be in their lives with OUR SAVIOR. This is certainly a very uplifting prayer and something we need to feel each day with our hearts, so the light of JESUS CHRIST shines out to others.
September 6, 2013 @ 4:47 am
it’s so beautiful morning can i send this to my face book.thanks
September 6, 2013 @ 2:54 am
WOW—- my mom sent this to me as a cheer up with the treatments I am going through… first, my father was an awesome Pianist and he played daily… we had a Conservatory Piano room with five Pianos and a Player Piano… his favorite and mine was the Box Concerto Piano. I always wanted a Full Grand, and nearly bought Baby Grand when Pete and I moved into this house six years ago.
Second, my pop was part owner with two Hot Air Balloons, one very well-known in PA, BRICKER’S FRIES and the other was a private balloon with the VP of Coldwell Banker Brokerage in the 70’s & 80’s which he flew regularly when I was a child and adult.
And third, pop’s pride and joy was raising Sun Flowers.. the taller the better and he raised jumbo called ” G-D-sent JUMBOS ” which the faces on the Sun Flowers could get to be over 2 feet wide in diameter… I have no idea where my mom found this, but BOY did it bring me close to pop again… he has been “gone for 8 years 6.5 months… it is still tough and I believe that HE is helping me FIGHT THIS FIGHT and telling me and G-D above that it IS NOT MY TIME and that I have so much me life to live… I love you mom and pop and everyone who is supporting me through this- I could not do this without any of your support!
September 6, 2013 @ 12:50 am
May God’s strength and courage be with you…..
He will not fail you ..nor forsake you…..
September 5, 2013 @ 5:57 pm
I like to share this prayer in facebook.
September 5, 2013 @ 12:45 pm
I know this was for me & it came from the FATHER,himself.I still cannot get over the sudden loss of my 2nd & last son,Derek.It was so hard to lose David(MURDERED)on his way to bible study in 1994.But now my last & only son,DEREK,was taken from me May 20th, of 13.You might say ity was murder too,he was a Psycologist in Traverse City,Mi.Was hit by a woman,as he was pulling his daughter in a tag-a-long.Thank GOD she wasn’t hurt,but he began having seizures=May 20,2013-had 3 grand-mals-the last one took my baby from me.
September 5, 2013 @ 12:38 pm
I am not on facebook.But,please post my comment above