The Uplifting Story of Mr. Pickles
There’s a cat named Mr. Pickles who lives among the residents of the Bayview Retirement community. As a pet therapist he brings warmth and love to the residents of the entire building. See the full story of this cute (and tubby) animal.
August 4, 2017 @ 1:04 pm
so sweet love this
December 24, 2016 @ 11:06 am
du har så evig ret. Det er som at leve i et palaelelunivrrs, hcor ingenting rigtigt hænger sammen og hvor man trænger til nærhed og alligevel ikke magter den. Elias er 14 måneder nu og jeg har i al den tid ikke fået een eneste nats sammenhængende søvn (altså med undtagelse af dem, hvor jeg har været ude at rejse, men der vågnede jeg også hele tiden i ren og skær savn). Svært er det og uudholdeligt. KH
July 7, 2016 @ 9:44 pm
I hope the residents at Bayview realize that Mr. Pickles needs to go on a diet for his own good, aka “tough love”. He is adorable and I’m sure he knows how loved he is. Train him to get on a treadmill and walk more than he sleeps.
July 6, 2016 @ 10:57 pm
What a wonderful, heartwarming story about a very special kitty cat who makes everyone happy and is soooo well loved! Please just give him healthy food so he can live a long time and continue giving love and comfort to everyone he meets!
July 6, 2016 @ 7:36 pm
Very sweet story. BUT if anyone really cares about this cat they need to stop feeding him treats and regulate his food intake or he won’t be around for very long. This cat is obese and it is so unfair to the animal that nobody has taken this into consideration. There are a gazillion OTHER ways to show love to this cat. Please be kind to this Mr. Pickles.
July 6, 2016 @ 1:44 pm
Beautiful story of how a cat has inspired the lives of people that reside at a retirement community. Animals know that everyone needs someone special in their life.