Nick Vujicic – Love Without Limits – Bully Talk | Life Without Limbs
“My experiences with bullies left me feeling intimidated, depressed, anxious and sick to my stomach. If you know my personal story, you’ll remember that most grade school days ended with tears and on one occasion led me to a failed suicide attempt. I didn’t tell my parents when I was picked on because I didn’t want to upset them. I thought I could handle it myself, but I was wrong. I should have told them. As I travel around the world talking to tens of thousands of young people, it is evident that no one is immune from being bullied. This epidemic is not unique to North America. Bullying is a global issue.” -Nick Vujicic
September 27, 2019 @ 2:37 pm
Bless your Heart!!! You are a real man and you are handsome as HELL!!! Just go to show you, you Dont need arms and legs to be GORGEOUS!!! You are more man than those with so call ones with arms and legs:) A REAL MAN DO NOT BULLY!!! ONLY THOSE WITH LOW SELF ESTEEM, LOW SELF WORTH, AND lack self confidence and also LOW SELF IMAGE!! Your are the STRONGEST Man I HAVE EVER SEEN, Plus you are FINE AS HELL!!!!!!!!!
September 23, 2019 @ 8:04 am
I never tire of hearing this inspirational young man. What a treasure. Agree, this should be shown in EVERY school! Tragic that it won’t be. So many still think it is “cool” to bully. They are the real losers. Sad. Thank you, Nick for your message. You will never know how many you have helped, with God’s help. Love you!
September 21, 2019 @ 2:01 pm
Thank you Nick, I also agree this should be in every school. You are such an inspiration to me . I know there are people such as myself whom are bullied by family members which I have struggled with all my life. I also believe God is with me each day. All I wanted is to be loved. God has shown me how to receive it.and get the love I need.
April 27, 2018 @ 6:08 pm
This should be required viewing in every school all over the world. Truly inspirational Nick. Thank you.
April 26, 2018 @ 1:01 pm
April 24, 2018 @ 7:43 pm
You are an amazing masterpiece of God’s Creation….my heart was so touched when I saw you on ShineTV and I could not sleep the whole night,I kept wondering how to get a video of you to send to my grandson who feels god has not been favourable to him and his sister by taking away their mother.He goes through a lot of depression and nightmares cause he witnessed his mother’s tragegic end as a child of four.I awoke in the morning and logged into my gmail account and lo! and behold the video of you was there,what an awesome god for responding to the cry of my heart.I will send it to him and let him know he is not alone,if you overcame it all he too can.God bless you my dear boy and keep you and your family safe in His love.You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
April 24, 2018 @ 12:19 pm
God is using you, Nick in such a powerful way! I’m sure you must be in awe that our heavenly Father and the King of Kings would choose to use you in so many lives. That ‘awe’ should be true for every one of us! Thank you for ‘stepping up’ with the gift of courage the Lord has given you. This broken world is desperate for men and women who will ‘step up’ with the courage to love like our Savior loves while speaking TRUTH to the hearts of people who have lost their way! I have every confidence that you will finish strong because of the Spirit of God residing in you! May He continue to richly bless you and your wife!