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If Discord Comes, God departs so let us all TRY and live in Harmony.
The Ego is hell, and hell is a dragon not diminished by oceans of water.
It drinks down the seven seas, yet the heat of that ma-burner does not become less.
It makes a morsel of the world and gulps it down. It’s belly keeps shouting: Is there more? Rumi
Someone once told me in a mean spirit that I did not have any friends. That simply isnt so…….I have one friend…………He is always there…………….Available 24/7………When everyone else has left and forsaken me He is a true friend that sticketh closer than a brother………and his love is like none other. Thank you Jesus and glad to call you friend.
When you feel lost and lonely,
just put your hope in God,
That is when He will take your hand lovingly,
and lead you forward, into
His path of blessings……
God wants us to live each day to the fullest and have an attitude of gratitude.
He wants us to be victorious and not have the word victim in our vocab or subconscious.
From a broader spectrum,everything is one. We are expected to see God in all His creation and love all.
We simply cannot say that we love God only because God is in everyone and everything.
We are all actors in a stage and will soon come to an end. Let us focus on our own roles and spend so much time improving ourselves that we do not have time to criticize anyone. Nobody is good or bad,they are powerless to do otherwise. We only see what we have to pass through and not what we have been spared,Father says. Everyday is a gift,treasure it and be a blessing. Everyday is thanksgiving day. God is beyond our comprehension.
For everything in the world it seems money is needed to deal with. Even worshiping purpose money is needed to go there and pray. Will God provide money to one who has nothing left in this corrupt world to deal with any matter even for good purpose? It money is God now! Will God help one with money ever?
My dear friend …who send me all those beatiful poems and thoughts…I can not thank you enough…for the joy you give me, every day…
And, yes…The Lord is my shepherd!
April 8, 2017 @ 12:21 pm
Jesus is always there talked to him, ask him to come into your heart for ever, he is love,
April 16, 2014 @ 7:00 pm
Seasonofmemories… You are absolutely right… JESUS is our friend now,forever and eternally…
Our Lord and Savior and friend…
February 8, 2013 @ 9:24 am
Thank you for the reminder Anet.
If Discord Comes, God departs so let us all TRY and live in Harmony.
The Ego is hell, and hell is a dragon not diminished by oceans of water.
It drinks down the seven seas, yet the heat of that ma-burner does not become less.
It makes a morsel of the world and gulps it down. It’s belly keeps shouting: Is there more? Rumi
Humility is part of LOVE.
November 21, 2012 @ 3:37 pm
Someone once told me in a mean spirit that I did not have any friends. That simply isnt so…….I have one friend…………He is always there…………….Available 24/7………When everyone else has left and forsaken me He is a true friend that sticketh closer than a brother………and his love is like none other. Thank you Jesus and glad to call you friend.
July 30, 2012 @ 2:01 am
When you feel lost and lonely,
just put your hope in God,
That is when He will take your hand lovingly,
and lead you forward, into
His path of blessings……
July 29, 2012 @ 1:26 pm
God wants us to live each day to the fullest and have an attitude of gratitude.
He wants us to be victorious and not have the word victim in our vocab or subconscious.
From a broader spectrum,everything is one. We are expected to see God in all His creation and love all.
We simply cannot say that we love God only because God is in everyone and everything.
We are all actors in a stage and will soon come to an end. Let us focus on our own roles and spend so much time improving ourselves that we do not have time to criticize anyone. Nobody is good or bad,they are powerless to do otherwise. We only see what we have to pass through and not what we have been spared,Father says. Everyday is a gift,treasure it and be a blessing. Everyday is thanksgiving day. God is beyond our comprehension.
April 3, 2012 @ 7:32 pm
God Lord Jesus is evrything for me…nothing else…Amen
March 2, 2012 @ 10:21 am
Yes, Lord is my Shepherd…and I am His lamb…
October 13, 2011 @ 9:19 am
so beautiful
October 12, 2011 @ 9:36 pm
Very nice, but…TO. Hold on TO. Not TOO!
October 12, 2011 @ 6:20 am
Others may abandon you,
divorce you, and ignore you,
but God will love you..Always, no matter what…..
October 11, 2011 @ 5:00 pm
We all long for things we can’t have, but the most precious of all is the love of God and with his grace, we will never be alone.
October 11, 2011 @ 2:56 pm
For everything in the world it seems money is needed to deal with. Even worshiping purpose money is needed to go there and pray. Will God provide money to one who has nothing left in this corrupt world to deal with any matter even for good purpose? It money is God now! Will God help one with money ever?
October 11, 2011 @ 2:16 pm
How can the bond of my Love for thee break! Like the diamond unyielding to the hammer’s blow,My love for Thee remains unshaken, O Lord. Mira
October 11, 2011 @ 1:14 pm
This is a wonderful card that is well written. The Lord is our shepherd and that is good enough each day to make it. My Angel I love you!
October 11, 2011 @ 11:26 am
so niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee
October 11, 2011 @ 11:22 am
My dear friend …who send me all those beatiful poems and thoughts…I can not thank you enough…for the joy you give me, every day…
And, yes…The Lord is my shepherd!