this is such true words, for you always learn ,along the way every day, no mater how old you are God gives us grace to learn new things always and guide us always to him alwaus believe in him and love him with all your heart
Yes Dave I certainly understand why you would like a format of this video, as it does direct us along life’s oathway ad find the peace that OUR SAgoVIOR has for all of us. We never stop learning that is for sure. May GODS Angels contine to watch over you forever, is my prayer. I had a dear Uncle Dave that fought in the Second World War and I received the Flag that had been on the top of his coffin when passed on to eternal life.
How can I get a copy of this???????? I would like to have it available on some format to play on my computer when I want to……… Please advise. Cost????????
We are continually in a learning process, as we walk along lifes pathway withOUR HEAVENLY FATHER We never stop learning, as we are allowed to live in eternuty. May GODS Angels continue to watch over all of you forever, is my prayer.
Oh my, I am STILL learning lessons every day in every way with my hand in JESUS’s hand… Whew….
One of them is forgiveness no matter how “hurt” you are… Let it go and it is over… Hasn’t GOD
forgiven me ? Yes He has… Thank you blessed GOD…
Now that is what I call a good lesson for all of us. Walk the straight and narrow path hand in hand with GOD. When you do this the lessons are certainly there for us to learn.
Yes…all the time, as long as we live…we get a lot of lessons…
But some people never learn the lesson…until is to late…
My oncle died…(my father’s brother)…
Because I was much closed to my cousin (his daughter)…she asked me to help her…
June 1, 2018 @ 6:30 pm
this is such true words, for you always learn ,along the way every day, no mater how old you are God gives us grace to learn new things always and guide us always to him alwaus believe in him and love him with all your heart
September 17, 2016 @ 12:13 am
Still waiting for someone to tell me how I can download a copy???????
September 16, 2016 @ 7:21 pm
Yes Dave I certainly understand why you would like a format of this video, as it does direct us along life’s oathway ad find the peace that OUR SAgoVIOR has for all of us. We never stop learning that is for sure. May GODS Angels contine to watch over you forever, is my prayer. I had a dear Uncle Dave that fought in the Second World War and I received the Flag that had been on the top of his coffin when passed on to eternal life.
September 16, 2016 @ 2:26 pm
How can I get a copy of this???????? I would like to have it available on some format to play on my computer when I want to……… Please advise. Cost????????
February 8, 2016 @ 3:41 pm
We are continually in a learning process, as we walk along lifes pathway withOUR HEAVENLY FATHER We never stop learning, as we are allowed to live in eternuty. May GODS Angels continue to watch over all of you forever, is my prayer.
February 7, 2016 @ 5:36 pm
Oh my, I am STILL learning lessons every day in every way with my hand in JESUS’s hand… Whew….
One of them is forgiveness no matter how “hurt” you are… Let it go and it is over… Hasn’t GOD
forgiven me ? Yes He has… Thank you blessed GOD…
July 2, 2013 @ 8:37 pm
Now that is what I call a good lesson for all of us. Walk the straight and narrow path hand in hand with GOD. When you do this the lessons are certainly there for us to learn.
March 19, 2013 @ 5:33 pm
i sure like was very good thank you for it.every one need to read more about this kine of the gospel.thank you.
March 19, 2013 @ 2:09 pm
Yes…all the time, as long as we live…we get a lot of lessons…
But some people never learn the lesson…until is to late…
My oncle died…(my father’s brother)…
Because I was much closed to my cousin (his daughter)…she asked me to help her…