Going to bed one night… My heart was so heavy
I had things to do LORD …But I wasn’t ready
Then I started to cry… I wanted them to go
Put my head on pillow… And felt a soft soft glow
Realized it was you LORD… My head on your soft arm
You giving me comfort… To me would come no harm…
Elizabeth M. Wright
***Snuggle into your pillow and lay your head on JESUS’ arm***
Steve Politte, where but by GOD do you write these words of encouragement and hope ? You are
truly the child of GOD… I thank GOD for you… I send many videos of yours to all of my friends,
whether they are hurting or wondering… The messages are wonderful… Thank you for renewing
my faith, which I have to do every once in a while…
Sincerely, Elizabeth M. Wright
To seasonofmemories, many thanks for your prayers. To all of you posters praying for me, thank you from the bottom of my humble heart. The pain is excruciating and I tried seeing the orthopedici doctor yesterday but I have to wait until Wednesday. I took so many pain killers that I tried so hard to sleep so I wouldn’t feel the pain….but apparently I didn’t take enough. Was up until 5:00 a.m. Just checking my mail now and going back to bed to take more pain killers. Just when alone with Jesus whisper continue to whisper my name to Him. He knows me well. I love you for your support, compassion and understanding. Just don’t know how much more I can handle.
Lord I pray for this dear sister that you Lord will provide for her all the days of her life. I pray that she will come to know you and desire a deeper closer relationship with you. Help her in the days to come to find someone who will care for her dogs, and be there when she has her knee surgery in January. Lay your healing hand upon her ease her pain and bring peace to her troubled soul. I pray the she will feel your presence everywhere she goes and that she will come to rely on you for all her needs. Bless her in a special way so she will know that you are who you say your are and will do what you say you will do. I give you all praise honor and glory. In Jesus name Amen
Sister Lola, God goes everywhere you go. When you left the church he went with you. Learn to trust him. He is a friend like no other. He gratefully accepts the invitatation to come and dine with you. So many believers in Christ think that God stays in the church. No so. He goes everywhere we go. He hears and sees and knows everything we say everything we do. Remember He promised to never leave or forsake you. He is your provider, your comforter, your healer, your redeemer, your savior, your friend, your father, your husband, your counselor. He loves you and desires to have a personal relationship with you. His word the Holy bible is our guide book for daily living and it will bring life to ones darkened soul. Trust God! He will never fail you.
Arlina right now all I can say to you is thank you for talking to me. I’m a Roman Catholic, I miss the Church, I miss being alone with Jesus in the Church, but I have a big home and just talk to Him here. It’s not the same, but I just imagine that He is sitting across from me in a chair and listening to me. I close my eyes and try to imagine Him wrapping His loving arms around me. I need a hug so badly from Our Lord, so I hug myself tightly at times and pretend that it’s Him. I know it sounds strange, but…..Just pray for me please that He will be in the OR with me, at the hospital with me, at home here with me and helping me. No one really cares about me, and I’m so hurt by this. But no one cared about Jesus either when he was suffering and crucified, so I shouldn’t have a pity party for myself. I know that He was scared as well, but He is God and stronger than I’ll ever be. Thank you again for your comment to me.
I’m a 62 years old woman, I know OF Christ all my life, (I was a Catholic) 10 years ago HE FOUND ME (No longer Catholic)and since then my life is Not the same, Please understend that our Lord Jesus came so We can have a RELATIONSHIP with HIM,
Ana A
Thank you Steve Politte for your beautiful words. I have God in my life, and thank Him everyday that I have. My entire life I have suffered abuse physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically and now spiritually. I’m a widow, I had dedicated my life to the Church and hid in Churches many times when I was being abused. No priest ever knew as I would hide in the confessional box all night, sleep, and when the Church was opened up, I would quietly leave when no one was around, and go under the railroad tracks nearby for the rest of the day. Why am I telling you posters this? Because, after many years I came back to the Church, volunteered my services, etc., etc.,etc. Now I’m widowed, alone, and need two knee replacements. The surgeons said that due to the fact I have no family or local friends, I need to make arrangements for after my surgery for help at home. I have two service dogs, and two declawed domesticated cats. When I called my Church from the hospital as I was going in for another type of surgery and if I didn’t have it I was given only two months to live. No priest called me or the hospital back. The hospital tried over and over. I was hysterical. No one showed up, no calls, no visitors and I had to face the surgery alone. Before I allowed them to put me under anesthesia I told the surgeons that I needed them to pray with me that I would survive, I didn’t care what religion they were. They said they didn’t do things like that in the OR, but since I was hysterical they took a moment of silence. I survived that surgery and came home to an empty house,with no food. That being said I lived on water and gatorade, and weeks later brought back to the hospital loss 22 lbs, dehydrated, and low potassium with excruciating pain. Well now I need two knee replacements, same old story, but, I called a Methodist minister from my deceased husband’s church. He said that since I wasn’t a member there, there was no way that he was going to ask any member of his congregation to come here, or, to help me.
DON’T YOU JUST LOVE CHRISTIAN CHARITY? So now I’ve decided I will never attend any Church ever again. My Church is my home, where I can talk to God on a daily basis. If what you say Mr. Politte is true that God is with you everywhere, I’m going to trust that He will be with me and help me now, during, and after the surgery. I’m terrified, as I’m having two knee replacements. I’m on a fixed income, and I need someone to help with the animals. So I’ve postponed the surgery until December/January when my medicare will be coming in, and let medicare pay for it. Just pray for me everyone, because I don’t have much faith, hope or trust in mankind anymore.
Indeed a wonderfully consoling thought that speaks of the Heart of Jesus that heals and brings peace, hope and courage. Thanks Steve Politte for your wonderful ministry!
February 25, 2016 @ 5:36 pm
Going to bed one night… My heart was so heavy
I had things to do LORD …But I wasn’t ready
Then I started to cry… I wanted them to go
Put my head on pillow… And felt a soft soft glow
Realized it was you LORD… My head on your soft arm
You giving me comfort… To me would come no harm…
Elizabeth M. Wright
***Snuggle into your pillow and lay your head on JESUS’ arm***
May 15, 2014 @ 11:50 am
Steve Politte, where but by GOD do you write these words of encouragement and hope ? You are
truly the child of GOD… I thank GOD for you… I send many videos of yours to all of my friends,
whether they are hurting or wondering… The messages are wonderful… Thank you for renewing
my faith, which I have to do every once in a while…
Sincerely, Elizabeth M. Wright
October 20, 2012 @ 11:13 am
To seasonofmemories, many thanks for your prayers. To all of you posters praying for me, thank you from the bottom of my humble heart. The pain is excruciating and I tried seeing the orthopedici doctor yesterday but I have to wait until Wednesday. I took so many pain killers that I tried so hard to sleep so I wouldn’t feel the pain….but apparently I didn’t take enough. Was up until 5:00 a.m. Just checking my mail now and going back to bed to take more pain killers. Just when alone with Jesus whisper continue to whisper my name to Him. He knows me well. I love you for your support, compassion and understanding. Just don’t know how much more I can handle.
October 20, 2012 @ 12:23 am
Lord I pray for this dear sister that you Lord will provide for her all the days of her life. I pray that she will come to know you and desire a deeper closer relationship with you. Help her in the days to come to find someone who will care for her dogs, and be there when she has her knee surgery in January. Lay your healing hand upon her ease her pain and bring peace to her troubled soul. I pray the she will feel your presence everywhere she goes and that she will come to rely on you for all her needs. Bless her in a special way so she will know that you are who you say your are and will do what you say you will do. I give you all praise honor and glory. In Jesus name Amen
October 20, 2012 @ 12:11 am
Sister Lola, God goes everywhere you go. When you left the church he went with you. Learn to trust him. He is a friend like no other. He gratefully accepts the invitatation to come and dine with you. So many believers in Christ think that God stays in the church. No so. He goes everywhere we go. He hears and sees and knows everything we say everything we do. Remember He promised to never leave or forsake you. He is your provider, your comforter, your healer, your redeemer, your savior, your friend, your father, your husband, your counselor. He loves you and desires to have a personal relationship with you. His word the Holy bible is our guide book for daily living and it will bring life to ones darkened soul. Trust God! He will never fail you.
September 7, 2012 @ 2:50 pm
Arlina right now all I can say to you is thank you for talking to me. I’m a Roman Catholic, I miss the Church, I miss being alone with Jesus in the Church, but I have a big home and just talk to Him here. It’s not the same, but I just imagine that He is sitting across from me in a chair and listening to me. I close my eyes and try to imagine Him wrapping His loving arms around me. I need a hug so badly from Our Lord, so I hug myself tightly at times and pretend that it’s Him. I know it sounds strange, but…..Just pray for me please that He will be in the OR with me, at the hospital with me, at home here with me and helping me. No one really cares about me, and I’m so hurt by this. But no one cared about Jesus either when he was suffering and crucified, so I shouldn’t have a pity party for myself. I know that He was scared as well, but He is God and stronger than I’ll ever be. Thank you again for your comment to me.
September 7, 2012 @ 2:07 pm
I’m a 62 years old woman, I know OF Christ all my life, (I was a Catholic) 10 years ago HE FOUND ME (No longer Catholic)and since then my life is Not the same, Please understend that our Lord Jesus came so We can have a RELATIONSHIP with HIM,
Ana A
September 7, 2012 @ 11:11 am
Thank you Steve Politte for your beautiful words. I have God in my life, and thank Him everyday that I have. My entire life I have suffered abuse physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically and now spiritually. I’m a widow, I had dedicated my life to the Church and hid in Churches many times when I was being abused. No priest ever knew as I would hide in the confessional box all night, sleep, and when the Church was opened up, I would quietly leave when no one was around, and go under the railroad tracks nearby for the rest of the day. Why am I telling you posters this? Because, after many years I came back to the Church, volunteered my services, etc., etc.,etc. Now I’m widowed, alone, and need two knee replacements. The surgeons said that due to the fact I have no family or local friends, I need to make arrangements for after my surgery for help at home. I have two service dogs, and two declawed domesticated cats. When I called my Church from the hospital as I was going in for another type of surgery and if I didn’t have it I was given only two months to live. No priest called me or the hospital back. The hospital tried over and over. I was hysterical. No one showed up, no calls, no visitors and I had to face the surgery alone. Before I allowed them to put me under anesthesia I told the surgeons that I needed them to pray with me that I would survive, I didn’t care what religion they were. They said they didn’t do things like that in the OR, but since I was hysterical they took a moment of silence. I survived that surgery and came home to an empty house,with no food. That being said I lived on water and gatorade, and weeks later brought back to the hospital loss 22 lbs, dehydrated, and low potassium with excruciating pain. Well now I need two knee replacements, same old story, but, I called a Methodist minister from my deceased husband’s church. He said that since I wasn’t a member there, there was no way that he was going to ask any member of his congregation to come here, or, to help me.
DON’T YOU JUST LOVE CHRISTIAN CHARITY? So now I’ve decided I will never attend any Church ever again. My Church is my home, where I can talk to God on a daily basis. If what you say Mr. Politte is true that God is with you everywhere, I’m going to trust that He will be with me and help me now, during, and after the surgery. I’m terrified, as I’m having two knee replacements. I’m on a fixed income, and I need someone to help with the animals. So I’ve postponed the surgery until December/January when my medicare will be coming in, and let medicare pay for it. Just pray for me everyone, because I don’t have much faith, hope or trust in mankind anymore.
September 7, 2012 @ 5:09 am
Indeed a wonderfully consoling thought that speaks of the Heart of Jesus that heals and brings peace, hope and courage. Thanks Steve Politte for your wonderful ministry!
September 6, 2012 @ 4:16 pm
What a wonderful friend! JESUS I love you