How could anyone doubt that the beauty in this world (such as this) could possibly happen other than by a higher power than any earthly human. Living in FL Is one of my most regrets,is no real changes in the seasons, I lived before where I could visit the colorful Fall foliage in the Smokey Mountains of East-TN. Awesome signs of GOD’S
creation for us to enjoy.
October 22, 2015 @ 2:43 am
How could anyone doubt that the beauty in this world (such as this) could possibly happen other than by a higher power than any earthly human. Living in FL Is one of my most regrets,is no real changes in the seasons, I lived before where I could visit the colorful Fall foliage in the Smokey Mountains of East-TN. Awesome signs of GOD’S
creation for us to enjoy.
October 12, 2015 @ 12:37 pm
Isn’t the world beautiful ? Yes it is… Thank you GOD…