B.J. Morbitzer did not write this. He was a phony and a fake. He stole poetry from other people and claimed it as his own. This video is no longer on my website.
Without troubles, how would we know happiness… When down, realize that you are not the only one with
this problem there are thousands going through this too. You will make it …
I thank my friend Sergio for sending me just a beautiful message “Sometimes People”. It’s as if it was written just for me. God bless you Sergio. Thank you for bringing me to this site. I am grateful.
Sometimes in this troubled and busy world, a moment comes unexpectedly and, you are touched by an invisible hand that is filled with love and joy. It is a message you feel in your soul and tears fill your eyes. You don’t know how or way it happened, but the feeling remains for a fleeting moment, and your perspective is realigned and you go on.
we are all travellers and strangers in this world….we have our own destiny in life!
So… we must find our own purpose why we are here …
We only live once so let us make our lives fulfilling and meaningful by showing our love
and concern to others!…God Bless us all!….
A friend sent this to me, we have never met, but we both feel the pain of things that have gone bad in our lives,When i listen to this i reflect on my life and yours and i weep. I hope to one day be free of these painful things in my heart, for now I will listen to learn from others, and hope i can share with others
I believe this is sooo true I don’t think there are any coincidences, ea this message says People
cime into our lives to teach us something, and every person we meet along the way has something
to teach us or tell us somethng we need to hear!!! I truely believe this because I have experienced it.
Now it has made ke to be more aware when I meet a new person, I realize they are in my lide even if it is
just for a moment,
Thank you for this beautiful reminder because we can so soon forget!
I so true and right…I can say, that is… happening in those days in my life…
I got an extraordinary friend…at the time I thought never find one…to serve of my purpose…
Mother was close to 100 when she died. She told me that Christmas, just months prior to her passing, that she would be leaving soon. She would always be with us, although I would never again see her in this world. Well, I was on an airplane when she passed. The Hospital chaplin called me on my cell when I was just embarking to take off on another plane and we talked until I had to turn off the phone. My heart felt as though it was removed from my chest. As we descended into the clouds I had a vivid vision in my minds eye, of my Mother, around 32, dressed as though she was Irene Dunn in the 40’s, running as fast as she could through a turn style where she worked in a big city as a young women, screaming in jubilant glory,” It’s you, it’s you!”! That was my first real spiritual encounter and dream. It took my breath away! Since I have had others of all the deceased family along with a long lost friend who had gone through a great deal in life and had lost hope in many things. Now I pay close attention to these dreams and feel as though they are gifts. Eternal life is real. Bible, Basic instruction before leaving earth. Grin.
Thanks all you lovely beautiful kind spirited women who are not of this world. You have moved me this evening and I shall have sweet dreams.
I too sometimes have “visions” or dreams of my loved ones, and also the creatures that we have had in our
lives… I also whisper that I will always love them. For over a year I would start to go to the phone to telephone my mom then realize that she has gone to Heaven with my dad and brother… Normal? You bet it is.
Where there is LOVE, anything is possible…
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
Thanks Mary Jo for you wonderful message. I guess i so needed this tonight just to get me to realized i am lucky in all things but needed to read what you said to make me realized this. Thanks for yur blessings so much.
So true, but sometimes these people will not listen and put up such defenses, it if difficult to break through and they are real experts at turning the tables on you. It is really about Eternal life. We are here for only a short time. I too have experienced loss of a friend through suicide that was one of the greatest tragedies for her family and friends. I tried desperately to help her, but had no idea what she had planned. I lost 5 of my family, the most beloved people in my life within a 6 months period, 2 years ago and was totally devastated. They were elderly and one very sick, the other sisters in shock. They loved God and lived good lives in his grace. They communicate through dreams to me in glimpses in their glorified bodies and they are always all together. People would think I was insane to say that, but I know there is eternal life. I don’t see visions, just in my mind’s eye in dreams when I least expect it. It is really quite lovely.
There is value in every person, each may be carrying a heavy burden or maybe a song that they are trying to find the right note but life has just beat them down and they have not only lost their song but their joy also. It’s up to those of us who name the name of Jesus to be encouragement to those who struggle, perhaps setting aside our own burdens to offer a kind word or soft shoulder. There are more people offering a thumbs down to others than a hand up! Random acts of kindness can be the difference in somebody’s life that moment it’s offered that could be the difference in them not taking their own life! I know personally of an individual that this happened to. Be blessed Nethugger’s!
Absolutely Elizabeth, absolutely. You have a beautiful soul. I wrote someone on Youtube who wrote bragging in the failure of his long life business, God didn’t help him. I told him there were much worse things and not to blame it on God and basically he was lucky to have known success and wealth. His real character was being tested now with a new challenge that God felt he was equal to. He was spoiled and acting like a spoiled brat sulking publicly on youtube.com. He didn’t understand and I fell I truly wasted my breath. There are non so blind as he would Will not see. You have to be really careful on youtube, there are all kinds of characters out there. It angers me how people love to snuff out any spark of faith in their failings.
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
This is a WONDERFUL lesson about Life…Because Life is a lesson!!! Beautifully done!!!
It’s All about Love, and being “kind ” and makes people aware of what life is REALLY all about!!!
Thank you sooo much for such a beautiful message! !…reminder of why we are here on this planet!
May 6, 2024 @ 12:25 pm
Thank you, my sweetheart, for sending this message on to me.
January 2, 2022 @ 12:54 pm
B.J. Morbitzer did not write this. He was a phony and a fake. He stole poetry from other people and claimed it as his own. This video is no longer on my website.
Steve Politte
March 1, 2016 @ 10:15 am
Without troubles, how would we know happiness… When down, realize that you are not the only one with
this problem there are thousands going through this too. You will make it …
July 22, 2014 @ 10:18 pm
Wisdom is a gift from God!
January 5, 2014 @ 2:07 am
I thank my friend Sergio for sending me just a beautiful message “Sometimes People”. It’s as if it was written just for me. God bless you Sergio. Thank you for bringing me to this site. I am grateful.
August 24, 2012 @ 10:28 am
August 23, 2012 @ 9:03 pm
Our Biggest trauma can become our biggest blessing…
August 23, 2012 @ 8:55 pm
Wow Duane that’s exactly how I feel
August 23, 2012 @ 10:37 am
Sometimes in this troubled and busy world, a moment comes unexpectedly and, you are touched by an invisible hand that is filled with love and joy. It is a message you feel in your soul and tears fill your eyes. You don’t know how or way it happened, but the feeling remains for a fleeting moment, and your perspective is realigned and you go on.
January 23, 2012 @ 5:26 pm
WHAT an uplifting way to spend some time in reflection, and the PERFECT card for my friend who is struggling,
October 29, 2011 @ 9:55 pm
Yes!!! Thanks for posting. This is so true & spoke right to my heart.
October 29, 2011 @ 4:29 pm
These toughts are so wonderful true and inspiring. Thanks for sharing them
August 11, 2011 @ 11:50 am
so beautiful and true
August 3, 2011 @ 1:01 am
we are all travellers and strangers in this world….we have our own destiny in life!
So… we must find our own purpose why we are here …
We only live once so let us make our lives fulfilling and meaningful by showing our love
and concern to others!…God Bless us all!….
August 3, 2011 @ 12:54 am
messages that always reminds us of good works that we can only achieved when we have
God whom we believed, trust and obey!….
July 27, 2011 @ 8:50 am
The words and images say’s it all. Its beautiful indeed!!!
July 17, 2011 @ 8:58 am
it was excelent and i enjoy it.thanks so much . i know it really help me.
July 15, 2011 @ 8:56 am
A friend sent this to me, we have never met, but we both feel the pain of things that have gone bad in our lives,When i listen to this i reflect on my life and yours and i weep. I hope to one day be free of these painful things in my heart, for now I will listen to learn from others, and hope i can share with others
July 14, 2011 @ 6:38 pm
I believe this is sooo true I don’t think there are any coincidences, ea this message says People
cime into our lives to teach us something, and every person we meet along the way has something
to teach us or tell us somethng we need to hear!!! I truely believe this because I have experienced it.
Now it has made ke to be more aware when I meet a new person, I realize they are in my lide even if it is
just for a moment,
Thank you for this beautiful reminder because we can so soon forget!
July 14, 2011 @ 7:02 am
I so true and right…I can say, that is… happening in those days in my life…
I got an extraordinary friend…at the time I thought never find one…to serve of my purpose…
July 13, 2011 @ 9:10 pm
Mother was close to 100 when she died. She told me that Christmas, just months prior to her passing, that she would be leaving soon. She would always be with us, although I would never again see her in this world. Well, I was on an airplane when she passed. The Hospital chaplin called me on my cell when I was just embarking to take off on another plane and we talked until I had to turn off the phone. My heart felt as though it was removed from my chest. As we descended into the clouds I had a vivid vision in my minds eye, of my Mother, around 32, dressed as though she was Irene Dunn in the 40’s, running as fast as she could through a turn style where she worked in a big city as a young women, screaming in jubilant glory,” It’s you, it’s you!”! That was my first real spiritual encounter and dream. It took my breath away! Since I have had others of all the deceased family along with a long lost friend who had gone through a great deal in life and had lost hope in many things. Now I pay close attention to these dreams and feel as though they are gifts. Eternal life is real. Bible, Basic instruction before leaving earth. Grin.
Thanks all you lovely beautiful kind spirited women who are not of this world. You have moved me this evening and I shall have sweet dreams.
July 13, 2011 @ 8:44 pm
I too sometimes have “visions” or dreams of my loved ones, and also the creatures that we have had in our
lives… I also whisper that I will always love them. For over a year I would start to go to the phone to telephone my mom then realize that she has gone to Heaven with my dad and brother… Normal? You bet it is.
Where there is LOVE, anything is possible…
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
July 13, 2011 @ 8:06 pm
Thanks Mary Jo for you wonderful message. I guess i so needed this tonight just to get me to realized i am lucky in all things but needed to read what you said to make me realized this. Thanks for yur blessings so much.
July 13, 2011 @ 6:39 pm
Thank you for the very inspiring words of wisdom, beautifully written and presented.
God Bless you all
July 13, 2011 @ 6:32 pm
How beautiful and so very true. Loved the music. Steve Pollitt always does it right. Thank You!
July 13, 2011 @ 6:23 pm
So true, but sometimes these people will not listen and put up such defenses, it if difficult to break through and they are real experts at turning the tables on you. It is really about Eternal life. We are here for only a short time. I too have experienced loss of a friend through suicide that was one of the greatest tragedies for her family and friends. I tried desperately to help her, but had no idea what she had planned. I lost 5 of my family, the most beloved people in my life within a 6 months period, 2 years ago and was totally devastated. They were elderly and one very sick, the other sisters in shock. They loved God and lived good lives in his grace. They communicate through dreams to me in glimpses in their glorified bodies and they are always all together. People would think I was insane to say that, but I know there is eternal life. I don’t see visions, just in my mind’s eye in dreams when I least expect it. It is really quite lovely.
July 13, 2011 @ 5:53 pm
There is value in every person, each may be carrying a heavy burden or maybe a song that they are trying to find the right note but life has just beat them down and they have not only lost their song but their joy also. It’s up to those of us who name the name of Jesus to be encouragement to those who struggle, perhaps setting aside our own burdens to offer a kind word or soft shoulder. There are more people offering a thumbs down to others than a hand up! Random acts of kindness can be the difference in somebody’s life that moment it’s offered that could be the difference in them not taking their own life! I know personally of an individual that this happened to. Be blessed Nethugger’s!
July 13, 2011 @ 4:30 pm
Absolutely Elizabeth, absolutely. You have a beautiful soul. I wrote someone on Youtube who wrote bragging in the failure of his long life business, God didn’t help him. I told him there were much worse things and not to blame it on God and basically he was lucky to have known success and wealth. His real character was being tested now with a new challenge that God felt he was equal to. He was spoiled and acting like a spoiled brat sulking publicly on youtube.com. He didn’t understand and I fell I truly wasted my breath. There are non so blind as he would Will not see. You have to be really careful on youtube, there are all kinds of characters out there. It angers me how people love to snuff out any spark of faith in their failings.
July 13, 2011 @ 4:18 pm
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
July 13, 2011 @ 11:58 am
Beautiful comment Loretta. Yes, we are here to be kind, loving and forgiving to enrich our lives and others.
July 13, 2011 @ 11:47 am
This is a WONDERFUL lesson about Life…Because Life is a lesson!!! Beautifully done!!!
It’s All about Love, and being “kind ” and makes people aware of what life is REALLY all about!!!
Thank you sooo much for such a beautiful message! !…reminder of why we are here on this planet!
July 13, 2011 @ 11:34 am
Very true. Beautifully composed and pleasurable to follow.