Thank You for Being My Friend


When the day is dreary 
And I’m feeling down 
I call you up 
And get rid of my frown

Your voice is cheery 
And filled with love 
I realize you’re a gift 
Sent from heaven above

In a matter of minutes 
My mood is up-beat 
Your positive attitude 
Is such a treat

You never complain 
And you always care 
I thank God every day 
That you’re always there

I want you to know 
I’m here for you, too 
Because when you’re friends 
That’s what friends do

When you’re feeling low 
I’ll make you smile 
For you, my dear friend 
I’d go the extra mile

Your smile’s like the sun 
Always shining so bright 
When I hear your laughter 
I know all will be right

You’ve helped me so much 
You’re always such a dear 
We’ve shared happy times 
As well as times of fear

God knew we’d need help 
Along life’s way 
He brought us together 
And that’s how we’ll stay

I thank you from my heart 
For being my friend 
I love you and hope 
Our friendship will never end

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© Beverly Lawyer