The Beauty and Grace of Fall
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October 24, 2015 @ 4:02 pm
I have loved EVERY season as far back as I remember (am 85 years old)… Truly GOD has created a
beautiful world which we should appreciate and we do… Thank you GOD for a gorgeous world…
October 24, 2015 @ 2:19 pm
I pray every nite and praise him for the life i have. I pray for all those who are suffering, for my family and our troops.
He is always with me. I don’t now how anyone could live an be happy without our God & Lord Jesus in our life. I lost my husband 3 yrs ago but he gave me 50 wonderful yrs with him. Great memories and a wonderful loving family & friends. He is always bu my side. I love talking to him when i go to bed i feel so good.
I pray for those who don’t now him.
October 24, 2015 @ 11:27 am
Dear brothers and sisters, the message I give today is, “let the Light Shine Upon You and Many others who don’t who Jesus is. Almost 25 yrs. ago, I found out most of my life I was an atheist which I wasn’t aware of at the time. I didn’t believe in any higher power what so ever. However, Once the eyes of my heart was opened, I found a whole new outlook on life. Jesus is the Light of the World. He brought us the good news-the Gospel Word. In the New Testament-Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It’s tells us the purpose of Jesus coming in hopes to save the world and also how we can be followers of His, learning to adapt to the Spiritual ways and not so much of the flesh we live in today.
Today I live with Christ in my heart 24/7. I give thanks to my day before it even starts. I pray for those who try to hurt me and ask for advice on just about everything I need guidance for to make a sure and positive decision according to our heavenly Father. Although, as you know we will always be short of God’s glory. But, we can still live by the just of things and continue to learn from the things we we still are weak. Read- Isaiah 40: 29. Philippians 4:13, 19. These are only a couple of ways we can learn to adjust to the ways of our LORD.
I became a teacher of the gospel over 3 yrs. ago. I started up a group called, “Spiritual Wellness” at an adult recovery Center for the disabled. Oh by the way, I’m disabled. I have since 1987 to this present day. The Local, county, state, and government say I’m unemployable. Which they are right by physical standards. But, I don’t live by what I’m unable to do. I live by what I’m able to do. Which in the spiritual way. I have written over 400 Christian Articles over the yrs. And I have created many logos for bringing out the Christian faith for others to see and believe in. I also teach in the Children’s Ministry at my church I have been doing over 2 yrs. The kids are between 2nd and 4th grade level. I sometimes think they are teaching me. What a beautiful experience it is to be a part of their lives.
I’ve been doing Evangelist Studies for almost 8 yrs. God gave me a calling almost 8 yrs. ago to reach out to the poverty
and the orphans in the Philippines November 2016. I will know more as I get closer to that time. As you know, God’s
thoughts and ways are higher than ours. I love a good challenge, it brings out the best in me.
I would like you to know I have written Testimonial Songs based mostly on my history of life. I sing about what Jesus can do for you. This comment has become one of my testimonial statements combined with a brief example of what Jesus has come into our lives to save us. One thing my Pastor always let’s us know. Especially, those who lead a busy lifestyle.
Please make time for Jesus. God is love 1 John 4:8. John 15:12- Jesus gave one commandment, “that we love one another as He has loved us. God promises He will never leave us nor forsake us-Deuteronomy 31:6, Hebrews 13:5.
It’s God of the Holy Trinity-the Godhead Father, the Son, and, the Holy Spirit. Not one person, but three. Were not made for our own pleasure. We we’re made for God’s Pleasure. Read-Genesis 1:26-27. Well, I would like to close this long statement I have shared with you in prayer.
Father God, as You know we we’re made in Your image and of Your likeness according to Your will. I come to You with a humble heart to give You thanks for each and everyone of us who read this message. That they may find more time to spend with You, as I have found in the time I spend with You. In hopes they will see the light of Your glory through Jesus our Lord and Savior. Father God, You’re always ready to gives us Your time with unconditional love. That anyone, including non-believers are welcome into Your world of love, peace, joy.
I want to thank You Father God, for allowing us to make our own choices in life and that we may choose to live by Your guidance. Faith is trust. Trust brings confidence. Confidence gives us hope. Hope knowing that You are with us always. I give You all the praise, honor, and glory, in the name of Jesus. I love You…Amen
October 26, 2013 @ 5:36 pm
This was truly a joy to me.It reminded me of my younger days in Michigan.I always loved the 1st snow,and truthfully I loved the blizzards that were common where I lived,as did my sister.Thank you so much for taking me “down memory lane”.
October 19, 2012 @ 7:01 pm
I used to not like fall to come because I knew winter was on the way when I lived in Cleveland,Ohio. I now live in South Carolina and I Love fall.
October 17, 2012 @ 1:08 am
KAbir: Who tread with the mystic path,
He is dear to me as my child;
Who talkers of it,he is a distant relative;
But who liveth there in transcendence,
He is verily my Guru.
I am with Him who liveth there.