The Children

A little girl, so all alone
Sat crying, so forlorn
Her little dog had ran away
Her heart was broken and torn
A little boy, the same age as she
Asked her why she cried
She looked up, with tear-stained cheeks
Her pain she could not hide
She told him of her little dog
That she just loved so well
And how he’d ran away from her
To where she couldn’t tell
She said she’d called his name outloud
But he did not come back
She’d told her mommy and her dad
About her doggy, Jack
She’d asked if they would help her find
The little dog she loved
But they were much too busy again
So she prayed to God above
She asked if He would help her, please
For Jack was all she had
He loved her unconditionally
Not like her mom and dad
The little boy dropped down his head
His bare foot kicked a stone
He said his dad had went away
His mom leaves him all alone
The little girl looked up at him
Said it sounded like he was the one
An angel had said she’d meet a friend
And soon her trials would be done
The angel had said that the friend and she
Would find her little stray
And as they gathered him close to them
God would lead the way
She didn’t know exactly what that meant
She just knew angels never lied
So with trust she held out her hand to him
Her smile growing wide
The little boy then took her hand
And they ran off down the street
They stopped and questioned everyone
That they chanced to meet
As they rounded a corner, they spotted Jack
In the street where he’d been struck
They ran out and gathered him close to them
They didn’t see the truck
Two angels and a little dog
Abandoned here on earth
Were taken home by God that day
And given a brand new birth
~ Postword ~
Show your loved ones every day
That they are special and loved
You never know when they might be
Called home by God above
Written & Submitted By:
Deborah Lynne
Music © Bernd Krueger
January 11, 2010 @ 2:22 pm
This is my prayer today, to every unfornuate kids around the world, may the Word of God and his Love be shared to many kids, which our lost or want to know God more. This story touch me as I read it and I found my purpose!
January 11, 2010 @ 1:45 pm
I know that “Jesus” guides, protects the lonely, lost. My dog “Phoenix” has been mixing. He is just s little puppy, but we love him beary much.
October 7, 2009 @ 8:16 am
Well! This is so sweet. Some people need us in their lives.
July 31, 2009 @ 8:43 pm
realy i love this site the biggest reason becouse of his spritual letter he makes me enjoy and lurn more about miracle of jesus