The Invisible Homeless
Has the homeless become so invisible that we would not notice if it was one of our own family member? This is the message that this short experiment is trying to convey.
What did you think of the video? What are your thoughts on the homeless? Please share your opinions with us in the comment section below.
October 19, 2015 @ 8:55 am
I have helped feed the homeless because if it was not for my parents I would have no place to live so in a since I sort of am homeless myself life is hard …
Lets all count the blessing we have .
May 1, 2014 @ 5:51 pm
There but for the grace of GOD go I… GOD BLESS them all.
April 28, 2014 @ 2:18 am
It really depends on there story everyone has a different story if you see someone and your heart leads to help them take them to lunch or dinner bring a notebook and a pen aod take notes of what you learn also ask what they need and research on how to help them iam just getting off the streets myself after 6 years i was rapped and i had two kids that i placed for adoption and it was only God that got me ofF the streets if you need to ask me any thing email me at holygost999 at God bless
April 27, 2014 @ 8:23 am
On my way to my fitness club in downtown Toronto I often pass by people on the street. most of the time I have spare change to give them. For those who are teens or young twenty year olds, I mention Covenant House as a place to get counselling for a place to live and for a possible job. I have decided to have cards printed to give to thes young people so that they will know where Covenant House is located. But what to give or where to direct older homeless people? Any ideas?
April 26, 2014 @ 5:24 pm
Canada has to be better than the USA. I am sure if their Prime Minister were to be in their town, the government wouldn’t put the homeless on a bus to parts unknown so the Prime Minister wouldn’t see them. If a President comes to a town in the USA, they bus the homeless to parts unknown until the President is gone.
Now that is a crying shame!!!
When people are homeless, they tend not to look at you. How can we tell who they are if we cannot see their eyes.
When I could, I always gave a dollar or two, now I cannot afford to do even that.
April 25, 2014 @ 6:04 pm
It’s unfortunate to see what has happened to this country of ours.People don’t seem to care as they did 30 years or so ago. I am 87 years old and I never recall anything like this in such a magnitude.I am a published poet and have written a poem called, “No Road Ahead” I wrote it a couple of years ago when I lived in California. I went to Los Angeles in the area the homeless are and spoke to several people there. It sent me home in tears to see suffering like this. Below is the poem I wrote of what took place between me and a homeless man.
A Sign Reads, No Road Ahead
Only but for the Grace of God
and good fortune, I have never been homeless…
a nightmare I pray never darkens my sleep.
On a street in LA, I stop to speak to a man,
who lies cold on a slab of concrete.
His clothing is dirty, shoes badly worn,
and his matted hair is silver streaked,
A smell like rotten eggs wafts about him..
He extends a hand to me, I accept.
Although I am repelled by his unclenliness,
his hand is warm and friendly.
A sound of hollow anguish
echoes from his belly.
Aromas of food haunt like the ghosts of
sounds too distant to reach his ears.
Nearby, a child dressed in a warm coat,
tugs at his mother’s skirt and asks,
“Why’s that man like that?”
The mother glances at him, then quickly turns away.
A policeman passes and angrily shouts. “hey
old man, you can’t park your butt here.”
He tells me he once had a wife and child;
lost them-was unable to provide.
He longs for the woman who’s arms no longer hold him.
Her eyes will never dream of him.
Love never touches him.
His name is barely spoken.
Can he endure this pain of uncertainty and loneliness;
no perception of direction. nothing to focus on?
Where does he go? To whom can he turn
from this house of despair?
With no road ahead of him,
Absolute sleep
in death
seems a comfortable companion.
I awaken cold and shaken
to the stone gray dawn
I rise with a prayer on my lips
and i am not hungry.
Orania Hamilton
April 25, 2014 @ 11:34 am
Every time I see a homeless person or animal, I say a prayer for them and ask GOD to help them.
I use to give the people standing on an intersection asking for money for food when I drove alone,
but now I depend upon my family to drive me and they will not stop so I can give them any money,
so I give to charities that I feel confident in… GOD BLESS…Thy will be done…
April 25, 2014 @ 11:10 am
Am one of them too, i challenged the world to dream, be industrious children, looking the food that can put on the table to share for the family, and work hard, no one can be hungry when your feet keep on walking, searching for the goodness of life. Thank you LORD for guiding me forever.
April 25, 2014 @ 11:00 am
After watching this, I am shocked to see the number of people that have turned off their god given ability to feel and show empathy to their fellow man. I know that I could have been one of the homeless easily, not because of being lazy and shiftless as ( people who have succeeded sometimes think) but, because of an overwhelming history of medical problems that forced me to retire at the early age of 63. Because of being in and out of the hospital and unable to works for months at a time, I never was able to create a savings account. So, if nothing else, I feel that I understand the homeless and/or people less fortunate because of lt situations that life sometimes deals out. But, I do thank God that I have family and friends that encourage and are there for me when I need them and these homeless people evidently do not!