This is so pretty as I really do enjoy poems. Thanks for putting this where I could read it so wonderful and I put this on face book for others to enjoy besides me. This is so wonderful to be able to send to some who
has lost a wonderful friend “A Prayer For You!” Thanks for your lovingkindness! Anna Rhyne 499 Mountain View Road, Statesville, N. C. 28625
this is such a beautiful and versitile poem. It displays a sense of peace and everlastingness for the loved one that passed, while giving peace and faith to the family in knowing that loved one is with our Father. ALIVE and doing WELL.
We are all like that rose before God
JESUS Christ is that like
Shining on us so we could blossom
For the whole world to see
And this we experience daily
Through God’s GRACE…
Give roses to the living and those you love. Don’t wait until they pass and then it’s too late for them to enjoy the special gift of a rose and the special gift of knowing you love them.
GOD has created us, just like the rose on the garden wall. HE will never let us down, as we walk through life with HIM. Just continue to reach out each day and walk with GOD, as HE has the power to give us comfort, heal us, bring happiness and peace into our lives. We need to witness for GOD, at every opportunity and praise HIM.
Often with the onslaught of pain, we temporarily feel over shadowed by the darkness and the unknown. Yet because Our God is Faithful who never leaves us nor forsakes us,
The Light of The Son shines through and just like the rose, we are lifted up and filled with Hope.
For God is Always on our Side, Saves every Tear, and raises up those who are bent over.
Today, breathe in the warmth of His faithfulness and be embraced in the gentleness of His unfailing Love.
As the Rose, you are created as One of a Kind, Beautiful to Your Heavenly Father who wipes away all your tears
and restores all things that the enemy has Stolen. Give Praise & thanks for You are wonderously made and loved forever…………….
We all have that Special rose in our lives, Wife, Mother Daughter Niece Sister or Aunt, a special friend, not forgetting Dad brother uncle nephew husband…all Gods creations plucked from his garden and lent to us for a little while… Our stay here on earth only but a short time in the great scheme of things, appreciate what you have in these people, enjoy them now, dont wait untill they pass before you realise their true worth.
Look after your ROSE, tend it with care……….Love and light…….Trish x
This is a beautiful tribute to those who must return home. A simple yet understandable comfort to those
that are left behind. May all of you that have suffered loss be reassured that those who leave, live on in
the house of God. “Do not stand at my grave and weep” is another beautiful and comforting poem that
has given me a understanding of death.
love is in air…cant you fell is in is in the rainbow…it is in the sky…it is around people…it is the is in the is all over …i have no exs..they are more the blast from the past…now it is call the blast into the future..the past was the KEY to my heart..i cant find it..
to my true love…iam not a torn in your fact im a angel at your is i just dont understand trying so hard to make for us…but you putting on the back burner.. dont worry about it…do what you feel is good for you…
to my soulmate…you are my still my true love no matter what ever happen between us…I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU..i will always be here for you….i never left you..i just a little angey because everytime i come close to you…you push me away…i dont know what is going tru your mind about me…i dont know if yiu still love me anymore….it has been so long….i will still like to have a relationship but you sound that you dont…let know what you feel about it,,,
What is my wife Patricia Ann Granito Andersons Email address in Heaven.
I lost the Love Of My Life on December 10th.
Love You so much, my pretty Bride.
Just want Alone to know she is not alone.About 5yrs ago my niece was kill by a men that lied to her about his age,also to the family.And she had just turn 23,she found out he had lied to her and wanted to end the relationship,well he didn’t,he stabbed her to many time to count she bleed to death.I had a very hard time with that I cried and prayed,that night the LORD gave me a song. the song was THIS IS THE DAY- THAT THE LORD HAS MADE- WE WILL REJOICE- AND BE GLAD IN IT. When things is getting the best of me or when I don’t know what to do,I remeber that song and feels much better. If you don’t belong to a church please fine one ,you will know if its the right one by how you feel when you walk in, and how the memebers treat you, and by all mean fine a church that have a BIBLE STUDY and or SUNDAY SCHOOL.I don’t know your faith I am BAPTIST you will get some answer when you under the BIBLE and you get it from some one explaining what the word means. By the way that guy only got 22yrs for the death of my niece, it’s been very had for my brother ,that was his only child and there want be any more children.My prays are with you, you are not alone and never was you has to ask GOD to help no one can do it for you ,that don’t mean that all the prays want help but you need to go to the only that can help- that’s GOD.
Thanks for this site. May God Bless everyone who is hurting because of the loss of a loved one. For me , my husband 2 yrs ago and this month mydear precious sister.
This card says it in a way to help us grow, in life. To You All Alone, there is one person you can count on in your life. And this person is Jesus Christ, find a good bible and read it. And find help in a church tht has a good womens bible study group. God Is Love & He Loves You. This is why when times get tough Gods people need to stand ferm and fight for the right to keep the Gospel A Live. God Bless and please stay in touch here as you can. Take Care, Rex.
“ROSE” its so beautfull name..;”I LOVE THE FACT THAt” We make sacrifices for one another…;We help and Comfort each other in times of need,share deepest secrets and even stick up each other when other bad mouth as…;we do not violate confidence if theres no trust, theres no friendship…;We tell the truth in an honest,caring way…;we promise&do things together&give each other some space……………[Dont let d orders chage or re arange you be proud of who and what you are & let them know how you appreciate God s gifts in your life..]…..;
Hi. there was beautiful coments for some “all alone”.God knows who is that lucky person?
life is not fast it’s steady does not move when we want it to..and it stays like unwanted bad man in our life who possess all our happiness and emotions.why on this earth people hurt to innocent people?
why people judge other person where they do not know who are they and what they are doing unknowilngly to some one?
Hello all alone sometime we feel that way in life . My life was so mess up but once I started serving God things changed in my life. Remember we serve a merciful God. His word says he never leave you are forsake you. I use to have to move from place to place but now I’m stable. If it had not been for Gods grace on my life I don’t know where I would be today. Don’t give tell him all about it I promise you he will fix it. How can you discover new oceans if you can’t see pass the shore, see yourself beyond where you are . I pray that God refresh you and pour blessings upon your life.
it is more than beautiful can say! it has life its own, as this beautiful rose, now is growing in our heart and soul! and will shine with heavenly delight within us, with us!!! and release the most beautiful fagrance of beautiful souls!
very enjoy its deep insight and structure! very well done!
All Alone: Guess what !!! You are not alone…I will pray for you and your future
happiness with GOD’s blessings…Read the comments from all of us and know that
you are surrounded with PRAYERS AND HOPE… Have pity on all that try to get you down…they themselves are unhappy…Walk away from them and smile with your “fur baby” and take JESUS’ hand.
Blessings, Elizabeth W.
WHAT A BEAUTIFULWEBSITE THANKS AND GOD BLESS YOU FOR SHARING. I am proud to pass this on to all my 60+ email friends. ..Jane Clark
January 29, 2010 @
11:40 am
One of the most beautiful emails, I have received, in the 14 years I have been on the Internet.
Blessings to all
I’m so sorry for the loss of your loved ones, my heart goes out to you . I have had to endure the murder of my youngest brother,in which the pain will never go away. God has given me the strentgh to love myself through my brother with his love. I invite you to come to our support group in Kelso, Washington. Let me be your support and you be mine. Sheila
I lost my beloved husband six months ago. We only had two years together and were married just a year ago. He was the love of my life and my best friend,soulmate and lover. This poem is so very special. Thank you for publishing this one.
We just lost our son -31 yrs. old to suicide August 26/09. our hearts are sooo broken , it’s very difficult to go on without him .He has 3 young boys who need him so much .We don’t understand why we had to let him go so young ! This poem has opened up a new insight for me, & now I CAN ENVISION HIM AS A ROSE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE , MORE HANDSOME THAN EVER . I NEEDED THAT .
Now to “all alone”- You are really not alone -GOD IS ALWAYS WITH YOU ! THE DEVIL WILL LIE TO YOU & TELL YOU NO-ONE CARES BUT THEY REALLY DO , they just don’t know how to help you . Ask GOD to help you & HE WILL !!!! GOD BLESS YOU !!!
Just want to thank the person wrote this poem. I lost my youngest sister Blossom just 2weeks ago on the 6th of June. Now we have used this poem in her memory and also to our eldest sister April who also passed in 1985. Both our eldest and youngest sister was taken from us at both 19 years of age. Just reading all comments above has made me understand the poem even more. Thanks. I believe that God is looking after both my sisters and he chose well too. These two were very special in our family as being eldest and youngest in the family. Although heartbreaking, but we must go on. I do hope that we will meet up again on the other side of the wall. My deepest sympathy to Janet and all those who lost a loved one. May God continue to protect you all and comfort you in your time of loss….God bless.
This poem has been a favorite of mine since I lost my daughter 22 years ago. I lost my father two days ago. He was an avid rose grower and many people called him the “rose man”. He spent the last five years suffering from Parkison’s Disease and the last two bed-ridden and unable to work with his beloved roses. My heart is broken and I know that he is the rose on the other side of the wall and that he is finally pain free and is in folded in God’s loving arms.
Sometimes when am down i read some of tese poems and it gives me a lift. Thanks for being there always, thanks for putting smile on others , you are doing a good Job , keep the Faith. Keep soaring.
This is such a lovely and touching poem. I dedicate it to my late sister who left us last December to be with our heavenly father where, i believe she continues to blossom in joy!
this poem is so beautiful, i love it…
roses are forever and my granpa and granma are still with me in spirit…
there love is inside me to pass on so beautifully…
every flower is special but the rose is unconditional…
for every rose in this world and the next,my prayers are with you always…
you are a gift to me through their love and spirit…
all my relations,keep on shinning…
Well it very painful to lose someone dear to you. I am using this opportunity to drop a rose for everyone in this situation. Your poetry is nice. Thanks.
I to am alone its such a sad life when my husband was alive we had many friends now all i have is memories.but with God each day is passable My prayers to each reader here.
This time you received a lot of comment…
Is very touchy…You are very inspirated…I wish to have again, on this new arrangement, music…
You know to choose (select) the true melody…always.
Dear all alone: God only give us trials we can handle. Believe me I have had my share. You see I am ADHD and Bipolar. I tried to self-medicate with street drugs. I am now 55 yrs old and all of that is way behind me. My body is broken from all I did to it. But I love life and I will live every day that my Father in Heaven will let me.
God has a plan for you. Only he knows what it is. He will reveal all to you when the time is right. You are strong enough to handle all He has for you. God is with you every step of the way. When you cannot deal with it anymore God is there to carry you through life. Ask Him and He will tell you. Maybe not in words but God will show you.
Do not let the devil back into your life. It seems the people who use things against you are just part of the devils work. Do you have some other city or state you can go to? I had to move all the way from the west coast to Arkansas to be free of my old life. Even though I had been clean for 15 years when I moved. I still acted the same and hung with old friends.
I have 3 furbabies, dogs. If you think they could get along then come here and live. Please contact me. Cindy
This is sooo BEAUTIFUL, it reminds me of my Daddy, & all of the other loved ones that have gone on before us to save a place for us! I have lost 3 babies to that better place beyond! Just day before yesterday we had 4 people we knew die, 2 were suicides! It makes one wonder why they were so very unhappy here???
Hang in there Mary, things are going to get much better for you! There are many people praying for your happiness! (SMILE through the tears! God loves you!)
Dear all alone. You sound so much like my sister who I lost eight years ago from unknown illness. I miss her so much. Please hang on! I am praying for you. You are doing the best you can and God said He would help those who try. Don’t give up like mt sister did. God Bless you and your little freind.
A note of life’s my life’s experiences in the last year
There are some things on this earth that are worse than death. I have experienced them. You have to excuse me for being so sensitive in my wanting to be in a stable environment. It is the most important thing in any persons life.
I am not sure what I have to do in order to achieve this, as I have put my life into this arrangement. I have lived up to my part as to paying my rent and also bought groceries. You told me it was not working out for me being here..all the time you knew I had no place on earth to go. I know my furbaby is part of the problem. But you also knew he was with me and you also knew how much I love him. He is the only thing on this earth that does actually love me. Without him the last year I would have been all alone in my horrid experiences I have had to tolerate. He was beside me through it all. No one else took the time out of their busy lives to give a damb.In the last year Me and my little dog have moved 7 times. One bad situation into another. At some point this has to STOP! I am not going to be pushed into the wind that knows not where I will land. That is exactly the way it has been. Nor will I be tormented by anyone using their knowledge of my misfortune against me to tear me down.
It is sheer evil that makes people take pleasure in putting others through pain of any kind.
Have a great day!
This poem is so right for my, SAM, who passed away July 11, 2005. His favorite flower was the Red Rose.
I kept one outside, where he could see it, while bedfast. He told me of every bloom. One day he passed through the fence, to the other side. HE is the most perfect ROSE, now.
I’ve been receiving beautiful messages as this, for a long time now. but never know if they’re meant for me? just wondring? Who are you? and to whom your messages really meant for?
This is very comforting,cos i lost my kid sister a month ago. The rose went to her master,uuhhhnn.Glory to God.Hegives and takes.He’s the almighty.
Touching one you have done, bless the author.
Mary service, click on the send this button and then fill the dialog box, before clicking send at the will go.
This is beautiful but I have a question. Why do these never go to who they are supposed to? If there is another way to send them please let me know.
I just learned of a friends death this morning. I could not reach his wife on the phone, so I sent this poem until I can reach her. It is beautiful and a beautiful message! What a wonderful web site!
March 22, 2016 @ 2:48 pm
Very nice…
March 22, 2016 @ 11:28 am
I did it.Thank you so very much
August 22, 2014 @ 9:41 am
The poem is so…beautiful!
August 22, 2014 @ 9:39 am
This is the life! Every moment passed with his purpose…
August 22, 2014 @ 4:51 am
The Rose Beyond the Wall
A rose once grew
where all could see,
sheltered beside
a garden wall,
And as the days passed
swiftly by,
it spread its branches, straight and tall….
One day, a beam of light
shone through
a crevice that had
opened wide ~
The rose bent gently
toward its warmth
then passed beyond
to the other side
Now, you who deeply
feel its loss,
be comforted ~ the rose blooms there ~
Its beauty even greater now,
nurtured by
God’s own loving care.
© Author Unknown
March 22, 2016 @ 11:22 am
Thank you for posting this poem.I have looled for it everywhere.Could you send it to me.
March 5, 2014 @ 12:27 pm
this is si pretty and so heart felt, i love all the poems and verses that you send
February 19, 2014 @ 10:12 pm
This is so pretty as I really do enjoy poems. Thanks for putting this where I could read it so wonderful and I put this on face book for others to enjoy besides me. This is so wonderful to be able to send to some who
has lost a wonderful friend “A Prayer For You!” Thanks for your lovingkindness! Anna Rhyne 499 Mountain View Road, Statesville, N. C. 28625
February 16, 2014 @ 4:40 pm
this is such a beautiful and versitile poem. It displays a sense of peace and everlastingness for the loved one that passed, while giving peace and faith to the family in knowing that loved one is with our Father. ALIVE and doing WELL.
August 10, 2013 @ 12:58 pm
We have to trust the person we love or love someone else we can trust…
Trust can make something huge…or can destroy it…
August 10, 2013 @ 12:51 pm
That makes two of us Dianne Starszak, or, in my case someone that would love me.
August 10, 2013 @ 11:31 am
this was very touching i just wish i had someone to love.
July 5, 2013 @ 6:36 pm
Every rose is beautiful in its own unique way and while it is here with us we should treasure that moment.
October 8, 2012 @ 12:50 am
We are all like that rose before God
JESUS Christ is that like
Shining on us so we could blossom
For the whole world to see
And this we experience daily
Through God’s GRACE…
August 28, 2012 @ 2:41 pm
I like to look at the flowers in the garden, without curt, plucked flowers are dead,,,,
April 22, 2012 @ 2:19 am
I know this is written special for me…my dear friend…
I love this very much!
April 22, 2012 @ 12:01 am
Give roses to the living and those you love. Don’t wait until they pass and then it’s too late for them to enjoy the special gift of a rose and the special gift of knowing you love them.
November 22, 2011 @ 12:25 pm
Very, very nice…I like this poem very much!
August 1, 2011 @ 4:17 pm
August 1, 2011 @ 3:50 pm
GOD has created us, just like the rose on the garden wall. HE will never let us down, as we walk through life with HIM. Just continue to reach out each day and walk with GOD, as HE has the power to give us comfort, heal us, bring happiness and peace into our lives. We need to witness for GOD, at every opportunity and praise HIM.
June 14, 2011 @ 11:02 am
Often with the onslaught of pain, we temporarily feel over shadowed by the darkness and the unknown. Yet because Our God is Faithful who never leaves us nor forsakes us,
The Light of The Son shines through and just like the rose, we are lifted up and filled with Hope.
For God is Always on our Side, Saves every Tear, and raises up those who are bent over.
Today, breathe in the warmth of His faithfulness and be embraced in the gentleness of His unfailing Love.
As the Rose, you are created as One of a Kind, Beautiful to Your Heavenly Father who wipes away all your tears
and restores all things that the enemy has Stolen. Give Praise & thanks for You are wonderously made and loved forever…………….
April 29, 2011 @ 6:19 pm
We all have that Special rose in our lives, Wife, Mother Daughter Niece Sister or Aunt, a special friend, not forgetting Dad brother uncle nephew husband…all Gods creations plucked from his garden and lent to us for a little while… Our stay here on earth only but a short time in the great scheme of things, appreciate what you have in these people, enjoy them now, dont wait untill they pass before you realise their true worth.
Look after your ROSE, tend it with care……….Love and light…….Trish x
April 27, 2011 @ 1:45 pm
This is a beautiful tribute to those who must return home. A simple yet understandable comfort to those
that are left behind. May all of you that have suffered loss be reassured that those who leave, live on in
the house of God. “Do not stand at my grave and weep” is another beautiful and comforting poem that
has given me a understanding of death.
April 5, 2011 @ 8:02 pm
love is in air…cant you fell is in is in the rainbow…it is in the sky…it is around people…it is the is in the is all over …i have no exs..they are more the blast from the past…now it is call the blast into the future..the past was the KEY to my heart..i cant find it..
March 5, 2011 @ 7:57 am
to my true love…iam not a torn in your fact im a angel at your is i just dont understand trying so hard to make for us…but you putting on the back burner.. dont worry about it…do what you feel is good for you…
March 5, 2011 @ 7:51 am
to my soulmate…you are my still my true love no matter what ever happen between us…I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU..i will always be here for you….i never left you..i just a little angey because everytime i come close to you…you push me away…i dont know what is going tru your mind about me…i dont know if yiu still love me anymore….it has been so long….i will still like to have a relationship but you sound that you dont…let know what you feel about it,,,
December 19, 2010 @ 10:35 am
What is my wife Patricia Ann Granito Andersons Email address in Heaven.
I lost the Love Of My Life on December 10th.
Love You so much, my pretty Bride.
Bob Anderson
October 2, 2010 @ 8:48 pm
The Rose Beyond the Wall … Reminds me of the saying:
Those who live in the Lord, never see each other for the last time.
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
September 6, 2010 @ 12:57 pm
Just want Alone to know she is not alone.About 5yrs ago my niece was kill by a men that lied to her about his age,also to the family.And she had just turn 23,she found out he had lied to her and wanted to end the relationship,well he didn’t,he stabbed her to many time to count she bleed to death.I had a very hard time with that I cried and prayed,that night the LORD gave me a song. the song was THIS IS THE DAY- THAT THE LORD HAS MADE- WE WILL REJOICE- AND BE GLAD IN IT. When things is getting the best of me or when I don’t know what to do,I remeber that song and feels much better. If you don’t belong to a church please fine one ,you will know if its the right one by how you feel when you walk in, and how the memebers treat you, and by all mean fine a church that have a BIBLE STUDY and or SUNDAY SCHOOL.I don’t know your faith I am BAPTIST you will get some answer when you under the BIBLE and you get it from some one explaining what the word means. By the way that guy only got 22yrs for the death of my niece, it’s been very had for my brother ,that was his only child and there want be any more children.My prays are with you, you are not alone and never was you has to ask GOD to help no one can do it for you ,that don’t mean that all the prays want help but you need to go to the only that can help- that’s GOD.
August 19, 2010 @ 2:08 pm
Thanks for this site. May God Bless everyone who is hurting because of the loss of a loved one. For me , my husband 2 yrs ago and this month mydear precious sister.
May 26, 2010 @ 10:58 am
This card says it in a way to help us grow, in life. To You All Alone, there is one person you can count on in your life. And this person is Jesus Christ, find a good bible and read it. And find help in a church tht has a good womens bible study group. God Is Love & He Loves You. This is why when times get tough Gods people need to stand ferm and fight for the right to keep the Gospel A Live. God Bless and please stay in touch here as you can. Take Care, Rex.
May 22, 2010 @ 5:52 pm
to him whohath an ear let him understand what the SPIRIT SAYETH UNTO THEM ,ALL HONOR AND GLORY BE UNTO GOD IN HEAVEN……………………..
May 22, 2010 @ 7:53 am
Rose is always a rose! beauty forever last…
May 21, 2010 @ 11:56 am
May 21, 2010 @ 5:05 am
Pilamaya. I owe you so many apologies.
May 5, 2010 @ 9:50 pm
“ROSE” its so beautfull name..;”I LOVE THE FACT THAt” We make sacrifices for one another…;We help and Comfort each other in times of need,share deepest secrets and even stick up each other when other bad mouth as…;we do not violate confidence if theres no trust, theres no friendship…;We tell the truth in an honest,caring way…;we promise&do things together&give each other some space……………[Dont let d orders chage or re arange you be proud of who and what you are & let them know how you appreciate God s gifts in your life..]…..;
May 5, 2010 @ 2:49 pm
Hi. there was beautiful coments for some “all alone”.God knows who is that lucky person?
life is not fast it’s steady does not move when we want it to..and it stays like unwanted bad man in our life who possess all our happiness and emotions.why on this earth people hurt to innocent people?
why people judge other person where they do not know who are they and what they are doing unknowilngly to some one?
April 19, 2010 @ 10:54 am
Dearest Agie,I hope this comforts u in this trying time.Though Phina passed over to the other side,I know she’s blooming brighter…
Love U so much
March 5, 2010 @ 2:14 am
Hello all alone sometime we feel that way in life . My life was so mess up but once I started serving God things changed in my life. Remember we serve a merciful God. His word says he never leave you are forsake you. I use to have to move from place to place but now I’m stable. If it had not been for Gods grace on my life I don’t know where I would be today. Don’t give tell him all about it I promise you he will fix it. How can you discover new oceans if you can’t see pass the shore, see yourself beyond where you are . I pray that God refresh you and pour blessings upon your life.
February 26, 2010 @ 7:22 pm
February 10, 2010 @ 4:56 pm
it is more than beautiful can say! it has life its own, as this beautiful rose, now is growing in our heart and soul! and will shine with heavenly delight within us, with us!!! and release the most beautiful fagrance of beautiful souls!
very enjoy its deep insight and structure! very well done!
February 2, 2010 @ 2:27 pm
Love You All.
February 1, 2010 @ 2:57 pm
All Alone: Guess what !!! You are not alone…I will pray for you and your future
happiness with GOD’s blessings…Read the comments from all of us and know that
you are surrounded with PRAYERS AND HOPE… Have pity on all that try to get you down…they themselves are unhappy…Walk away from them and smile with your “fur baby” and take JESUS’ hand.
Blessings, Elizabeth W.
January 30, 2010 @ 4:56 am
Thanks for this. Keep on shinning.
January 29, 2010 @ 11:40 am
One of the most beautiful emails, I have received, in the 14 years I have been on the Internet.
Blessings to all
October 17, 2009 @ 8:51 pm
I’m so sorry for the loss of your loved ones, my heart goes out to you . I have had to endure the murder of my youngest brother,in which the pain will never go away. God has given me the strentgh to love myself through my brother with his love. I invite you to come to our support group in Kelso, Washington. Let me be your support and you be mine. Sheila
October 16, 2009 @ 10:03 am
I lost my beloved husband six months ago. We only had two years together and were married just a year ago. He was the love of my life and my best friend,soulmate and lover. This poem is so very special. Thank you for publishing this one.
October 16, 2009 @ 3:23 am
my heart and prayers go out to all of you who are grieving.
October 15, 2009 @ 11:10 pm
We just lost our son -31 yrs. old to suicide August 26/09. our hearts are sooo broken , it’s very difficult to go on without him .He has 3 young boys who need him so much .We don’t understand why we had to let him go so young ! This poem has opened up a new insight for me, & now I CAN ENVISION HIM AS A ROSE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE , MORE HANDSOME THAN EVER . I NEEDED THAT .
Now to “all alone”- You are really not alone -GOD IS ALWAYS WITH YOU ! THE DEVIL WILL LIE TO YOU & TELL YOU NO-ONE CARES BUT THEY REALLY DO , they just don’t know how to help you . Ask GOD to help you & HE WILL !!!! GOD BLESS YOU !!!
June 24, 2009 @ 5:11 am
Just want to thank the person wrote this poem. I lost my youngest sister Blossom just 2weeks ago on the 6th of June. Now we have used this poem in her memory and also to our eldest sister April who also passed in 1985. Both our eldest and youngest sister was taken from us at both 19 years of age. Just reading all comments above has made me understand the poem even more. Thanks. I believe that God is looking after both my sisters and he chose well too. These two were very special in our family as being eldest and youngest in the family. Although heartbreaking, but we must go on. I do hope that we will meet up again on the other side of the wall. My deepest sympathy to Janet and all those who lost a loved one. May God continue to protect you all and comfort you in your time of loss….God bless.
June 21, 2009 @ 8:33 pm
This poem has been a favorite of mine since I lost my daughter 22 years ago. I lost my father two days ago. He was an avid rose grower and many people called him the “rose man”. He spent the last five years suffering from Parkison’s Disease and the last two bed-ridden and unable to work with his beloved roses. My heart is broken and I know that he is the rose on the other side of the wall and that he is finally pain free and is in folded in God’s loving arms.
June 18, 2009 @ 10:13 am
Sometimes when am down i read some of tese poems and it gives me a lift. Thanks for being there always, thanks for putting smile on others , you are doing a good Job , keep the Faith. Keep soaring.
June 17, 2009 @ 4:08 am
This is such a lovely and touching poem. I dedicate it to my late sister who left us last December to be with our heavenly father where, i believe she continues to blossom in joy!
June 15, 2009 @ 1:32 pm
this poem is so beautiful, i love it…
roses are forever and my granpa and granma are still with me in spirit…
there love is inside me to pass on so beautifully…
every flower is special but the rose is unconditional…
for every rose in this world and the next,my prayers are with you always…
you are a gift to me through their love and spirit…
all my relations,keep on shinning…
June 15, 2009 @ 6:50 am
Well it very painful to lose someone dear to you. I am using this opportunity to drop a rose for everyone in this situation. Your poetry is nice. Thanks.
June 13, 2009 @ 11:57 am
I to am alone its such a sad life when my husband was alive we had many friends now all i have is memories.but with God each day is passable My prayers to each reader here.
June 13, 2009 @ 8:11 am
This time you received a lot of comment…
Is very touchy…You are very inspirated…I wish to have again, on this new arrangement, music…
You know to choose (select) the true melody…always.
June 13, 2009 @ 1:18 am
Dear all alone: God only give us trials we can handle. Believe me I have had my share. You see I am ADHD and Bipolar. I tried to self-medicate with street drugs. I am now 55 yrs old and all of that is way behind me. My body is broken from all I did to it. But I love life and I will live every day that my Father in Heaven will let me.
God has a plan for you. Only he knows what it is. He will reveal all to you when the time is right. You are strong enough to handle all He has for you. God is with you every step of the way. When you cannot deal with it anymore God is there to carry you through life. Ask Him and He will tell you. Maybe not in words but God will show you.
Do not let the devil back into your life. It seems the people who use things against you are just part of the devils work. Do you have some other city or state you can go to? I had to move all the way from the west coast to Arkansas to be free of my old life. Even though I had been clean for 15 years when I moved. I still acted the same and hung with old friends.
I have 3 furbabies, dogs. If you think they could get along then come here and live. Please contact me. Cindy
June 12, 2009 @ 7:24 pm
This is sooo BEAUTIFUL, it reminds me of my Daddy, & all of the other loved ones that have gone on before us to save a place for us! I have lost 3 babies to that better place beyond! Just day before yesterday we had 4 people we knew die, 2 were suicides! It makes one wonder why they were so very unhappy here???
Hang in there Mary, things are going to get much better for you! There are many people praying for your happiness! (SMILE through the tears! God loves you!)
June 12, 2009 @ 6:26 pm
Just beautiful !!!!!!!
June 12, 2009 @ 3:48 pm
Dear all alone. You sound so much like my sister who I lost eight years ago from unknown illness. I miss her so much. Please hang on! I am praying for you. You are doing the best you can and God said He would help those who try. Don’t give up like mt sister did. God Bless you and your little freind.
June 12, 2009 @ 3:02 pm
A note of life’s my life’s experiences in the last year
There are some things on this earth that are worse than death. I have experienced them. You have to excuse me for being so sensitive in my wanting to be in a stable environment. It is the most important thing in any persons life.
I am not sure what I have to do in order to achieve this, as I have put my life into this arrangement. I have lived up to my part as to paying my rent and also bought groceries. You told me it was not working out for me being here..all the time you knew I had no place on earth to go. I know my furbaby is part of the problem. But you also knew he was with me and you also knew how much I love him. He is the only thing on this earth that does actually love me. Without him the last year I would have been all alone in my horrid experiences I have had to tolerate. He was beside me through it all. No one else took the time out of their busy lives to give a damb.In the last year Me and my little dog have moved 7 times. One bad situation into another. At some point this has to STOP! I am not going to be pushed into the wind that knows not where I will land. That is exactly the way it has been. Nor will I be tormented by anyone using their knowledge of my misfortune against me to tear me down.
It is sheer evil that makes people take pleasure in putting others through pain of any kind.
Have a great day!
June 12, 2009 @ 2:59 pm
My mother was the most beautiful rose i’ve ever seen, I know she is even more beautiful on the other side. I miss her sooooooo much.
June 12, 2009 @ 2:27 pm
This poem is so right for my, SAM, who passed away July 11, 2005. His favorite flower was the Red Rose.
I kept one outside, where he could see it, while bedfast. He told me of every bloom. One day he passed through the fence, to the other side. HE is the most perfect ROSE, now.
June 12, 2009 @ 2:26 pm
I’ve been receiving beautiful messages as this, for a long time now. but never know if they’re meant for me? just wondring? Who are you? and to whom your messages really meant for?
June 12, 2009 @ 1:56 pm
danke – thanks
soooooooo nice
June 12, 2009 @ 1:10 pm
This should have music/sound to accompany the beautiful slideshow and compliment the poetry!!
June 12, 2009 @ 1:09 pm
This is very comforting,cos i lost my kid sister a month ago. The rose went to her master,uuhhhnn.Glory to God.Hegives and takes.He’s the almighty.
Touching one you have done, bless the author.
Mary service, click on the send this button and then fill the dialog box, before clicking send at the will go.
June 12, 2009 @ 10:01 am
This is beautiful but I have a question. Why do these never go to who they are supposed to? If there is another way to send them please let me know.
June 12, 2009 @ 9:56 am
it nice to send such messages ,when people are in such situation to express yur gratitude towards them it inmotional.
June 12, 2009 @ 9:49 am
Que c’est beauuuuuuuuuuuuu
June 9, 2009 @ 5:32 pm
I just learned of a friends death this morning. I could not reach his wife on the phone, so I sent this poem until I can reach her. It is beautiful and a beautiful message! What a wonderful web site!