When we keep a smile on our face it certainly helps us speak in kind tones with loving words. That is what OUR SAVIOR WANTS FOR ALL OF HIS CHILDREN. Treat others, as you wish them to treat you. I appreciate this very much, as it something I strive to do each day. May GODS angels watch over all of you forever, is my prayer.
September 6, 2017 @ 3:08 pm
always treat one another with love, respect, angels are always looking over you,
August 31, 2014 @ 3:44 pm
When we keep a smile on our face it certainly helps us speak in kind tones with loving words. That is what OUR SAVIOR WANTS FOR ALL OF HIS CHILDREN. Treat others, as you wish them to treat you. I appreciate this very much, as it something I strive to do each day. May GODS angels watch over all of you forever, is my prayer.
July 30, 2014 @ 11:38 am
Mary Ferris… How true those word of the teacher…