The Voice of Drugs
Have you or your family been affected by drugs? Please tell us in the comment section below and remember to sign up for our free newsletter.
Have you or your family been affected by drugs? Please tell us in the comment section below and remember to sign up for our free newsletter.
April 28, 2015 @ 11:04 am
Another great job; makes me proud to be one of your addresses.
December 6, 2014 @ 9:40 am
this is so sick, and sad it takes everything you have, then you will die, is it worth it, no, the people that do this needs help, they say it wont hurt you but it will be your death in the ground you will go with no life at all leaving your loved ones to suffer, over your bad mistakes you have made, blessings too all, who has this habit, for you lose everything in the end, wake up if you really care think of your loved ones you put them thru, pain,
November 13, 2014 @ 3:49 pm
Tom you are so right this was truly a very brutal video and it is truly worst when you see this happening to your grandchildren. I pray for them all those that are tempted to use drugs that leads them into a state of desperation and even causes them to become thieves to be able to get their drugs.
November 12, 2014 @ 9:57 pm
This has to be the most, honestly brutal, truth video, I have ever seen.
Well done ! If it “touches just one person”, it is a God send, wake up call !!
September 19, 2013 @ 7:48 pm
This is terrific and should be seen throughout the world for sure. I never used, but experienced watching one of my grandsons for quite a few years, until he decided to get help. He has been clean for nearly ten years now and I continue to pray for him. Love and GODs Blessings, To All of You
September 19, 2013 @ 5:02 pm
This is the truth of what drugs do to people.We think we are “their” Master while they daily drag us closer to hell but who knows we may already be there.We care for no one and nothing but the next high we can find while our souls die within us and we break hearts.This is a great video,so glad I found it.
August 23, 2013 @ 8:21 am
Frightening! a challenge to do everything within our power, with the help of God, to steer our children, youth and all inclined, away from this life taker. Thanks for the reminder, even if chilling!
August 22, 2013 @ 4:00 pm
I am caring for my 2 Grandsons whilst My Daughter is in re-hab. She lost her home her self respect and now her Boys because she chose drugs and they Mastered her. My eldest Son was also a heroin addict and lost his Daughter and Son. You think you can STOP at anytime, YOU CAN NOT. So Please DONT START.
July 24, 2013 @ 10:26 pm
Matt, This is your son’s first birthday. He is a miracle gift to you. I know you love him as he does you.
Please, please do not bring him up in an enviroment of drugs and drink. He is too precious. He will want to please you, make you proud. He is an Leo. Lions have the patience and normally are loyal to their
family. His fierce temper will grow out of frustration seeing that family members are killing themselves with drugs and drink. Then too all the promises to him to quit may be broken…this will turn him negative.
To a Leo, a promise is a PROMISE. Love him to pieces, encourage him to read, speak well and respect others. He is a 30…a three. He is spiritual and has a great sense of humor but not at other expense.
You are so intelligent, he will be too. If he loves sports, music, support him. Introduce him to many new
positive things in life but not drugs and drinking alcohol. It WILL RUIN the father and son relationship between you. I have done his numbers. You need to be stern but not a brute. Loving and inclusion in your positive life. I am sorry we have never met. Yes, I have done your numbers also from birth. You
need not to take any more life threatening chances, or anything outside of the law. If you want to really be a sucess, go back to school, see it through and save your money. Be less critical of yourself… and others. I am your only Grandparent, I DO LOVE YOU. Kaeden has brought so much happiness into all of our lives…a second chance for you. I am writing this to you because I am so happy you have Kaeden.
When I pray for you and your family, I also use my other spiritual skills. Your Mother knows what I am talking about. I, too am a Leo/Virgo. I want what you want a clean slate, that second chance in your life.
Write to me, e-mail me. I would love to hear from you and about Kaeden.
I am getting better, do have painful days but refuse to quit try to stay healthy. I do not smoke nor does
Grandad, Ted….only once in awhile do I drink soda/pop with alcohol….does not mix well with my medication. I have lost weight from 130 lbs to 105lbs…watching my diet and exercising when able.
I am not lecturing you…far from it. I am telling you what I have seen in your numbers, because I love you.
take special care of yourself and your son, GOD WILL WATCH OVER YOU.
Love, Nana
June 9, 2013 @ 12:58 pm
LC Miller my heart goes out to you. I had a grandson that was on drugs in his teens and twenties, but finally GOD answered my prayers. My grandson has been clean now for nearly 20 years and I pray that it will be that way for him forever. I will carry a prayer in my heart for your husband that GOD will touch him and braing him back to you.
June 8, 2013 @ 10:11 am
I had a husband until a few months ago where he, s at I never know he been clean for 7 years just to go back and draw up more tears for this family at 52 years old u, d think he know that; DRUGS KILL STEAL AND DESTROY!!!! This video is so true and powerful I wish I could send it to him if I knew where he was at. LC
June 7, 2013 @ 4:15 pm
I just watched and read this video, it is sad but this master has take so much from me, and I’m not the one who use’s, so many of my family member and friends chose’s this life I hate it.