There are things that we must do, That’s just the way life is… What did you think of this video presentation? Please tell us in the comment section below and remember to sign up for our free newsletter.
I am also sorry for your loss. One day you will see him in Heaven and your loving memories will come back to life. Always remember that while still on this earth waiting to see him again, God will not put too much on you that you cannot bare. Hang on to your loving memories until God is ready for you to be with your loving husband again.
I was with my husband for nearly 41 years and he passed away on August 19, 2012. I am still waiting for God to take me to Heaven so my loving memories will live for us again.
I pray we will all meet each other in Heaven to be with God and all our love ones for an eternity. In God’s Promise Land.
Praise God. Bless His Holy Name.
Love To All. Never Give Up. God Loves Us.
God Bless– Mary Hall
My dear friend Elizabeth M. Wright. I was so surprised by your e-mail. I just now opened it, and I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner. I’m glad that I was able to give you words of comfort. I cherish each and every poster on here, whether they are sad, happy, in distress, whatever. Each person has/have problems that are difficult to share at times. But we are very fortunate to be able to share our thoughts on some of these sites such as Net Hugs.Com As I write this, I ask for your divine prayers. On January 3rd, I will be having two knee replacements as I’m in a tremendous amount of pain with bone on bone. You won’t be hearing from me for quite a while, but I ask each of you to pray for me on that day. I’ll be in Riddle Memorial Hospital 1098 W.Baltimore Pike, Media, Pa. 19084 under patient name Ann Hoskins. Since I consider all of you “my family” and circle of friends, I wanted to share this information with you. Usually I’m a strong person, but my health is in a very fragile state right now, and it doesn’t look good. My e-mail address: I won’t be able to speak on the hospital phone as my legs will be elevated and very tender….but my cell will be with me….1-610-329-6469. Many of you have asked me for this information so I’m providiing it to you here. I’ll miss reading Net Hugs. Com,so if you all could save me some interesting antidotes and pass them on it would mean everything to me. But most importantly the prayers that each of you send up to heaven would mean more. If we never have the chance to write or speak again, know that I have/had a special place in my heart for all of you. Not a day goes by when I don’t whisper your names to Our Heavenly Father….when alone with Jesus please whisper my name to Him. Remember I love you all in a special way, please never forget me. Have a Merry Christmas, and a Healthy, Happy New Year. Always remember if you have your health, love and respect from everyone, you are the richest person in the world. Take care dear family and friends. I love you and cherish you.
Many thanks for responding to my e-mail. Such an unexpected, pleasant surprise. Dear friend Elizabeth, I want to share something with you, as tears are rolling down my eyes now. You mentioned about the butterfly in the garden, you know that was Bill coming to you in another form (I believe that). I believe that he is daily looking down on you and your children, smiling, in peace and with joy for all the loving years spent together. You may miss him dear friend, but, please find the comfort you need to know that he is with you daily. The butterfly in the garden proved that. So I share this with you. I love red and white roses with baby breath. Nothing in my garden grows ever….bad soil. Ever since I moved here. That being said, each day I talk to Warren my beloved husband. So a few months ago, I was talking to him as it was his birthday and I couldn’t get to the cemetery because of my illness. As I sat on the deck something in the distance of my backyard caught my eye. I thought it was something to throw away. So still talking with my husband, I walked in my backyard and I was overwhelmed….a beautiful red rose, a gorgeous white rose and a few baby breaths were there. I felt my husband’s presence and I wept because I couldn’t go to the cemetery but he came to me. As being a singer for weddings, funerals and cantoring in Churches, his favorite hymns were the Ave Maria and O Holy Night. Each time I go to the cemetery I sing these hymns to him and for him. And again there may not be a breath of wind, but when I finish singing these hymns each and every time without fail I feel ever so slightly a breath of wind, which I believe is a kiss from my husband for singing to him his favorite hymns.
Please do me a special favor Elizabeth, each time you see a butterfly believe that it is Bill standing there with you, sending you a sign that he is always with you. But even more beautiful, at Christmas this year and start searching now please, look for a golden butterfly that can have Bill’s name and this year’s Christmas date engraved on it. And each year do this as a tradition, it will bring you great comfort and peace i promise you. When you see it hanging from your Christmas tree, don’t be surprised if the butterfly moves ever so gently by a soft whispering wind coming from a draft in the window, door etc. And even though it may sound crazy, cradle it in your soft hands and give it a gentle kiss and wish Bill a Merry Christmas. It will ease some of your pain.
If you would ever like to talk (and I would love to be friends with you), I read, not always commenting, but if you would/need to talk to me, I’m here for you. When alone with Jesus whisper my name to Him and I will do so in unison for you. My name dear Elizabeth isn’t Lola, its….basically Ann. I go by Lola (laugh out loud Ann),warped sense of humor.
Take care my new found friend, know when I go to bed tonight I will be saying a prayer for you, Bill and your family. Be well, stay well. God bless you
Hello again Lola…
I am deeply sorry for the loss of your husband of three years… I am sure that the three years were
filled with love and laughter… As you have reminded me (and it is true,) please remember the good
times with he and you… Love is forever… Let us both smile and remember…
Thanks again for your compassion..
In friendship, always, Elizabeth W.
Dear Lola…
What can I say of your compassion and thoughtfulness… I am without words to say as I am overwhelmed
with your email… Thank you angel Lola… I appreciate your loving words and will print this out to keep
forever… I am still crying over your kindness and remembering my beloved Bill and think of all the wonderful
times we had together and with family… Thank GOD that I always said I love you every day to him and my
children… I will pray to him as you suggested (I never thought of that.) Alone in the yard I asked for a sign
that he was near and the most beautiful butterfly fluttered near me… Thank you Lola, again and again for
being such an angel friend… GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS…
In loving friendship… Elizabeth W.
I go under a different name on here, but I made an earlier comment under my real name. However, when I read that you were married to your husband of 60 years and lost him last year I thought,my God how blessed you were to have a wonderful man for so long. I was only blessed with my second husband for three years of marriage. I miss him so much and can only imagine how you miss your beloved husband of 60 years. Thank God you had him for so long. Sometimes we find it hard to say “Thy Will Be Done” but God Knows best. Instead of praying for your husband you should pray to him as he indeed was a living saint. And now you are a living saint.” You have your children and I’m so sorry for your loss. I have written this poem to those that have lost loved ones and this I dedicate to you, your family and husband.
“My Beloved Husband”
God made a wonderful husband
One who will never grow old
He made him smile of the sunshine
He molded his heart of pure gold
He made him as near to an angel
As anyone ever could be
God made a wonderful husband
And gave that dear husband to me.
May he now rest in peace, and may you find comfort in some of my thoughts and prayers that are with you tonight. God bless you Elizabeth W. Your loving husband is looking down and smiling down on you and your family not just today but everyday and every night. Remember that.
My husband of 60years of marriage passed away last year… I thought that this was very unfair until I
read of the loss of loved ones by accidents and sudden deaths, some with children to raise alone, then
I realized that GOD took my husband by his hand to go to Heaven with HIM, ending his pain and suffering and
giving him peace… I miss him, but his pain is gone and I have years and years of beautiful happy memories
with him and our children… Forgive me GOD for thinking of myself only… GOD bless all of you who are
suffering and are sad…
Walking with GOD down the avenue of prayer,
we acquire something of His likeness ,
and unconsciously we become
witnesses to others of His beauty and His grace.
LIfe is a gift from God…it is why in the beginning everything was…perfect…
In time… is our contribution and how we choose to preserve the asset God gave to us…
This is indeed beautiful and I enjoyed listening to the beautiful voice which sounded like a voice of an Angel. Thank you for making my day after the loss of my 92 year old aunt whom God had taken her home peacefully.
This is truly beautifully written with heartfelt words we should all live by.
“The Fallen Embers”was perfect also.
God Bless You for sharing your special talent with us all.
This is a beautiful message aand it gives me strength to carry on each day. I noticed a message from a lady by the name of, sybil Hatfield. That was my maiden name. Now it is Anita Pierce. Nice to read her dear remarks, as I am in my Golden Years, beings I am 89 years young at heart, but slightly older in other places. Thes comments for the many nethugs readers, mean a lot to me. Love and GODS Blessings to all of you.
This poem and music was simply beautiful. I get to enjoy a little bit of heaven here on earth everytime you have something from “open my eyes, lord”. Thank you.
For some reason, I can no longer get the poems or videos………I get word that I have your message in my file, but when I open the file, I get the title on top and a blank sheet where the poem or video used to be………I do so miss your enlightening messages.
Very hearty and wise message…
Yes I believe in the New Birth…in the Holy Spirit…because if we do what this touching words teach us…we begin to live here …on Earth …the life from Heaven.
This is a beautiful and ever so touching e-card..
Thank you Jesus for all that you have done in my life,for all
the trials and tribulations that I walked through with you by my side..
I believe in the new birth…and much more…I believe this new life must beginning here…in this life…on Terra.
I cannot thank enouh for the sacrifice of Jesus…for me…for us…
May 10, 2018 @ 10:12 am
God is with us all never give up keep on praying to Creator for he knows all
October 25, 2015 @ 5:53 pm
I am also sorry for your loss. One day you will see him in Heaven and your loving memories will come back to life. Always remember that while still on this earth waiting to see him again, God will not put too much on you that you cannot bare. Hang on to your loving memories until God is ready for you to be with your loving husband again.
I was with my husband for nearly 41 years and he passed away on August 19, 2012. I am still waiting for God to take me to Heaven so my loving memories will live for us again.
I pray we will all meet each other in Heaven to be with God and all our love ones for an eternity. In God’s Promise Land.
Praise God. Bless His Holy Name.
Love To All. Never Give Up. God Loves Us.
God Bless– Mary Hall
December 14, 2012 @ 7:21 pm
My dear friend Elizabeth M. Wright. I was so surprised by your e-mail. I just now opened it, and I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner. I’m glad that I was able to give you words of comfort. I cherish each and every poster on here, whether they are sad, happy, in distress, whatever. Each person has/have problems that are difficult to share at times. But we are very fortunate to be able to share our thoughts on some of these sites such as Net Hugs.Com As I write this, I ask for your divine prayers. On January 3rd, I will be having two knee replacements as I’m in a tremendous amount of pain with bone on bone. You won’t be hearing from me for quite a while, but I ask each of you to pray for me on that day. I’ll be in Riddle Memorial Hospital 1098 W.Baltimore Pike, Media, Pa. 19084 under patient name Ann Hoskins. Since I consider all of you “my family” and circle of friends, I wanted to share this information with you. Usually I’m a strong person, but my health is in a very fragile state right now, and it doesn’t look good. My e-mail address: I won’t be able to speak on the hospital phone as my legs will be elevated and very tender….but my cell will be with me….1-610-329-6469. Many of you have asked me for this information so I’m providiing it to you here. I’ll miss reading Net Hugs. Com,so if you all could save me some interesting antidotes and pass them on it would mean everything to me. But most importantly the prayers that each of you send up to heaven would mean more. If we never have the chance to write or speak again, know that I have/had a special place in my heart for all of you. Not a day goes by when I don’t whisper your names to Our Heavenly Father….when alone with Jesus please whisper my name to Him. Remember I love you all in a special way, please never forget me. Have a Merry Christmas, and a Healthy, Happy New Year. Always remember if you have your health, love and respect from everyone, you are the richest person in the world. Take care dear family and friends. I love you and cherish you.
December 14, 2012 @ 11:55 am
God reaches down, and touches our hearts,
and wipes our tears away, in times of sorrow…..
August 5, 2012 @ 10:18 pm
My dear Elizabeth
Many thanks for responding to my e-mail. Such an unexpected, pleasant surprise. Dear friend Elizabeth, I want to share something with you, as tears are rolling down my eyes now. You mentioned about the butterfly in the garden, you know that was Bill coming to you in another form (I believe that). I believe that he is daily looking down on you and your children, smiling, in peace and with joy for all the loving years spent together. You may miss him dear friend, but, please find the comfort you need to know that he is with you daily. The butterfly in the garden proved that. So I share this with you. I love red and white roses with baby breath. Nothing in my garden grows ever….bad soil. Ever since I moved here. That being said, each day I talk to Warren my beloved husband. So a few months ago, I was talking to him as it was his birthday and I couldn’t get to the cemetery because of my illness. As I sat on the deck something in the distance of my backyard caught my eye. I thought it was something to throw away. So still talking with my husband, I walked in my backyard and I was overwhelmed….a beautiful red rose, a gorgeous white rose and a few baby breaths were there. I felt my husband’s presence and I wept because I couldn’t go to the cemetery but he came to me. As being a singer for weddings, funerals and cantoring in Churches, his favorite hymns were the Ave Maria and O Holy Night. Each time I go to the cemetery I sing these hymns to him and for him. And again there may not be a breath of wind, but when I finish singing these hymns each and every time without fail I feel ever so slightly a breath of wind, which I believe is a kiss from my husband for singing to him his favorite hymns.
Please do me a special favor Elizabeth, each time you see a butterfly believe that it is Bill standing there with you, sending you a sign that he is always with you. But even more beautiful, at Christmas this year and start searching now please, look for a golden butterfly that can have Bill’s name and this year’s Christmas date engraved on it. And each year do this as a tradition, it will bring you great comfort and peace i promise you. When you see it hanging from your Christmas tree, don’t be surprised if the butterfly moves ever so gently by a soft whispering wind coming from a draft in the window, door etc. And even though it may sound crazy, cradle it in your soft hands and give it a gentle kiss and wish Bill a Merry Christmas. It will ease some of your pain.
If you would ever like to talk (and I would love to be friends with you), I read, not always commenting, but if you would/need to talk to me, I’m here for you. When alone with Jesus whisper my name to Him and I will do so in unison for you. My name dear Elizabeth isn’t Lola, its….basically Ann. I go by Lola (laugh out loud Ann),warped sense of humor.
Take care my new found friend, know when I go to bed tonight I will be saying a prayer for you, Bill and your family. Be well, stay well. God bless you
August 5, 2012 @ 8:50 pm
Hello again Lola…
I am deeply sorry for the loss of your husband of three years… I am sure that the three years were
filled with love and laughter… As you have reminded me (and it is true,) please remember the good
times with he and you… Love is forever… Let us both smile and remember…
Thanks again for your compassion..
In friendship, always, Elizabeth W.
August 5, 2012 @ 7:43 pm
Dear Lola…
What can I say of your compassion and thoughtfulness… I am without words to say as I am overwhelmed
with your email… Thank you angel Lola… I appreciate your loving words and will print this out to keep
forever… I am still crying over your kindness and remembering my beloved Bill and think of all the wonderful
times we had together and with family… Thank GOD that I always said I love you every day to him and my
children… I will pray to him as you suggested (I never thought of that.) Alone in the yard I asked for a sign
that he was near and the most beautiful butterfly fluttered near me… Thank you Lola, again and again for
being such an angel friend… GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS…
In loving friendship… Elizabeth W.
August 5, 2012 @ 7:24 pm
Dear Elizabeth:
I go under a different name on here, but I made an earlier comment under my real name. However, when I read that you were married to your husband of 60 years and lost him last year I thought,my God how blessed you were to have a wonderful man for so long. I was only blessed with my second husband for three years of marriage. I miss him so much and can only imagine how you miss your beloved husband of 60 years. Thank God you had him for so long. Sometimes we find it hard to say “Thy Will Be Done” but God Knows best. Instead of praying for your husband you should pray to him as he indeed was a living saint. And now you are a living saint.” You have your children and I’m so sorry for your loss. I have written this poem to those that have lost loved ones and this I dedicate to you, your family and husband.
“My Beloved Husband”
God made a wonderful husband
One who will never grow old
He made him smile of the sunshine
He molded his heart of pure gold
He made him as near to an angel
As anyone ever could be
God made a wonderful husband
And gave that dear husband to me.
May he now rest in peace, and may you find comfort in some of my thoughts and prayers that are with you tonight. God bless you Elizabeth W. Your loving husband is looking down and smiling down on you and your family not just today but everyday and every night. Remember that.
August 5, 2012 @ 2:21 pm
My husband of 60years of marriage passed away last year… I thought that this was very unfair until I
read of the loss of loved ones by accidents and sudden deaths, some with children to raise alone, then
I realized that GOD took my husband by his hand to go to Heaven with HIM, ending his pain and suffering and
giving him peace… I miss him, but his pain is gone and I have years and years of beautiful happy memories
with him and our children… Forgive me GOD for thinking of myself only… GOD bless all of you who are
suffering and are sad…
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
March 6, 2012 @ 11:25 pm
Very inspiring!
March 6, 2012 @ 7:12 am
Walking with GOD down the avenue of prayer,
we acquire something of His likeness ,
and unconsciously we become
witnesses to others of His beauty and His grace.
March 6, 2012 @ 5:43 am
LIfe is a gift from God…it is why in the beginning everything was…perfect…
In time… is our contribution and how we choose to preserve the asset God gave to us…
October 17, 2011 @ 4:29 pm
This is indeed beautiful and I enjoyed listening to the beautiful voice which sounded like a voice of an Angel. Thank you for making my day after the loss of my 92 year old aunt whom God had taken her home peacefully.
October 17, 2011 @ 4:27 pm
October 17, 2011 @ 9:47 am
What a wonderful way to start the day…words loving and true and music to thrill our soul. T h anks for sharing. God bless you.
October 17, 2011 @ 9:47 am
this is so beautiful
October 17, 2011 @ 8:27 am
This was truly a beautiful way to start the day after just getting home from work and the song was beautiful as well.
October 16, 2011 @ 3:10 pm
The Way Life Is
This is truly beautifully written with heartfelt words we should all live by.
“The Fallen Embers”was perfect also.
God Bless You for sharing your special talent with us all.
October 16, 2011 @ 1:56 pm
This was just too beautiful not to forward to my many friends that need an uplift and a reminder that God is always with us.
October 16, 2011 @ 12:56 pm
Thank you for encouragement from His Word, and a reminder of the Savior we have. I sorely needed this today.
October 16, 2011 @ 12:54 pm
I thank God…because His love is always true!
And I thank you, my friend, for remembering me!
July 1, 2011 @ 5:09 pm
great – take care – god bless you
July 1, 2011 @ 4:14 pm
This is a beautiful message aand it gives me strength to carry on each day. I noticed a message from a lady by the name of, sybil Hatfield. That was my maiden name. Now it is Anita Pierce. Nice to read her dear remarks, as I am in my Golden Years, beings I am 89 years young at heart, but slightly older in other places. Thes comments for the many nethugs readers, mean a lot to me. Love and GODS Blessings to all of you.
July 1, 2011 @ 1:11 pm
This poem and music was simply beautiful. I get to enjoy a little bit of heaven here on earth everytime you have something from “open my eyes, lord”. Thank you.
April 12, 2011 @ 12:39 am
April 5, 2011 @ 1:23 pm
Hi Lynne. Make sure you have downloaded the Flash plugin here:
April 4, 2011 @ 8:18 pm
For some reason, I can no longer get the poems or videos………I get word that I have your message in my file, but when I open the file, I get the title on top and a blank sheet where the poem or video used to be………I do so miss your enlightening messages.
April 1, 2011 @ 12:34 pm
sssssssssssoooooooooooooo nice and heartfull
April 1, 2011 @ 4:10 am
Very hearty and wise message…
Yes I believe in the New Birth…in the Holy Spirit…because if we do what this touching words teach us…we begin to live here …on Earth …the life from Heaven.
March 30, 2011 @ 11:23 am
This is a beautiful and ever so touching e-card..
Thank you Jesus for all that you have done in my life,for all
the trials and tribulations that I walked through with you by my side..
March 29, 2011 @ 2:15 pm
thanks ….its an very good meditaion to find peace….god bless you to ..hppy easter
March 29, 2011 @ 1:20 pm
I believe in the new birth…and much more…I believe this new life must beginning here…in this life…on Terra.
I cannot thank enouh for the sacrifice of Jesus…for me…for us…