There are Angels
There are angels in the Heavens.
There are angels on the ground.
There are angels all around you,
Just waiting to be found.
So when you are feeling lonely
Or just a little blue,
Open your eyes to see the angels.
They are there, waiting for you.
Don’t forget about these angels
During all of your good times too,
For they like to share your happiness
And the joys, that come to you.
They will wrap their wings around you,
To protect and guide you through
All the sad and tragic moments
That this life can throw at you.
They are sent to you from Heaven
From the Almighty Father above.
So remember to look for the angels.
They’ll show you that God is Love.
Written By: © Dorothy Carol Kemp
Music © Author Unknown
October 21, 2012 @ 2:55 pm
i am Iranian
my name is fereshteh which means i am a angel in persian language
October 5, 2012 @ 2:35 am
I feel every angel in my company and they are for guiding and helping me to go forward…
November 30, 2011 @ 6:40 pm
There is a new angel in my life. I feel his presence around me and know that I’m looked after and cared for. My angel died a couple of months ago and has made his presence known to me almost every day. This is my first dear friend who has honored me with his presence after death. I’ve believed in angels for many years and have welcomed them into my life. It’s such a comfort to know that there are spirits & angels to show me that I’m loved while I’m still living and again be there for me after I die. Many years ago, there was an angel looking out for me who was always there to help me out of a bad situation. Unfortunately, I don’t know who that angel was. Since then I’ve been visited by the spirits of family members and couple of my beautiful cats and an elderly woman who sold her house to my husband and me! The woman who sold us her house, was a playful ghost. She would make her visitations when the children and I were enjoying a fun evening together. Another playful spirit was my father who enjoyed playing practical jokes on my mother and me after he died. I’ve enjoyed my friendly ghosts and spirits! My children became aware of ghosts and spirits in the home after the woman, whose house we bought, died. At first, they were afraid until I let them know that our ghost was a friendly, playful spirit.
November 30, 2011 @ 2:15 pm
Yes this is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.
August 7, 2011 @ 3:44 pm
What a beautiful poem about angels. Life would be truly sad without the angels to comfort us and bring us happiness. I need to share this experience my brother-in-law had during a very bad time in the hospital after surgery and he felt that he was going to die. An angel appeared at the side of his bed and said have no fear, as GOD and HIS angels are watching over you. This was truly a great bleesing for all of the family and will continue to praise GOD forever.
July 4, 2011 @ 1:22 am
Where would we be wiithout our angels to comfort us and keep us in our hour of need. They are always
there when needed
May 12, 2011 @ 6:23 pm
I would love to have some pastel stationery to write letters to my friends. Thank You
Can you send me some? Thank You. GERRY AXVIG
February 24, 2011 @ 3:51 am
I believe in Angels. Especially the Archangel Gabriel who brings good news and who stands before God’s altar offering our prayers , the Archangel Michael who gives strength and protection, the Archangel Raphael who gives healing and the Archangel Uriel who gives light. The angels reveal the presence of God in our lives. May they ever protect us all.
January 24, 2011 @ 12:01 pm
I LOVE ANGELS I have them all around my HOUSE & in my BACK YARD. Sometimes I can feel their PRSENCE around me specially when I feel down about myself. Now that my MOM is up in HEAVEN she will always be my BEAUTIFUL Angels for ever & ever. And I do MISS U very much my Beautiful Angel MOM
January 16, 2011 @ 5:49 pm
Staying here at home alone I felt the need to have protection! Apart from praying to our God for this, I thought of hanging angels around the house…so, I found a way to use the little golden angels that I used to decorate on my Christmas tree and placed them on two separate frames and have hanged on the wall, one in my bedroom and the other in the 2nd floor of my house.Every time since then,,,I know that my angels are a blessing and providing security/protection to me!…God indeed is so good to me with His angels looking after me all the time.halleluiah!
January 15, 2011 @ 11:18 am
I know Angels are real. i lost my son in 1996 at 37. and my husband in 200.i know my angels are with me.i know God said he would never leave me or for sake me.some one seen my angels be side of my bed one night. I am very lost and lonely with out them.i thank God for this site. it help. me .In memory of my loveing son Robert and my husband Murrel
January 2, 2011 @ 8:53 am
i JUST LOVE THAT FEEDBACK you let me see…why did you keep it…thnere are people who love to get people in trouble..i ONLY believe in angels who help me …angels are very loving and wont hurt anyone..those are good angels and then there are the bad one..who will attact you..the bad ones will any thing to destroy you…and then are the good ones who want no harm to come to you..and that believe in you…i think he needs more than a angel…he can be nice went wants too be..and then he rips you apart…like doing something so stuped on a comment i i must of said ..that long ago..see what i mean. this how he starts the new years off..with a put down..and then i get stories on to keep a man…if this keeps up i wont have very about it..
December 10, 2010 @ 3:55 pm
Thank you for this web site . I have just lost the love of my life from a heart atack and I am very lost and lonely with out him . I came across this site and I believe God allowed me to find this sits to help heal my broken heart. I believe in Angels and believe in Gods word that he will never leave me or for sake me. So all Gods blessings please finde there way to you also God bless and we all have angels that have been in charge of watching over us. In memory of my loveing husband Rob. 2010
October 19, 2010 @ 11:08 am
yes i know that Angels are real,they are here to Guide us.
October 17, 2010 @ 11:20 am
Yes, There are Angel. I saw mine when I was 10. He was tall and had on a long white robe, tied at the waist. He was standing over my bed when I woke up. I said I am ready , if you are here to take me. And at that moment he disappeared and all I saw was the curtains moving in the wind. Everyone said it was a dream, but I know it was my Angel because He SMILED at me just before he left. Signed I BELIEVE
October 16, 2010 @ 10:03 pm
Thank you for the wonderful message. We nurtured our dreams here online, and God has join us spiritually as one together forever. We walketh hand in hand on the Golden Road of our Love together, as God leadth you and me. I anxiously waiting for our dreams to be fulfilled someday. Spiritually hugs and I pick you up in my arms and kiss you…I love you!
October 16, 2010 @ 9:13 pm
And He will give His angels charge over us..that’s a promise from God..
October 16, 2010 @ 8:15 am
Los angeles no tienen sexo (lo aclaro porque alguien dice que pueden ser mujeres o hombres y peor aun animales) los angeles estan al servicio de DIOS y los envia a nosotros para que nos resguraden y cuiden que nuetros pie no tropiece, ellos sirven a DIOS y nos protejen pero no son mensajeros de nosotros ellos no llevan nuestras oraciones a DIOS, nuestras oraciones llegan directamente a DIOS por medio de nuestro senor Jesus y no hay otro intecesor entre DIOS y el hombre mas que CRISTO.
Salmo 91:11 Pues a sus angles mandara acerca de ti.
Que te guarden en todos tus caminos.
En las manos te llevaran, para que tu pie no tropiece en la piedra.
Ayuda a quienes tienen necesidad no endurascas tu corazon pensando que tienes mucho o que tu profecion te a dado lo que tienes, es tiempo de ayudarnos unos a otros, pues la ley de oro es Leviticos 19:18 Santiag 2:8 Mateo 5:43 Marcos 12:31 Lucas 10:27 AMARAS A TU PROJIMO COMO A TI MISMO el invierno viene regala chamarras y suter a quienes necesiten cobijas y cobertores a los pobres, si alguien tiene necesidades y en tu mano esta ayudar no te detengas haslo, porque esto es agradable a DIOS.
Dios los bendiga y guarde de todo mal.
October 16, 2010 @ 6:09 am
My experience of an Angel:
It was a hot and sultry July Sunday 27th, 2008, afternoon 2.30pm. After attending the Sunday morning 11.00am Mass at the Basilica of St Anthony of Padua, checked out my hotel. It was the first leg of my solitary pilgrimage. I had a reservation for the 4pm train to Bologna. I went to the taxi stand with my one trolley bag and tried to find a taxi. I could not find a single taxi. The other alternative was to get a tram bus to the train station. For which I had to buy a ticket at any of the tobacco shops. (That is the procedure to get a bus ticket in Italy) But for my surprise all the tobacco shops & other shops were closed. I did not know what to do. Also I did not know to communicate with anyone in Italian. I just kept full faith in GOD; and walked to the bus stop. Add to my misery there was not a single person at the stop. I did not give up my hope.
After a while a young teenage girl just came to the stop with her trolley bag. I gathered all my courage and asked her, “Excuse me, do you speak English?” She replied me, “Certainly”. I just thanked God. Now my first step was successful. Then I asked her, “Is it possible for me to buy a ticket in the bus?” She answered, “No. They are only available in the tobacco shops.” I said, “I could not find a single tobacco shop was open.” She replied, “Today being a Sunday & also it is a very hot day. May be they are closed for the noon.” I said, “So how can I board the bus without a ticket? And I have to board the 4pm train to Bologna.” She asked me, “So you do not have a ticket for the bus?” I said, “Yes” She replied, “Do not worry, I have a book of tickets, I will punch one for you.” I was so happy, that I was out of this world. I asked her, “How much should I pay for you?” She said, “You need not pay me anything.” I felt very guilty and said to her, “No you must be a student, I should not deprive you.” She said, “Yes. I am a university student. But you do not have to pay me.” And she did not accept money from me. As this conversation got over, the bus arrived. We both boarded the bus and she punched a ticket for me too. As we reached the train station, we both got down. She started to escort me to the station. She asked me, “Please show me your ticket.” I showed my boarding pass. She went to the display board and found out on which platform I should wait. Then she led me to that platform and asked me to stay there and she left me. I was spell bound and said for myself, “This one is a real Angel sent by GOD.” Then I thanked GOD for all HIS GOOD. I had only heard and read that there are Earth Angels but this was my true experience of an Earth Angel. When I came back from my Solitary Pilgrimage I was very happy to tell everyone about my experience.
October 16, 2010 @ 6:03 am
YES!!! I do believe in Angels from my childhood. My belief got stronger when I really encountered one in Padova, Italy. I was stranded for transport and no cab was available and no ticket counters were open for the public transport. A young angel who was an university student spoke to me in English, offered me a bus ticket and lead me to the train station till the platform from where I had to go to Bologna and just disappeared. This happen to me on Sunday 27th July, 2008 at 2.30pm. She was a real Angel who helped me an unknown stranger from a different country. God Bless Her.
October 15, 2010 @ 5:40 pm
October 15, 2010 @ 4:27 pm
My Love For You Is every Breath That I Drawn Into MyBody That Reaches The very Dept of my Heart that Gives me life ,that rushes thru my very soul , Altough Im not there physially I dream of a time that I will be .Then I will look into your beautiful eyes and hold you as you wisper In my ear ” I Love You,, !!I
October 15, 2010 @ 4:14 pm
Love All the Poems Sent to Me. Angel Ones are a Special Favorite of Mine. God Bless. And HowEver I Miraculously Receive These is an Especial Blessing to Me.
2 Samuel 7:22 – “How great you are, O Sovereign LORD! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears.”
October 15, 2010 @ 1:51 pm
Angels also protect you from good things ,too. That is my experence
October 15, 2010 @ 12:42 pm
Spiritually and physically you are my Angel. I want you to look into my eyes and see the impact you have on me. My love for you, is every breath I breathe, forever always. God has blessed you and me, with a gift to love and beloved forever. I wish you were here physically, to hold hug you and pick you up in my arms. Close your eyes and hear my voice gently whisper into your ear, “I love you…”
October 15, 2010 @ 9:30 am
Yes, I have always known this even as a child… Angels can be female, male, a dog, cat, fish, etc, all creatures
great and small, you just never know when one or more will help you. Thank GOD for angels…Thank you
angels… May you who are reading this have your angels always beside you…
Blessings… Elizabeth W.