Three Wishes
If I could have three wishes
And wishes did come true,
I would wish for blessings,
To always follow you.
I would wish for laughter
To fill your heart and home
And memories surround you
Whenever you’re alone.
Then I’d wish you patience,
to forgive what might go wrong
I’d wish for love and peace and joy
To follow all day long.
I’d wish for you good health,
Friends and family galore
And when you have it all
I’d even wish you more….
I’d wish for prayers,
To give back unto myself,
As long as you are happy.
I’d wish for nothing else.
If I could have my wishes,
And if wishes did come true,
I’d wish for years of happiness,
And I’d give them all to you.
For just to see contentment,
On your face and know you’re fine,
Would truly satisfy me
And bring joy to this heart of mine.
© Author Unknown
Music: ‘You and Me’ © Yuko Ohigashi
May 11, 2011 @ 9:21 am
Thankyou for your blessings. God said what ever you give in my name, I will give you back ten times more. Whether it be friends or something you own, through tithing, or help the poor. The greatest gift that Jesus left us was the gift of love. I wish ten times the amount of love to be bestowed upon your heart, that will lift you above the clouds, bringing you to a place we call heaven. With Jesus as our lead we shall succeed.
In Christ for evermore; Lyle
May 11, 2011 @ 3:50 am
Here is my wish for you. as we celebrate today. Yes we are not together, we are separated miles away but no one will stop me wishing you all the Blessings in this world, Yet we are small people but being small doesn’t mean we are tiny. he he he lol… but we are the salt of this world, willing to give in and willing to give out what our God has to offer. Yes, the sacrifices is there, but out of those sacrifices is the fruit of satisfaction in the end, Satisfaction that makes us stand up of the crowd and saying YES we did what our God told us what to follow, We are not a perfect person but we are trying what is just right. WE failed most of the times but God is still there supporting us. Let this relationship be blessed by our almighty God in heaven. Cheers with a big smile.
In Christ Love forever more, Lei
April 29, 2011 @ 6:47 pm
I sent this to my son as it exxpresses in words like my own, what I pray for him everyday. His response was very emotional as he knows me well enough to realize that, yes, this sounds like Mom. I would like to thank the author for putting my feelings and thoughts into words that I, too, would use, if only I were a poet. Thank you.
August 1, 2009 @ 8:39 am
beautiful card..touching lines… I going to send it to my friend G.w.Bsh : )
August 1, 2009 @ 4:23 am
I just want to let you know What a Blessing you are !
May 21, 2009 @ 12:31 pm
It’s such a beautiful and a inspirational creation.Thank you and May God bless your ability of creation as with such uniqueness and perfection may your blessings be bountiful as this put a smile on the person who ever we are sending it to.Made me choose it as the flowers add such calmness and Serenity to ones mind.
Thank you once again
May 2, 2009 @ 12:16 pm
Throught the years i will walk with you,in deep green forests n shores of sand,…..n wen our time on earth is through in heaven too u will have my hand
May 2, 2009 @ 6:17 am
May your eyes be kept on these flowers to always remind you about our friendship. It is real until……………
May 1, 2009 @ 9:50 pm
May 1, 2009 @ 6:27 pm
Thanks Joan. I love all your cards. You have a very tender heart that touches all our lives and I’m so glad that I’ve met you. You are truly a special person.
May 1, 2009 @ 2:34 pm
True wishes for my friend.