Lois I willkeep a prayer in my heart for you . I feel that you have found peace in your heart and will be with OUR HEAVENLY FATHER in eternity. I am 94 years of age and I know what it means to have aches and pains, but I feel comforted because of OUR SAVIOR’S GREAT LOVE. May GODS Angels continue to watch over you forever, is my prayer.
This message is another one that I need to hear and to pray. I have numerous chronic health problems for which I am told they can’t do anymore to help me but I am thankful that I know and believe that when the time is right God will grant healing to me. Thank you for all these beautiful inspirational messages that the entire world needs to hear and see. I look forward everyday to go to NetHugs to play the inspirational messages.
Dear Chee Chee I feel that all of us have gone through many trials. Your message is very uplifting and I thank you over and over for taking GODs gift to you and sharing with all of us. If it wasn’t for OUR SAVIOR’S deep Love for all of us, we would certainly never grow spiritually.
This beautiful prayer fits my need today as again I face pain. My hand surgery is beginning to heal and I praise the Lord for lessened pain with hope of healing soon. God bless you Chee for sharing your heart in the past and hopefully again soon. I pray for healing for you. Love, Jane
May 15, 2016 @ 10:31 am
Lois I willkeep a prayer in my heart for you . I feel that you have found peace in your heart and will be with OUR HEAVENLY FATHER in eternity. I am 94 years of age and I know what it means to have aches and pains, but I feel comforted because of OUR SAVIOR’S GREAT LOVE. May GODS Angels continue to watch over you forever, is my prayer.
May 14, 2016 @ 11:48 pm
This message is another one that I need to hear and to pray. I have numerous chronic health problems for which I am told they can’t do anymore to help me but I am thankful that I know and believe that when the time is right God will grant healing to me. Thank you for all these beautiful inspirational messages that the entire world needs to hear and see. I look forward everyday to go to NetHugs to play the inspirational messages.
May 30, 2014 @ 4:01 pm
Dear Chee Chee I feel that all of us have gone through many trials. Your message is very uplifting and I thank you over and over for taking GODs gift to you and sharing with all of us. If it wasn’t for OUR SAVIOR’S deep Love for all of us, we would certainly never grow spiritually.
August 22, 2013 @ 11:35 am
This beautiful prayer fits my need today as again I face pain. My hand surgery is beginning to heal and I praise the Lord for lessened pain with hope of healing soon. God bless you Chee for sharing your heart in the past and hopefully again soon. I pray for healing for you. Love, Jane