Trusting God
Put your trust in God. What did you think? Please tell us in the comment section below and remember to sign up for our free newsletter.
Put your trust in God. What did you think? Please tell us in the comment section below and remember to sign up for our free newsletter.
January 17, 2016 @ 6:28 pm
How true, how true… GOD IS LISTENING, ALWAYS… and is ready to help and guide us…
March 29, 2014 @ 1:05 pm
TRUST GOD… this is so true…recently two members of my family were at odds over “something” and I
had to keep my mouth shut and then I gave it all to GOD in whom I trust… These words sort of jumped
out of an article that I was reading, it said “GOD KNOWS” and I immediately felt loved, comforted and
knew that GOD is watching over me (and others.) GOD BLESS…
August 9, 2013 @ 7:13 am
Great to read this morning! sometimes I worry about too many things not realizing I just have to trust God if I truly beleive……
January 26, 2013 @ 11:57 am
We win by tenderness. We conquer by forgiveness. Frederick William Robertson
January 23, 2013 @ 11:09 pm
Story told by a man which is most frightening yet thought-provoking experience of his life.
He had been on a long flight.. The first warning of the approaching problems came when the sign on the airplane flashed on:
“Fasten your seat belts.”
Then, after a while, a calm voice said, “We shall not be serving the beverages at this time as we are expecting a little turbulence. Please be sure your seat belt is fastened..”
As he looked around the aircraft, it became obvious that many of the passengers were becoming apprehensive. Later, the voice of the announcer said, “We are so sorry that we are unable to serve the meal at this time..
The turbulence is still ahead of us.”
And then the storm broke. The ominous cracks of thunder could be heard even above the roar of the engines. Lightening lit up the darkening skies, and within moments that great plane was like a cork tossed around on a celestial ocean. One moment the airplane was lifted on terrific currents of air; the next, it dropped as if it were about to crash.
The man confessed that he shared the discomfort and fear of those around him. He said, “As I looked around the plane, I could see that nearly all the passengers were upset and alarmed. Some were praying.
The future seemed ominous and many were wondering if they would make it through the storm. And then, I suddenly saw a girl to whom the storm meant nothing. She had tucked her feet beneath her as she sat on her seat and was reading a book.
Everything within her small world was calm and orderly. Sometimes she closed her eyes, then she would read again; then she would straighten her legs, but worry and fear were not in her world. When the plane was being buffeted by the terrible storm, when it lurched this way and that, as it rose and fell with frightening severity, when all the adults were scared half to death, that marvelous child was completely composed and unafraid.”
The man could hardly believe his eyes. It was not surprising therefore, that when the plane finally reached its destination and all the passengers were hurrying to disembark, he lingered to speak to the girl whom he had watched for such a long time.
Having commented about the storm and behavior of the plane, he asked why she had not been afraid.
The sweet child replied,
“Sir, my Dad is the pilot, And HE is taking me Home.”
January 23, 2013 @ 10:50 am
A man just got married and was returning home with his wife. They were crossing a lake in a boat, when suddenly a great storm arose. The man was a warrior, but the woman became very much afraid because it seemed almost hopeless:The boat was small and the storm was really huge, and any moment they were going to be drowned. But the man sat silently, calm and quiet, as if nothing was happening.
The woman was trembling and she said, “Are you not afraid ?”. This may be our last moment of life! It doesn’t seem that we will be able to reach the other shore. Only some miracle can save us; otherwise death is certain. Are you not afraid? Are you mad or something? Are you a stone or something?The man laughed and took the sword out of its sheath. The woman was even more puzzled: What he was doing? Then he brought the naked sword close to the woman’s neck, so close that just a small gap was there, it was almost touching her neck.He said,” Are you afraid ?”She started to laugh and said,” Why should I be afraid ?,If the sword is in your hands, why I should be afraid? I know you love me.” He put the sword back and said, This is my answer”. I know God Loves me, and the storm is in His handsSO WHATSOEVER IS GOING TO HAPPEN IS GOING TO BE GOOD. If we survive, good; if we don’t survive, good ,because everything is in His hands and He cannot do anything wrong.
August 6, 2012 @ 9:48 am
Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived:
Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge and all of the others including Love.
However, one day it was announced to the couples that the
island would sink, so all the feelings prepared their boats and left.
Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to stay
until the island started sinking.
When Love was almost sinking, he decided to ask help.
Richness was passing by Love in a beautiful boat. Love said “Richness,
can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No. I can’t.
There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.”
Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by, “Vanity, please help me!”
“I cant help you Love. You are all wet and can
probably damage my boat,” Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, “Sadness, let me go with you.”
“Oh .. Love, I am so sad that I prefer to go alone!”
Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that
she did not listen when Love called her!
Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come Love, I will take you.”
It was an elderly. Love became very happy that
he even forgot to ask the name of the elderly.
When they arrived to the other side, Love asked Knowledge
who was the elderly. “It was Time.” “Time? But why did Time help me?”
“Because only Time is capable of understanding such a great Love.”
August 6, 2012 @ 2:06 am
I find it very hard to trust any more. I worry more about my grandchildren than anything else. I worry I may never see them again, and my health is poor. The worries are weighing me down more and more every day. Seems God is not listening any more.
July 25, 2012 @ 2:58 pm
This email is so true… I know it… I know it… but (sigh) sometimes I worry over such silly things…
And when I truly trust GOD and let it go to Him… I am at true peace..
Years ago it came into my mind when I could not sleep… these words… Relax, Quiet, Peace…
I use these very often, laying my head on my pillow and relaxing…
I am 82 years old and am still learning to trust GOD (whom I love.) Sorry GOD, I guess I am a slow
learner… (sigh).